Pain in forehead and temples increasing gradually at noon, of malarial origin with vertigo and pulsation; worse left side; inability to remain standing. Whirling in head like a mill-wheel. Intermittent headache, violent, throbbing headache vertigo, heat in face, closes eyelids involuntarily from sheer oppression. Ringing in ears with deafness. Intermittent headache day after day, week after week, the brain in one continued ache. Headache especially in the evening or else on walking in the sun shine, with lassitude, yawning drowsiness and moroseness.


Type: Nervous Rheumatic. Catarrhal. Hysterical. Periodical.

Location: Brain. Forehead. Occiput. One side of head. Right side of head. Left side of head. Temples. Vertex.

Character of pain: Boring, digging, bursting, crushing, drawing, dull, pressing asunder, shooting, sore, bruised, stitching, tearing.

Aggravation: Morning; morning in bed; morning on waking; noon; evening; night; after midnight; open air; anger; after breakfast; coffee; becoming cold; taking cold; suppressed coryza; during dentition; excitement of emotion; lying during menses; mental exertion; abuse of narcotics; nursing infants; after strong odors; abuse of opium; suppressed perspiration; during pregnancy; reading; upright; erect position; after sleep; thinking of pain; turning body; after vexation; warm room; washing head; washing head with cold water; exposure to wind; cloudy weather; stormy windy weather; during sleep; after a meal.

Amelioration: While bending head backward; cold application; after epistaxis; motion; lying; walking; warm covering; heat.

Attending Symptoms: Heat hot; hot calmy sweat on scalp or forehead.

Blindness before headache.

Vomiting of bile.

Sallow complexion,.

Heavy load and anxiety at the pit of the stomach.

Irritable mood.

Excitability, cross.

Answer snappishly.

Coma vigil or an inability to open the eyes.

Sour sweat during sleep; mostly on the head.

Symptoms: Throbbing headache in one half of the brain.

Inclined to bend head backward.

Tearing and jerking in one side of the head down to the jaws.

Stitching, heaviness of painful beating in the head.

Pressing headache as from a stove in the forehead.

Head hot; worse evening in open air; better from heat, when walking about.

Hot calmy sweat on scalp or forehead.

Headache even during sleep.

Headache commences with flickering and fiery zig-zags before the eyes, so that one cannot see or read, followed by terrible headache.

Headache on waking in the morning or while asleep, sometimes with a sensation as if the head were going to burst.

Pain as if caused by a bruised and pressive heaviness in the head.

Pullings, shootings and beatings of forehead. Left side semilateral, with one red cheek; worse at night, in the open air, in the wind; better from warm coverings and when walking about.


Location: Forehead. Right side of forehead. Left side of forehead. Over eyes. Over right eye. Over left eye. Occiput. One side of head. Right side of head. Temples. Vertex.

Character of pain: Boring, bursting, burning, cutting, darting, stabbing, dull, pressing, sore, bruised stitching, tearing, pulsating, beating, throbbing.

Extension: Ears, shoulder blade, root of nose, left eyelid.

Aggravation: Morning; morning on rising; morning on waking; forenoon; noon; afternoon; 2 p.m.; 3 p.m. until late in evening; evening; night; open air; blowing nose; coughing; during eating; after eating; jar; lying; motion; moving eyes; fourteen days; from spirituous liquors; stepping heavily; after stool; stooping; walking rapidly; warm room; 4 p.m.

Amelioration: Closing eyes; during eating; after eating; lying; pressure; after sleep; warm room; rest; after breakfast.

Attending Symptoms: Coldness in occiput.



Irritable temper.

Excessive lachrymation.

Pain in liver.

Hair falls out especially in occiput.

Symptoms: Sensation of coldness in occiput ascending from the nape of neck; worse from moving, better from rest.

Shooting pains in occiput through ears.

Shooting through temple from side to side.

Aching eyeballs which are sore to touch.


Occasional nausea.

Irritable temper.

Icy coldness of occiput from the nape of neck; feels heavy as lead.

Right sided headache down behind ears and shoulder blade.

Neuralgia over right eye, right cheek bones and right ear with excessive lachrymation preceded by pain in liver.

Headache in afternoon, disappearing suddenly.

Headache better closing eyes, after eating.

Headache severe on rising; better after breakfast.

Headache throbbing in temples; pressing from within outwards, especially towards forehead, worse open air, coughing, blowing, nose stooping, better while eating.

Waving sensation in brain.

Pressure in forehead extending to orbits which are painful as if sore on moving the eyes.

Pressing pain, right side of forehead.

Band sensation across forehead and temples, better closing eyes.

Tearing in forehead above eyes extending into left eye, into the lids, and root of nose.

