HAHNEMANN.”In the following affections, this remedy has shown itself especially efficacious: Whining, peevish, unsociable mood; muscae volitantes, in the day-time, and in the evening by candle- light; (hard hearing ); tingling and buzzing in the ears; ulcerated corners of the mouth; tensive pain in the articulations of the jaws, when masticating or opening the mouth; empty eructations; painful stitches in the left hypochondrium, early, on waking up in bed, with difficulty of breathing, which obliges the person to sit up; the groin, when touched, feels as if there were swelling and subcutaneous ulceration; disposition to costiveness, discharge of blood during stool; soreness up along the rectum, when sitting; vomiting and diarrhoea during the catamenia; pressive and contractive pain at the belly and back during the catamenia; pain at, the small of the back during the catamenia; tearing in the feet during the catamenia; lancinations in the nape of the neck, as far as the shoulder, when sneezing; violent cough; tightness at the chest when doing some kind of labor with the hands; stiffness in the small of the back; stitches in the right scapula, when breathing, lancinating pain as from a sprain in the left hip; cold feet; paralytic weakness in the limbs, with dizziness; sleepiness during the day, with laziness and indisposition to work; night-sweats.”-ED.


Pain as from bruises in the whole body, especially in the back, with tearing in both shoulders and in the back, early in the morning, after rising, and worse during motion. Erratic lacerating and painful shooting in the limbs, mostly in the (temples), arms, popliteal spaces, thighs, calves, fingers, and toes, in the evening, when sitting, relieved after lying down; in the evening, shooting and lacerating in the tips of the fingers and toes; shooting, stinging, and burning pricking in the tips of the fingers and toes, as if they had gone to sleep.; burning and stinging in the abdomen, back, and scapula, with chilliness and sleepiness. Erethistic state of the circulation, constantly. Seething of the blood in the whole body, with anxiety. Violent throbbing pain in the forehead, towards evening, lasting one hour, increasing by contact accompanied by weakness and by chills on going to bed. Sudden faintness and weakness after dinner, while taking exercise in the open air. A good deal of lassitude in the morning.*Paralytic weakness in the limbs, with dizziness. The limbs of the right side appear to be more affected than those on the left. She appears to be better in the open air.


Excessive itching over the whole body, mostly in the evening; especially on the chest and the fore-arms, with little pimples after scratching; violent itching around the hips, at night and early in the morning; also of the thighs, legs, and around the bend of the knee, with rash pimples, fine rash over the whole body for two weeks; vesicular pimples upon the chest and the left leg, itching at first, and then burning.


Great sleepiness early in the evening. No sleep before three o’clock in the morning. No sleep before midnight, on account of cold feet or heat in the head. Starting while falling asleep; weary sleep, restless nights, sleep full of dreams; frequent, anxious, frightful dreams, which rouse her from sleep with a start; she then feels oppressed with anxiety. Lewd, voluptuous dreams. Frequent sneezing, without having a cold, with titillation in the throat. Weight on the chest; excessive pain in the small of the back; rousing her from her slumber, with painful lameness in both hips and the thighs. bruised pain in the side and back. Stitches and lacerating pains. Violent itching at night.


Chilliness (and coldness), mostly in the evening; sometimes preceded or accompanied by thrust, and followed by sweat in the night. Frequent attacks of fever, every half-hour; chilliness, followed by heat, with a bloated, red face, and thirst, both during the chilly and hot stage. Frequent flushed of heat, with subsequent sweat. Great heat, when ion bed at night, followed by sweat early in the morning. Heat in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and in the face, in the evening, immediately after lying down (with thirst); afterwards, sweat. Heat over the whole body, with redness of the face, and sweat, when taking exercise in the open air. Sweat over the whole body for several nights; copious sweat, early in the morning, when in bed.


Great earnestness; full of melancholy and anxiety; disposition to weep; bitter taste during the anxiety, and nauseating, bitter eructations; is full of ill humor, indifferent, absorbed in thought, and can scarcely be induced to speak, in the evening. Involuntary antipathy to certain persons. The head feels gloomy, as after intoxication; dizzy and dull in the room; passing off in the open air; vertigo, worse during motion, passing off in the open air; giddiness and fullness of the head; the head feels as if too heavy.


Feeling of heaviness in the head. Violent headache for several days; headache on the top of the head, as if the head were broken in two; Pressure in the forehead, with sensation of heat, the head feels as if compressed. Painful dartings from below upwards, in the left temple. Lacerating in the head. Stitches in the left temple, side of the forehead, and of the head, when stooping, and in the vertex, with sensation as if the head would bust; stitches and pressure in the head, especially on the left side, in the room. Boring in the forehead, almost the whole day. Glowing heat in the right side of the head every evening; frequent flushes of heat; heat and fullness in the head, early after rising; burning pain, and sometimes stitches in the left temple, when at rest; when masticating or sneezing.


Itching of the hairy scalp.


Sensation as of hammering or pushing over the margin of the right orbit.-Lacerating in the upper border of the right eye; in the external canthus of the eye; in the eye-balls. Burning of the eyes, especially of the canthi, after rising, with intolerance of light; the eyes burn at night, with profuse lachrymation. Twitching of the eye-lids; lachrymation early after rising; redness of the whites of the eyes, and itching; a vesicle on the white of the eye. Mist before the eye; in the open air she distinguishes nothing. Yellow spots before the eyes, when sewing, and when looking into the garden out of the window. *Motes before the eyes.


Stitches in the ears, from without inwards, and from within outwards, with boring or burning, mostly when walking in the open air. Grinding and tearing pain in the right ear; also at night, when lying upon it; with digging and rolling in the ear, as if something would get out. Shooting and boring in the ears; itching in both ears, with running of liquid wax. Buzzing and thundering noise in the right ear, when sitting, also at night, with pulsative beats at equal intervals. *Humming and tingling in the ears. (*Hard hearing).


Sore nose, internally, and around the margin of the nostrils; external swelling of the left side of the nose, with discharges of bloody crusts. Bleeding at the nose from the left fossa, after previous itching Frequent sneezing; *sometimes with tearing from the nape of the neck to the shoulder. Stoppage of the nose, with constant itching. Coryza, with sore nose; obstruction of the nose and loss of smell; dry coryza, with discharge of clear water; with sense of obstruction, with copious but difficult expulsion of mucus; only in one nostril, with sensation of a quantity of thick yellow matter, and tearing in the malar bones and teeth.


Complexion very pale.-Shooting and lacerating pain in the bones of the face. Burning heat in the face, passing off in the open air. Swelling of the cheek, with enlargement of one of the submaxillary glands, attended with a throbbing and lancinating pain. Eruptions in the face, herpes in the face, dry and tettery. Both lips burn like fire; excoriation of the upper lip, with burning soreness; chapped lips; dry, wrinkled lips; itching pimples around the upper lip; blisters on the upper lip, which become inflamed and ulcerated; *ulcerated corners of the mouth.


*Tensive pain in the articulation of the jaws when chewing or opening the mouth. Swelling of the gums; tearing toothache, mostly in the evening.


Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, which burn like fire.


Sore throat; stinging in the throat, during and between the acts of swallowing; swelling of the throat with painful pressure when swallowing, and drawing and lancinating pains in the swollen submaxillary glands. Throbbing in the tonsils, which are not swollen, with uneasiness and oppressive anxiety; throbbing in the glands of the neck, with flushes of heat. Swelling of the cervical glands. Sore throat, with rawness. Roughness of the throat, which passes off after dinner; with stinging pains. Feeling of dryness in the throat; phlegm in the throat, mostly early in the morning.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.