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Dr. Brisken was called to a case on the eighth day after seizure. All the joints were swollen, and the patient had not been able to stay in bed a single night. In the morning he received Kali mur, with such good results that during the next night he was able to stay in bed and in twelve days was completed cured. (From Schussler).

Dr. Brisken mentions three cases of rheumatic fever. One case was that of a bookbinder, a middle-aged, whom Dr. Brisken had treated three years previous to this malady. On that occasion his recovery took from eight to ten weeks. The patient was again attacked in the joints of hands and knees, when he received Ferrum phos. every hour; and as the fever had abated, Kali mur. was given the same way. On the fifth day he was able to return to his work. (From Schussler).

Edward B., aet. 12, had been complaining a few days, when pains began in all the principal joints, but mostly in wrists and elbows, attended with redness and swelling, with some fever; there was most pain on moving, and he had to sit quiet to be in any comfort. Gave him Ferrum phos. 6 dissolved in one glass and Kali mur. 6 dissolved in another, to be taken alternately every two hours while fever lasted, then continued Kali mur., alone. These remedies soon relieved him, and he was out in a few days. A second attack the next year was cured by the same remedy in a short time. (C.T.M).

Robert D., aet. 34. This patient lives on the bank of the lake and goes frequently into the water, and often get wet while fishing and shooting. Has had pains about him for a year or two, at times. they are sometimes in one joint and then in another, seem to shift about, and are becoming very troublesome, hindering him from work, and he desires a remedy if possible. I gave him Kali sulph. 6, several powders, one to be dissolved in water, a dose four times each day. This remedy, after a few weeks, completely cured his trouble, and he has not complained now since a year or more. (C.T.M).

May, 1879. J.D., a man aet. 69, had been complaining for several weeks of pains in the limbs, which settled in the right leg, from the hip down to the ankle, but were worse at the joints, being of a shifting nature – intermittent – sometimes shooting and darting like lightning, causing the patient to change his position frequently. Warmth gives him relief. He is unable to leave his bed; is almost in despair, thinking he is dying. Magnes. phos., a dose every three hours. The improvement on taking this remedy was marked and rapid, but whenever he stopped with the medicine he felt worse again. By continuing steadily with Magnes. phos. a complete cure was effected. (From Schussler).

I was called to attend a girl, aet. 12; she had had, some time ago, an attack of rheumatic fever. I found the little patient, who had been taken ill the previous day, in bed. The joints of both knees were swollen, somewhat red, and very painful. The joints of the vertebrae at the nape of the neck were implicated, and every movement out of the constrained position of the neck and back was very painful. Her friends expected that salicylic acid would be applied, which they had already been used, but I gave Ferrum phos. and Kali mur. alternately every three hours. Next day, to the astonishment of the friends, the fever and pains were less, and knees were quite free from pain. Now I ordered Kali mur. to be given alone for the swelling, and the next morning on my return I found all the symptoms worse. I repeated the Ferrum phos. again, and there was a rapid improvement. But in the same degree as the pains were leaving and the swelling decreased, spasmodic pains in the abdomen set in. There was also an occasional vomiting of bilious matter. As soon as these latter symptoms come on, I ordered the little patient some Magnes. phos. dissolved in water, in frequent sips, which removed all these symptoms in twenty-four hours. Ferrum phos. and Kali mur. were continued in less frequent doses. Six days after my first visit the patient was able to leave the bed, and was quite well. (Dr. Schlegel).

July 29th, 1879. From the reports of a Medical congress at Dortmund, by Dr. Stens, Jr.: “I should like to report on a case of rheumatism which was cured by Ferrum phos. in a very short time, after having tried several of the most reputed remedies which seemed indicated. A lady, aet. 42 (catamenia normal, though scanty), had been treated by me for the last few years. She suffered from digestive derangement, and sometimes from violent attacks of megrin. This lady awoke one morning with a violent pain in the right upper arm and region of right shoulder, being of a tearing nature. She had walked the previous evening through a damp meadow, getting her feet wet. The pains were worse if she moved her arm quickly, but easier on moving it very gently. She was, therefore, keeping it constantly in motion. The parts affected were painful on being touched. Several nights perspiration had been excessive, and afterward made its appearance every morning between two and three o’clock, when the pains were always worse. The patient also complained of a pain in the right hand and powerlessness, which prevented her from lifting anything heavy. she often felt rather exhausted, and had to lie down. I gave her no less than five remedies which seemed to suggest themselves, but without success. The lady’s anaemic condition, and partly Dr. Schussler’s recommendation, made me think of iron. I prescribed his own preparation of Ferrum phos., as much as would cover a sixpence, to be taken night and morning. the result was that, after taking the medicine for six days, the pains, with their accompanying symptoms, did not return, even though soon after this wet weather set in, when she had generally felt her pains to be much worse. (From Schussler).

Miss A. W., aet. 101/2, was taken with a chill on January 1st, 1884. The next day I found her with very high fever, pulse 120; severe pains in back and limbs; nausea and vomiting; joints, small and large, greatly inflamed; hands, feet and limbs oedematous. Could not bear to be touched or moved. Great sensitiveness in every part of the body and limbs. Pains became very much worse at night, increasing to such an extent that her screams could be heard by the neighbors on each side of the house. Constant cry for cold water; vomiting of food and drink almost as soon as swallowed. Tongue coated yellow, with horrible bitter metallic taste. Great prostration. Hereditary, gouty-rheumatic and dropsical diathesis. Has had for some time back a ravenous appetite, especially for sweet things, which was freely indulged. Treatment. After wasting much of the first week with various remedies with no improvement, I determined to adhere to the system of Schussler. For the fever, vomiting of food and drink, and the inflammation, I gave Ferrum phos. 6x. Pains aggravated at night, Calcarea phos. 6x; for rheumatic gout, oedema, dropsy, yellow coated tongue with bitter taste, Natrum sulph. 3x, about ten grains in half a goblet of water, a teaspoonful every other hour in alternation with the first two, which were given dry and at the same time. From the commencement of this treatment, decided improvement began, and by the fourteenth day of her sickness she was able to sit up. Previous to her sickness she had become so stout that she could not stop to button her shoes, and her cloak could scarcely be buttoned around her. Indeed, it was so uncomfortable buttoned that she would go with it open almost all the time. After her recovery she was able to stoop, and her cloak could be lapped several inches. – E.H. Holbrook, M.D., in Eclectic Medical Journal.

Dr. Sulzer, of Berlin, reports a case of fever and violent pain in the right shoulder joint, high temperature, full and rapid pulse, thirst and loss of appetite. Shoulder red swollen and sensitive to pressure. The pressure of the pillow was unbearable. Ferrum phos. 6x cured. – Allg. Hom. Zeit.

William Boericke
William Boericke, M.D., was born in Austria, in 1849. He graduated from Hahnemann Medical College in 1880 and was later co-owner of the renowned homeopathic pharmaceutical firm of Boericke & Tafel, in Philadelphia. Dr. Boericke was one of the incorporators of the Hahnemann College of San Francisco, and served as professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. He was a member of the California State Homeopathic Society, and of the American Institute of Homeopathy. He was also the founder of the California Homeopath, which he established in 1882. Dr. Boericke was one of the board of trustees of Hahnemann Hospital College. He authored the well known Pocket Manual of Materia Medica.
W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.