Pressive pain in right temple, right parietal bone and at last over right eye.

Beating in temples synchronous with pulse on lying down in bed at night.

Stitches in vertex specially when walking fast.

Occiput heavy as if it could not be raised from pillow at night, with drawing in neck from above downward.


Type: Neuralgic.

Location: Brain. Forehead. Left side of forehead. Over eyes. Occiput. One side of head. Left side of head. Temples.

Character of pain: Boring, digging, pressing, sore bruised, pulsating, heating, throbbing, intermittent.

Cause: Malaria.

Aggravation: Day time; morning in bed; morning on rising; noon; afternoon; 1-3 p.m.; 4 p.m; 5-6 p.m.; evening; 7 p.m.; night, 3 a.m.; after dinner; after eating; excitement of emotions; from flatulency; motion; moving eyes; raising head; reading; stooping; exposure to sun; turning head; walking in open air; at regular hours.

Amelioration: Cold application; lying down; walking in open air.

Attending Symptoms: Vertigo.

Inability to remain standing.

Whirling in head like a mill-wheel.

Heat in face.

Closes eyelids involuntarily fro sheer oppression ringing in ears with deafness.

Great bodily excitement.

Paleness of face.

Violent thirst.


Weakness of feet.


Disturbed sleep.


Trembling of limbs.




Symptoms: Intermittent neuralgia at regular hour.

Pain in forehead and temples increasing gradually at noon, of malarial origin with vertigo and pulsation; worse left side; inability to remain standing.

Whirling in head like a mill-wheel.

Intermittent headache, violent, throbbing headache vertigo, heat in face, closes eyelids involuntarily from sheer oppression.

Ringing in ears with deafness.

Intermittent headache day after day, week after week, the brain in one continued ache.

Headache especially in the evening or else on walking in the sun shine, with lassitude, yawning drowsiness and moroseness.

Dull pain with deafness, anguish, sweating, trembling of limbs with pulsation of temporal arteries.

Frontal headache in morning on waking especially in evening, in afternoon with heaviness of head and heat in the face.

Aching of the head in occiput, on awaking in night and disappearing on getting up, in the forehead and orbit worse on turning the head, or the eyes; from morning till evening, motion, in open air, as well as at night with disturbed sleep.

Sensitiveness of scalp; better pressing head against cold things.


Type: Rheumatic. Periodical.

Location: Right side of forehead. Occiput. One side of head. Left side of head. Vertex.

Character of pain: Boring, digging, bursting, pressing, sore, bruised, stitching, tearing.

Aggravation: Morning; morning on waking; afternoon; night; cold air; becoming cold; combing the hair; coughing; after eating; excitement of emotions; after fright; jar; during menses; mental exertions; noise; touch; walking; cold water; mental or bodily exercise; midnight.

Attending symptoms: Eggs and fish cause painless diarrhoea at once.

Abhors cold water.

Variable mood.


Ringing in ear.



Tendency to furuncles which relieve the head.

Great anxiety.

Symptoms: Rheumatic headache, she abhors cold water, eggs and fish cause painless diarrhoea at once.

Hemicrania preceded by variable mood worse from mental or bodily exercise or from fright.

Tearing, boring pains in left side of head affecting eye with flickering pain, and lachrymation.

Ringing in ears, nausea and vomiting, during attack which regularly appears at midnight.

Frontal and occipital headache.

Tendency to furuncles which relieves the head.

Tired feeling in head.

Head feels too full.


Dull heavy headache, frontal and occipital.

Irritable mood precedes headache.

On sitting down head seems to be covered with an iron cap.


Sudden headache with dim vision and sensation of lightness in head; worse on lying down; after lying down; better by having the head pressed.

Frontal headache with fullness in stomach and belching.

Pain in frontal protuberance.

Stabbing pain in left eye with lachrymation.

Intense hunger.


Location: Over root of nose. Over eyes. Temples. Forehead. Eye- balls. Over left eye.

Character of pain: Throbbing, sore, bruised, dull, constricting, bursting, drawing, pressing.

Aggravation: Stooping; motion; jar; coughing; laughing; walking; after sleep.

Amelioration: Pressure; keeping quiet; lying down.


Type: Nervous. Gastric. Catarrhal.

Location: Forehead. Left side of forehead. Occiput. One side of head. Temples.

Pain: Pressing. Pressing downward. Stitching. Stunning. Stupefying. Hammering.

Aggravation: Morning. Morning in bed. Morning on waking. Noon. Afternoon. Evening. Night. bending head backward. Mechanical injuries. During menses. Motion. Moving head. Noises. Sitting. After sleep. Stooping. Talking. Walking. Rest.

N C Das
N C Das