1. Introduction to the Common Diseases of Women

The following remedies are likely to be required in the treatment of the the diseases of women: Cimicifuga, Cocculus, Crocus, Ferrum, Hamamelis, Hydrastis, Helonias, Platina, Sabina, Secale, Senecio, and Sepia….


I. Hints to the Reader.

1st. The novice in Homoeopathy should first make herself familiar with the remarks on the medicines and their administration, general hints, etc., presented in the next two sections, which should be attentively perused.

2nd. In consulting the Manual, the whole section devoted to the affection on which information is sought, should be read before determining upon any course of treatment. To aid the reader, as far as practicable, the medicines prescribed under each disease are placed in the order in which they are likely to be most often required, or in the order of their relative importance;this, however, must never supersede discrimination in the choice of the remedy, which should be determined solely according to the symptoms of the patient.

3rd. Here and there the use of medical terms is unavoidable, but they are generally explained in the text; or else the meaning is given, in parenthesis, immediately after the occurrence of the word in the index is greatly extended, and every item of importance may be found by it.

4th. The Stepping-Stone to Homoeopathy and Health, it is respectfully suggested, will form a useful companion to this work. In its pages an attempt has been made to furnish, in a concise and easily understood form, much valuable information on health, as well as on Homoeopathy. The brief Materia Medica included in that work may often aid the consulter of this, when doubts exist as to the choice of the remedy most appropriate to the case.

II. Homoeopathic Medicines.

The medicines prescribed in this Manual may be procured in single bottle, or in a case or chest. It The Stepping-Stone to Homoeopathy and Health be used by a family, the chest recommended for that work may also be made available for this, by omitting a few of the remedies less frequently used in the former, and substituting such as are found especially valuable in the later.

The following remedies, not included in Stepping-Stone list, are chiefly those which are likely to be required in the treatment of the the diseases herein referred to: Cimicifuga, Cocculus, Crocus, Ferrum, Hamamelis, Hydrastis, Helonias, Platina, Sabina, Secale, Senecio, and Sepia. It is important that the medicines be obtained from a PERSON OF KNOWN CHARACTER, who has been educated and is exclusive occupied as a Homoeopathic chemist. It is a safe rule not to purchase Homoeopathic remedies from an allopathic druggist’s shop, unless separate room be appropriate exclusively to the medicines.

Close proximity with strong-smelling drugs endangers the virtues of the medicines; and, further, Homoeopathy with such associations is often disadvantageously represented. The write, form extensive observation, has strong ground to record this caution; druggists generally, being opposed to homoeopathy, often depreciate it, and recommend to customers their own preparations instead.

Persons who are in doubt on the subject should consult a homeopathic medical man, from whom the best information may be obtained as to the remedies most likely to be required, their strength, form, etc., and where they may be obtained genuine. The post affords an easy method of transmission for those who reside at a distance from a respectable homoeopathic pharmacy.

The following brief description of the different forms of medicines used in the practice will afford the beginner the necessary information on the subject. The forms in which the remedies are prepared are-Tinctures Pilules, Globules, and Triturations.

Tincture. As a rule, these are quicker and more decided in their action in acute disease than are either Globules or Pilules. It is therefore advisable, for those who reside at a distance from a professional man, to be furnished with a selection of the Tinctures adapted to sudden and acute diseases, in addition to a case or chest of the Pilules.

Pilules. These are much larger than Globules, are medicated in the same manner, and being more appreciable to the touch, and easily counted, are generally preferred for domestic and dispensing purposes. In many respects they possess a great advantage over Globules.

Globules. These are about the size of poppy-seeds, but though most portable, are inconvenient from their minuteness.

Triturations. These are in powder-form, are not much required, except for administering the low forms of mineral medicines, as Calcarea, Hepar Sulph., Sepia, Silicea, etc. III. Directions respecting the Medicines.

Pilules or Globules may be taken dry on the tongue, but it is better, when convenient, to dissolve them in pure soft water.

Tinctures. If tinctures are used, the required quantity should be dropped into the bottom of glass, by holding the bottle in an oblique manner, with the lip resting against the cork; the bottle should then be carefully tilted, when the tincture will descend and drop from the lower edge of the cork. A little practice will enable a person to drop one or any number of drops with great table-spoonful to a drop, should of a table-spoonful to a drop, should then be poured upon the medicine. The vessel should be scrupulously clean; and if it has to stand for some time after being mixed, it should be covered over, and the spoon not left in the medicine. Finely glazed earthenware spoons are the best for this purpose. If the medicine has to be kept several days, it should be put into a new bottle with a new cork.

To protect the medicines form light and dust, and to distinguish them form other liquids, graduated earthenware medicine cups, with covers, specially made for this purpose, are the best, and may be procured from any homoeopathic chemist. When Triturations are prescribed they should be placed by upon the tongue, and gradually swallowed, the mouth having first been rinsed with water.

Hours. The most appropriate times for taking the medicines, as rule, are on rising in the morning, at bedtime, and, if oftener prescribed, about and hour before, or two or three hours after, a meal.

Dose. One or two drops of the Tincture; two to four Pilules; or four to six Globules. But in determining the quantity and strength of doses, several circumstances should be considered, such as age, habits, and the seat and character of the disease. We may appropriately remark in this work, that the delicacy of organization in the female sex renders women more sensitive to the action of medicines than men. The circulation of the former is quickly, and the nervous system more impressible; and it is often necessary to consider these peculiarities in determining the dose.

Repetition of Doses. On this subject we are to be guided by the acute or chronic character of the malady, the urgency and danger of the symptoms, and the effects produced by the medicines. In acute affections, such as uterine Colic. Conclusions, flooding, etc., the remedies may be repeated every fifteen or thirty minutes. In less urgent cases, every two, three, or four hours; and in chronic maladies every six, twelve, or twenty-four hours, or even at more distant intervals. In all cases in which improvement takes place, the medicine should be taken less frequently, and gradually relinquished.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."