
11 b. Resumed proving on July 1st. On 4th considerable soreness of throat; at base of each pillar of fauces there is visible a large aphtha surrounded by redness; pharynx also is reddened. This sore throat lasted 4-5 d. On 8th, last d. of proving, there appeared on his chest an eruption which made him “suffer horribly.” It commenced there with little red pimples obliging scratching even to blood; next day they appeared also on arms and back. From 10th-12th, though discrete, they covered trunk and upper extremities. On n. of 13th itching was so great that scratching gave insufficient relief, and pure vinegar had to be applied. After this eruption gradually disappeared. (Ibid.)

12. Two others among Dr. Imbert-Gourbeyre’s students proved 4th trit. One experienced no effect; the other only coryza and stiff neck. (Ibid.)

13 a. I began with the 30th dec. attenuation, putting 20 drops into glass of water, of which mixture I took a tablespoonful 4 times a d. On 2nd d. I observed (not having an unsound spot in me) nothing but an unusual thirst, which I attributed to exertion in warm weather. But, at close of 3rd d., the sensation of heat in mouth rose to such a pitch that I was obliged to drink water the whole evening, uninterruptedly, without being able in the least to allay the thirst. It disturbed my sleep at n., and was present undiminished next m., so that I discontinued proving, in spite of which it did not disappear till after 2 d. more.

13 b. After 8 weeks I proved 10th dec. in same manner. On 2nd d. I felt weary and averse to all bodily effort. Weariness increased; on 3rd n. there was little sleep, on 4th none. On following d. the thirst previously experienced began again, and I discontinued the experiment.

13 c. After 12 weeks took 3x dil. in same manner. On very Ist day rumbling in bowels, with, on 2nd d., severe pains there, diarrhea, and inclination to vomit; so that I again closed the proving.

In a later proving same symptoms were experienced from each dilution. (GRAUVOGL, Textbook of Homoeopathy, SS 222.)

14. Dr. SHERWEN took 1/16 of arsenical tartar [ Made by “boiling solution of white arsenic with crystals of tartar, and evaporating till new product crystallizes.” internally. It caused some uneasy sensations in esophagus, not unlike heartburn, and was very powerfully diuretic. (Mem. of Medorrhinum Soc. of London, ii, 394.)

15. Health good; pulse 65, regular. Took 1 p.m. 2 gr. 2x trit. of ars. alb. dry on tongue. Immediately persistent nausea, followed by pricking pain over right eye. 1.6, neuralgic pain from right shoulder to fingers with numbness, burning in pharynx. 1:10, nausea returns, with cold sweat on forehead after exercise. 1:30, sneezing and watery nose; very tired without cause; dull headache. 2, thirst; drinking causes nausea; headache continued. 2:10, called to urinate more freely than usual. 3, sinking at stomach; cold feet; languor; and sleepiness. 3:15, waked with neuralgic pains in left temple; restless and apprehensive; epigastrium tender to touch; slight dyspnoea when walking. 3:45, pinching in bowels as if diarrhoea would occur; passed urine. 4:15, heated and flushed; pulse 90, temp. 99.2; thirst increased. 5:30 face and hands swollen and itching; rubbing causes them to itch and burn; quite restless. 6, urgent stool, copious and loose, with tenesmus; after stool exhaustion; pulse 86. 6:30, no appetite; considerable thirst; eating causes pain in stomach. During evening pain and soreness in abdomen, with despondency and languor. Heavy sleep at night; waked with seminal emission (no dream) towards m. 2nd d. Called to stool before breakfast; no appetite for food; felt discouraged and weak; face pale; after eating felt better. 10 a.m., copious watery stool, with relief; felt well as usual until 3 p.m., having eaten heartily at 11 (unusual). 3, feverish heat, thirst, restlessness, and headache, with occasional sneezing as from acute catarrh; pulse 96. 6:30, ravenous appetite, followed by dyspeptic uneasiness and asthmatic breathing during evening 8, copious urine; soon after loose stool with sweat and exhaustion; was wakeful and restless until 1 a.m. 3rd d. Hearty appetite; no stool all day; headache at 11 a.m. 3 p.m. slight fever and depression of spirits until evening; offensive foot-sweat on retiring. (A. W. WOODWARD, M. D., MS. Communication.)

