Rheumatism Of Children

Are you suffering from Rheumatism Of Children? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Rheumatism Of Children….

Aconite [Acon]

      Intense sudden attacks due to cold, dry weather. Temp. to 104*. High fever, dry skin; thirst; red cheeks.

Shooting, tearing pains: often numbness (Chamomilla).

When rheumatism attacks heart.

Oppression of chest: hard, bounding pulse.

Palpitation of heart with great anguish.

(But, always with the Aconite restlessness, anxiety, and night aggravation.).

Belladonna [Bell]

      Acute inflammatory rheumatism.

Blush over affected joints, which are red, hot, sore, and burn.

Worse for motion (Bryonia Spigelia); for jar.

The pains of Belladonna come and go suddenly.

Belladonna craves lemons which ameliorate.

Is worse for wetting head, or getting hair cut,- even to pains in the limbs.

Bryonia [Bry]

      Joints red, swollen stiff, with stitching pains.

Worse from the slightest motion.

Thirst for big drinks.

Dry coated tongue.

Wants to be let alone.

Bryonia especially affects serous membranes, in all parts of the body: synovial membranes.

Rhus tox [Rhus-t]

      Constant movement is the patient’s only relief (Pyrog.).

Or, must move, though movement is painful.

All sorts rheumatic pains and lameness, ameliorated from motion: worse when keeping still: worse when beginning to move.

From cold air: from suppressed perspiration (Dulcamara) from cold, wet weather. (Dulcamara: but Dulcamara has not the marked relief from motion.)

Can’t bear cold water. Worse from washing, or a bath.

Chamomilla [Cham]

      Pains come on at night, especially early night: so violent, cannot keep still.

Must be carried: or older, gets up and walks the floor.

Pains with numbness: with twitching of limbs.

Sleepless and restless at night. Jerks and twitches.

Oversensitive to pain. “Cannot bear it.”

Chamomilla is cross, snappish, intolerant.

Mercurius [Merc]

      Rheumatism with filthy tongue.

Offensive sweat.

Worse for heat and cold.

Worse at night.

Worse for heat of bed.

Ledum [Led]

      Chilly patient, but rheumatic pains relieved by cold. (Puls).

Pains worse at night: worse heat of bed: wants them uncovered. (Mercurius-but Mercurius has, also, profuse sweat without relief.).

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

      Muscular rheumatism, esp. neck. Can’t turn head. Stiff neck (Rhus).

“Actea rac.” Chilly: affected by cold, by damp cold. (Rhus., Dulcamara)

Hysterical and rheumatic conditions.

Mental states follow disappearance of rheumatism.

A black cloud comes over her.

Numbness, jerking, trembling, soreness.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

      Rheumatic pains fly from one part to another.

Pain, as if sprained, in joints, with redness and swelling.

Rheumatic pains in spine and limbs, worse during rest, better from slow motion. (Ferrum)

Worse wet: getting feet wet.

Worse warm room: most pains better from cold.

But-in the Pulsatilla patient: weepy: irritable; changeable.

Never wants water. Craves things that make her sick.

Natrum phos [Nat-p]

      Schussler’s great remedy for rheumatism.

“Acid muscles, with stiffness.” (Arnica).

Tightness of muscles and tendons.

Weakness and heaviness of limbs. (Gelsemium).

Tendons feel shortened: about knees: “calves pulled tight.”

Right wrist and knees especially affected.

Heart trembling, uneasy; especially when limbs are better.

A great remedy in the rheumatism of children: one has seen acute attacks subside in a couple of days.

All sorts of rheumatic conditions affecting periosteum (Comp. Ruta) and fibrous tissues.

Manganum [Mang]

      Soreness of periosteum, esp. of shin-bones.

Soreness to touch and jarring. (Belladonna)

Bones very sensitive to touch. Skin sensitive.

Intolerable pains in periosteum and bones.

Rheumatism wanders from joint to joint: worse touch, motion, at night.

Cannot bear weight on heels: (some rheumatic children have to walk on their toes).

Pulse soft and weak: sometimes rapid, sometimes slow.

Worse cold, damp weather. (Dulcamara, Rhus.)

Face sicking, pale, sunken. (Anaemia).

Anxiety and fear: “Something going to happen.”

Relief form lying down.

Naja [Naja]

      Trembling of muscles. Rheumatic diathesis: tendency of all complaints to settle about the heart.

“Young people who grow up with valvular disease.

“School boys and girls who have no symptoms: the generic remedy for this kind of” (heart) “complaint.

“The most useful of all the remedies we have in a cardiac state with a very few symptoms.” (Kent).

Aching pain between shoulders with heart complaint.

Wakes suffocating, choking (Lachesis).

Kalmia [Kalm]

      Wandering pains, worse motion.

Go downwards: down arms, legs; shoulders to fingers.

Shoot and tear along nerves.

Pains shift suddenly (Pulsatilla). Come and go suddenly (Belladonna).

Rheumatism (even syphilitic) that finally attacks heart, with thickening of valves.

Violent, tumultuous, visible action of heart (Spigelia): or, at times, remarkably slow pulse.

“Rheumatism treated externally and cardiac symptoms ensue.”.

Spigelia [Spig]

      Rheumatic pericarditis and endocarditis.

Irregularity of heart.

Violent beating of heart, shakes the chest-the kind of heart- action “that can be seen and heard across the room”.

Must lie on the right side, with head high.

(Like Bryonia) worse from motion.

Thrusts, in chest, like a knife.

Spigelia’s pains are violent, shooting, rending: – like burning- hot needles (Arsenicum): like hot wires. Intense pains.

Pain leaves its mark, red, inflamed, sensitive.

Worse cold, damp. Sensitive to cold.

Worse stooping, motion, noise.

(Queer symptom) fear of pointed things-pins.

“Useful for acute heart attacks, and in chronic valvular disease, with attacks of violent palpitation.”.

Aurum [Aur]

      Rheumatism which jumps from joint to joint and finally settles on heart.

Impossible to lie down: must sit bent forward.

Visible throbbing of carotids.

Face cyanotic: gasps for breath; can hardly speak above a whisper.

Much perspiration.

Swelling of feet and legs.

Aurum is of all drugs the most depressed and despairing.

(See also Rheumatism of Adults.).

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.