AMMONIUM MURIATICUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy AMMONIUM MURIATICUM…

      AM MUR. Muriate of Ammonia. Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” Vol. II. Duration of Action; from 3 to 4 weeks.


Am.-Carb., and its analogous remedies.


Camph., Coffea, Hepar, Arnica, Hydrastis-ac., Lauroc., Nitr.-sp.


This salt consists of about thirty-one parts of Ammonia, and sixty-nine parts of Muriatic-acid. Hence it is to be supposed that it partakes in part of the action of these two remedies, although it necessarily has effects peculiar to itself. It is most nearly allied in its action to Hydriodate of Potash, Muriate of Baryta, Chlorate of Potash, and Bromide of Potash.Counsellor Gumpert commenced with administering one-half or one drachm of the salt in twenty-four hours; increased the doses one drachm every three or four days, until, finally, from four to six drachms were given each day. When about half a pound of Sal- ammoniac had been used in the course of four weeks, the following complex of symptoms would appear. ]J.C.P.

A state of things which would exactly imitate a starts pituitosus, or febris mucosa, attended with the most invincible repugnance to the remedy, so that even the thought of it would cause nausea. The eyes would become dull, and present a peculiar glassy or watery shine; lassitude, sluggishness, and prostration overpowered the whole body; the tongue became coated and white; the patient experienced a constant shivering, hawked constantly, and scraped his throat, because there was an incessant tickling there, although he did not get up much mucus;there was a sense of emptiness in the stomach, although the patient could not bring himself to take food. The perspiration was generally increased; the sweat broke out from the slightest exertion. Much urine was exerted, of a strong ammoniacal, or even mouldy odor, although it generally remained quite clear. Glassy and tough mucus was occasionally evacuated by stool but diarrhoea occurred only rarely.- J.C.P.

This state of things did not last long before a formal attack of fever would prostate the patient upon his bed; the paroxysms consisted of CHILLS and FEVER, followed by profuse perspiration. These paroxysms resembled those of an ordinary fever and ague, and were followed by relief from the premonitary symptoms already alluded to, and from some of those of the disease against which it was given. In the course of eighteen months, Gumpert noticed five paroxysms like the above, all of which followed the seven- day type quite accurately; they recurred regularly as long as the organism was sufficiently saturated with Sal-ammoniac; they became slighter, and finally ceased as the effects of the drug wore off; and could be reproduced again at pleasure by resuming the remedy. In one case, the septimania set in after the Muriate had been used six weeks, and recurred regularly every Thursday for four weeks; the fifth paroxysm was slight, and the sixth omitted, while the seventh was reproduced by repeated doses of the drug.

Wibmer took from ten to twenty grains per dose, and repeated it at the end of an hour; the effects were a sensation of warmth and oppression in the stomach, increase of appetite and digestion, and softness of the stools, headache, and increased desire to pass urine.

When applied locally, it irritates the skin moderately; but, if very freely applied, it may inflame it. When taken internally in a powder, it produces a feeling of coolness in the stomach; but in solution it causes the contrary sensation of warmth, which, if the dose is somewhat large, may be attended with epigastric uneasiness or oppression. The secretions become notably increased, especially those of the bronchial tubes and other mucous membranes; urination and perspiration are also frequently induced, and menstruation is said to be promoted. Small doses are apt to constipate, while large doses cause loose stools and discharge of quantities of a tough glassy mucus. With these effects, or rather preceding them, there is a liquifacient, falsely called an alternatives influence, for Arnold found it to diminish the plasticity of the blood, and Fischer saw a scorbutic-like dyscrasia produced by the long continued action of this salt. It exercises a specific influence over the stomach, for Orfila, Smith, and Arnold observed that inflammation of the stomach ensued to whatever part of the body the salt might have been applied.


