Pappy, disagreeable, or bitter taste in the mouth, with bitter eructations, passing off after eating.


Sourish taste in the mouth on waking; nausea and water-brash after eating; beating in the chest after dinner, through the pharynx, with heat of the face and uneasy mood. Diarrhoea after every meal, with pain in the back, belly, small of the back, and limbs. Almost total loss of appetite. Much thirst, absence of thirst, bitter eructations, sometimes tasting of the ingesta;. gulping up of bitter, sour water, the taste remaining in the mouth until she ate something; frequent hiccough. Attacks of nausea, with disposition to vomit, when walking in the open air, or after dinner; after dinner that symptom passes off, and by walking in the open air; nausea, with oppression of the stomach and disinclination to eat.


Sensation in the stomach as of emptiness or hunger; sensation of fullness in the stomach, with oppression. Frequent drawing in the stomach, water-brash, and qualmishness, even vomiting, relieved by eructations in the open air; gnawing or grinding in the stomach, as of worms. Burning in the stomach; extending to the pharynx, like heartburn, burning and pressure at the stomach, terminating in stinging; burning and pricking at the pit of stomach, shifting thence to the right axilla and the upper arm.].


Occasional pinching in both hypochondria. Stitches and burning in the region of the right ribs, in the afternoon, when walking. Splenetic stitches, even when sitting; *in the morning, on waking, with difficulty or breathing, obliging him to rise. morning, on waking, with difficulty of breathing, obliging him to rise. Pressure in the left side of the abdomen, as from the hand. Weight in the abdomen as of a load, with anxiety, as if the abdomen would burst. Distention of the abdomen. Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, over the hip, when sitting or stooping; cutting and shooting around the navel. Pinching in the belly, around the navel, with subsequent evacuations; pinching and griping pain in the abdomen, with dyspnoea; pinching in the belly at every inspiration, passing off again by an expiration; pinching, shifting about in the abdomen and in the groins, as before the appearance of the menses, early after rising. Burning pain in the epigastrium, also in the right groin, when sitting. Feeling of distention in the groins; pressing, lacerating pain in the groin; sometimes with stitches or tenesmus of the bladder; ulcerative pain in the groin. rumbling and moving of flatulence in the abdomen, at times with pinching, rumbling, or fermentation in the sides of the abdomen; frequent emission of loud or fetid flatulence.


Occasional intermission of stool for several days. No stool for two days, with constant colic, and sensation as if diarrhoea would come on. Hard stool, in clots, scanty, followed by a soft stool. Several loose stools during the day, sometimes with tenesmus and pain in the abdomen, loose yellow stools; with great urging, followed by tenesmus and burning in the rectum; diarrhoea, followed by pain in the abdomen, a feeling of soreness as if bruised; half liquid, slimy stools, with pain around the umbilicus; green slimy stools, early in the morning; pain around the navel preceding the usual stool. Stinging in the rectum during stool; burning in the rectum during and after a loose stool; itching and soreness of the rectum; pustules by the side of it. Lacerating in the perineum when walking. Lancinating pain in the perineum in the evening.*Bleeding from the rectum.


Pinching and stinging pain in the bladder, as far as the urethra, when lying down. Constant pressure of the urine upon the bladder, from four o’clock in the morning. Increased or decreased secretion of urine. Bright-yellow urine, with a loose cloudy sediment; clayish sediment in the urine, after one hour.


Stitches and beating in the left spermatic cord. The menses appear two days too soon, with pain in the belly and charge of a quantity of blood with the stool, during the catamenia. Leucorrhoea with distention of the abdomen. Leucorrhoea like the white of an egg, after previous pinching around the navel; brown slimy, painless leucorrhoea, after every discharge of urine.


