Mrs. E., aet. 38, suffered for many years from chronic peritonitis and ovaritis. She would have subacute attacks, which would last for several months, confining her to her bed or room; hardly would she be well of one attack before another would be induced by a cold or some slight over-exertion. Was nervous and much depressed. One evening was seized with very severe pain in the uterine and left ovarian regions, extending over the whole abdomen, which was very sensitive to the slightest touch. Pulse, 120; temperature, 104. Ferrum phos. 12x and Kali phos. 12x were given in watery every fifteen minutes, in alternation for two hours, when the pains were somewhat less. The remedies were then given every hour for several days, until all pain and sensitiveness had gone. The patient was kept under treatment for two weeks longer, when she was obliged to go away. She gradually grew stronger and better, and now two years have passed, and she has never had the slightest sign of the trouble, which she had had for so many years, and is well and strong. (G.H. Martin, M.D).

Miss B., aet. 20, had been suffering for the past two years with severe ovaralgia at the menstrual period. She had been under the treatment of several physicians and the only relief that they were able to give her was by the use of Morphine, that being only temporary. We called late one night to see her and found her suffering with severe pain in the left ovary, of a dull, dragging character, and but slightly intermittent. Patient, hysterical and very excitable. Gave her Kali phos. 6x, in water every ten minutes, for half an hour, when patient went to sleep, not awaking until morning, when she was free from pain. Gave her Kali phos. 6x, night and morning, for a month; at the next menstrual period was again called and found her suffering much as before. Gave Kali phos. 12x every ten minutes and after two doses was relieved. Gave Kali phos. 12x, once a day for a month, and now, after eighteen months, has had no more pain, and is feeling better in every way. (G.H. Martin, M.D).

Lady about 40, anteflexion of uterus with very peculiar nervous condition. Very solicitous about health, weak, exhausted with slight effort. Irritable and easily displeased, which was unnatural to her. had suffered many annoyances. Hyperaemia of the brain and hyperaesthesia, which condition made her utterly miserable most of the time. Kali phos. entirely cured. (Sarah N. Smith, New York).

William Boericke
William Boericke, M.D., was born in Austria, in 1849. He graduated from Hahnemann Medical College in 1880 and was later co-owner of the renowned homeopathic pharmaceutical firm of Boericke & Tafel, in Philadelphia. Dr. Boericke was one of the incorporators of the Hahnemann College of San Francisco, and served as professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. He was a member of the California State Homeopathic Society, and of the American Institute of Homeopathy. He was also the founder of the California Homeopath, which he established in 1882. Dr. Boericke was one of the board of trustees of Hahnemann Hospital College. He authored the well known Pocket Manual of Materia Medica.
W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.