In the inferior animals it has been found, when largely given, to cause great disturbance of the nervous system, as indicated by convulsions, paralysis, and coma. Vogt supposed that it exerts a peculiarly specific action upon the ganglionic system, as is evinced by its powerful and specific action upon the stomach and portal system, and its peculiar relation to fever and argue and the vegetative processes generally.

VASCULAR SYSTEM. Heart and Arteries.

According to Sundelin, after its absorption it appears to reduce moderately the action of the heart and arteries, and in the respect belongs to the class of debilitating or temperant agents. Vogt regards it as a cooling and antiphlogistic neutral salt, which follows well after Nitrate of Potash.


The Germans suppose that it exerts almost as specific an action upon the portal system as Mercury; and Sundelin hazards the opinion that it is a temperant agent to the arterial system, and an excitant to the venous capillary system.


It causes a scorbutic like state of the blood, in which there is no necessary increase of the watery particles, but diminution of the blood-globules and fibrine; in chlorosis, there may be an increase of fibrine and diminution of blood-globules; in scrofula, an increase of albumen and deficiency of fat, fibrine, and blood globules.


It has always been supposed to exert a specific action upon the lymphatic vessels and glands. It excites a more active state of all glandular organs; acts as a powerful resolvent remedy, and while it increases their power of absorption, it also stimulates the excretory actions of the skin and kidneys. It has been decided to act more powerfully upon the glandular tissues of the gastro-hepatic system, and of the uterine organs, than any others.


It is supposed to exert a specific action upon the mucous membranes, especially those of the gastro-intestinal organs. It acts, although in a less degree, upon the pulmonary mucous membranes; also upon those of the urinary organs; while it effects in a still less degree the mucous membranes of the female genital organs, merely because they are more isolated from the system than any others.


Next to the mucous membranes, it is supposed to extend its action to the tissues, increasing the vegetative processes in them, especially their power and function of absorption, more particularly in the peritoneum and pleura.


It is not generally or distinctly stated that this remedy exerts any specific action upon the fibrous tissues, but it has effected cures of induration of the prostate, and other fibrous glands also in thickening and semi-fibrinous conditioned of the stomach bladder, and urethra; also of indurations of the liver, ovaries, and uterus, when a large quantity of fibrous tissue of new formation is developed in these organs.


It acts as powerfully on this system as liquor Potassae or Kali- hydriodicum. Imagine a man about fifty years old, of middle stature, with a broad face, whose breath was still more increased by a large mass of fat hanging beneath the chin; imagine also a large head, with a broad neck, adorned with a fatty mass, extending from one ear to the other; two small ears, pushed forwards and outwards by the fatty tumor; sallow eyes and face; lax cheeks, and thin hair, and you will have a true picture of the head of the patient. Place this head upon a delicately constructed, bony frame, with small thin hands and feet, scantily nourished arms and legs. Then imagine, on each arm, a large mass of fat, which commences at the deltoid muscles, passes over the shoulders to the nape, forwards upon the chest, and filling the arm-pits; a flabby pot belly; and, finally, to nates, whose proportions would be envied by many modern dames, and you would have a vivid idea of the funny figure which our patient presented when unclothed. He was put under the use of Ammonium-muriaticum. In the sixth week, the seven day fever was established and recurred regularly every Thursday. When the patient abandoned the treatment, his belly was collapsed, there was only a trace of the fatty bolster on his neck, the nates were shrunken, so that his clothes had to be made greatly smaller, and the swellings on the shoulders had much diminished. After every paroxysms of the seven day fever, the diminution of the swellings was too evident and remarkable to admit of doubt, while the general improvement of the patient’s health was equally great. Before commencing the use of Sal-ammoniac, his digestion was very irregular; loss of appetite alternated with canine hunger, and constipation with diarrhoea; but all these disturbances ceased, and his sallow complexion was replaced by a more healthy and animated one; his eyes became clear; his breathing, which had been much oppressed probably from accumulations of fat about the heart and in the chest became quite free.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.