Hoarseness, with burning in the region of the larynx, the whole forenoon. Huskiness of the chest, as from a cold. Frequent hawking, with expectoration of small clots of mucus, accompanied by a feeling of roughness and soreness behind the uvula. Violent cough, in the evening when in bed; cough when breathing deeply, especially when lying on the right side; dry cough.(from tickling in the throat)., with stitches in the chest and hypochondriac region. Expectoration of blood for six days, after previous itching in the throat.*Chronic cough, worse after eating, after drinking anything cold, and in a recumbent posture, with whitish thick, tasteless expectoration in the morning.


Short breath, asthma when moving the arms with force, and when stooping; weight or pressure on the chest when walking in the open air; pressure in the chest, with stitches, as of a morsel of food which had been swallowed and had been arrested in its course. Shootings in the chest, sometimes when taking an inspiration or when stooping in the sitting position; coming on at regular intervals, as the beats in music. Throbbing at a small place in the left cavity of the chest. Painful tension under the right chest, compression as in a vice in front of the lower part of the chest, when standing; pain as from a bruise, under the right chest, when touching the parts, often with shortness of breath; burning at small spots of the outer chest (when walking in the open air_.Lacerating pain in the chest. Red spots on the chest, with sensation as of burning itching,. turning pale when pressed upon with the finger.


Pain in the small of the back; when walking, so that she was unable to walk straight; when raising the body after stooping. Painful stiffness in the small of the back, even when sitting, mostly, however, when raising the body.-nightly pain in the small of the back; as if the parts were bruised or dashed to pieces. Bruised pain between the scapulae. Tension in the back, when sitting and as if the back were compressed in a vice, disappearing on motion; drawing and pressing, from without inwards, in the middle lumbar vertebrae. Stitches in the scapula. Icy coldness of the back and between the shoulders, not removed either by feathers or wool; the coldness terminates in itching. Itching in the nape of the neck and back; painful tubercles.-Drawing in the nape of the neck; in the tendons; stiff neck, with pain when turning it, from the nape of the neck as far as between the shoulders. Lacerating, alternatively in the right and left side of the neck, sometimes in both; it alternates with tearing in the cheeks.


Swelling of a gland, in the axilla, resembling a hard red ulcer, separating into parts, like a large pimple. Blisters of the size of peas, on the shoulder, tensive and burning, and forming a kind of scurf after three days. Rheumatic pain in the shoulder-joints, when moving them, first in the right, then in the left. Drawing and beating in the shoulder-joints; burning and pressure in the right axilla. Her right arm is heavy, and feels rigid; the upper arm feels paralyzed. Lacerating in the tendons of the arms; passing off by motion. Lacerating or pressure in the arms. Itching and burning in the arm. Itching, burning eruption on the arms and hands,.Violent lancination through the hands, while walking in the open air. Stitches and beating in the hand, worse when moving it; relieved by motion. Lameness in the hands and fingers. Pain as if from a sprain in the hand when seizing anything. Shooting and lacerating in the fingers, thumbs, and joints. Stitches and painful throbbing under the nail of the thumb; frequent tingling in the tips of the fingers (and thumbs), as if the parts had gone to sleep.


Pain in the left hip, as if the tendons were too short; when sitting, a gnawing pain in the bone; *pain as if sprained, with tearing and lancinations;-when sitting, tearing along the thighs from the left hip, relieved by rising. Weariness and weakness of the legs, the whole day; trembling of the left leg, with sensitiveness to the touch. Lacerating pain in the thigh, in front, when sitting; stiffness, lancinating pain, or stitches in the knees; the ham-string muscles of both legs are painful in walking, they feel as if too short. Sensation as of contraction of the thighs. Tension and drawing in the legs. Insensibility of the left leg when sitting(if feels dead).Stinging pain in the left calf. Violent lacerating pain (and lancinations), in the heels, with pain as from ulceration. Throbbing and pain as from ulceration, when walking in the foot; sensation in the feet as if they had gone to sleep; cold feet, in the evening, when in bed; shooting and tearing in the toes, when sitting and standing. Stitches, pinching, and aching in the toes.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.