16. Health good, pulse 72, regular, took, at 12:15 p.m., 5 grs. ars. alb. 2x trit in 3j water. 12:20, slight burning in stomach with eructation. 12:30, perspiration after slight exercise. 12:40, flatulence after eating (unusual); pricking pain in right hip. 1:20, call to stool (unusual h.) without relief; dull ache in left ulnar nerve; itching of right knee; eructation. 1.32, prickling and tingling in various parts, especially in eyes, with lachrymation; occasional shooting pain in occiput. 1:40, repeated eructations; prickling of skin very annoying. 1:50, above symptoms continue, causing restlessness and headache; pulse 76. 2:10 p.m., feel tired and sleepy. 3 p.m., pulse 80; dull occipital headache, with confusion of mind; colicky pains in abdomen, and offensive flatus. 3:30, called to stool, loose but difficult; prickling in rectum; headache continues, aggravated in warm room. 6, good appetite; after eating, prickling of skin return, with restlessness, oppression of chest and desire for fresh air. 6:45, stinging and itching deep in rectum; thirst. 10, pulsating pain in head of left tibia; ache in right clavicle; itching and prickling continues; uneasy sleep; amorous dreams with emissions without erection; called to urinate at 5 a.m. (unusual), scanty and hot; on returning to bed prickling of skin returned, followed by sharp griping in bowels for a short time. Slept until 7; wakened with numbness of fourth and fifth fingers of left hand; eyes agglutinated (very unusual). 2nd d. Urine scant; dull drawing pains in limbs, relieved by exercise; good appetite for breakfast; dull headache at intervals all day (A. H. WEBSTER, Student in Chicago Homeopathic College; reported by Dr. Woodward.)

17. May 25th, being in good health, I proved the arseniate of soda, taking of the 6th trit. as much as would cover the point of a penknife, 3 times a d. Until the 30th I felt nothing: on that m., headache in forehead and both temples; in evening, from 7 to 11, lumbar pains extending all over back, especially between shoulders and even down arms. Next m. the pains were a little easier; but 1/2 h. after Ist dose they reappeared. After 2nd dose, at noon, they became so severe that I could not go out the whole evening, and from sense of fatigue and malaise could take no dinner. In spite of this, before going to bed I took another dose. I had two nose-bleedings, sense of weight over eyes and pretty severe sore throat. After lying down, I had pain in groins for 1/2 h. I was wakeful all the n., and in addition I, who had never known what itching was, was obliged, frequently to scratch my back, stomach, and arms. Being sufficiently convinced of the power of infinitesimal doses of A., I left it off from this point; and the pains subsided almost suddenly. (FREDET, in Etudes ds q. s. P Arsenic, p. 78.)

18. Provings of arseniate of soda by the Hom. Mat. Medorrhinum Club of Allegheny Country, Pa. A 0/ was made by dissolving 10 grs. in 3j of distilled water, and from this dilutions were made on the decimal scale. Each prover took from 5 to 15 drops 3 times daily on an empty stomach.

J. H. BUFFUM, M. D.- a. While taking 30th, on 3rd d. tongue felt dry, as if burned; liquids did not remove sensation. On 4th d., eyes burned, with slight lachrymation; conjunctiva injected; vision indistinct; frequent wiping of eyes for relief. On 5th d. frequent paroxysms of sneezing, and fluent coryza in e. On 8th day, restless tossing about for 1 h. after retiring at n., and on 10th n. sleep again disturbed; restlessness also on 9th d., with feeling as if something was impending which compelled moving about; languid feeling throughout 11th d. On 9th day, slight burning at anus, with (in e.) constant tenesmus, no stool; a soft stool on 10th followed by slight burning at anus; same, but less in degree, on 11th. On 11th d. a boil appeared at outer left hamstring; eyes were painful in m. and vessels injected; concentrated effort, needed for distinct vision. Next d. vision was poor for distance, and remained so for a considerable time. On 12th d., stomach was sour and food did not digest; digestive powers remained weak up to 15th d. (Trans. of Penns State Hom Soc., ii, 186.)

19 a. MILLIE J. CHAPMAN, M. D.- a. While taking 30th, on 2nd d. wakened at 1:30 by cutting hypogastric pain, soon followed by large stool; dull stupid feeling lasting all d., could hardly keep awake; head throbbed on going upstairs; next d. felt well, and could study easily. On 3rd d., occasional stitches in spleen. On 6th d. slight cramp in stomach at 7:30 a.m. and nausea all forenoon.

19 b. Under 12th, on 7th day, nausea soon after taking medicine, lasting all d.; would like to vomit, but cannot; could not sleep till late because of this discomfort. On 8th d., yellowish blotches appeared on cheeks and forehead, remaining a d. or two; p.m., fullness in forehead and throbbing at vertex. On 12th d., mind unusually equable and capable. On 13th, dull heavy feeling in forehead and vertex, with occasional sharp pains; dull aching in renal region, with profuse flow of normal urine; stitching in tibia while walking. On 15th, aching and weight in forehead; eyelids itch and burn, and feel as if smoke were in room; stitching again in tibia, and occasional little flying pains in fingers, palms, and forearms. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.