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How can you treat Bones, diseases of with Schüssler’s Tissue Salts? Learn the complete Biochemic treatment of Bones, diseases of. …

Calcarea phos [Calc-p]

      Useful to aid the process of repair in fractures. When the bones are weak and soft, caused by soft sponginess, due to want of phosphate of lime molecules. Rachitis, bow legs in children. Also, for ulceration of bone and wasting of skull-bones. Fistulous ulcers on the ankles; edges callous, ichor putrid. Pains along sutures and symphyses of bone.

Ferrum phos [Ferr-p]

      In bone diseases, when the soft parts are red, hot and painful, inflamed. Ostitis, periostitis. Hip joint disease.

Kali mur [Kali-m]

      Second stage of ostitis.

Kali phos [Kali-p]

      Atrophy of bones with foul diarrhoea.

Silicea [Sil]

      Indicated in nearly all diseases of bones. Fistulous openings, discharge offensive. Parts around hard, swollen, bluish-red; fibrous parts of joints, especially of the knee, inflamed. Ulceration of bone, periosteal ulceration. All excretions offensive, pus, stool, sweat, etc. Hip joint disease.

Silicea is oftener indicated and has cures more cases of caries and necrosis than any other remedy. It is a deeply penetrating remedy, and, while closely resembling Mercur. in its sphere of action, care must be taken not to administer it after Mercur, as it may much complicate the case. It is more suitable for chronic cases, or after the first stage is past. (Gilchrist.). No other drug so hastens the elimination of the dead bony particles to the largest piece of sequestrum so necessary to the cure of scrofulous diseases of the bones. In many forms of caries, necrosis and in enchondroma of the bones, Grauvogl recommends, as a popular and very effective remedy, hay-baths. Their efficacy depends on the presence of Silicea, which has been found as a chemical constituent in a state of solution in hay-baths three grams of hay containing about one-half grain of Silicea. Hence the usefulness of this local measure in diseases of the bone is apparent.

Calcarea sulph [Calc-s]

      Ulceration of bone. Craniotabes.

Calcarea fluor [Calc-f]

      Hard, rough, corrugated elevations on the surface of the bones. Useful in cephal-haematoma (so-called blood- tumor), on the parietal bones of new born infants. Bruises of bones. Exostoses after injuries. Diseases of bones; caries leading to formation of pelvic abscesses. Affections of the nasal bones, causing bad odor to disappear. Nodes and hard bone swellings. Caries in consequence of syphilis or abuse of mercury. Spina ventosa, osteo-sarcoma. Malnutrition of bones, especially the teeth. Osseous growths, especially in the carpal and tarsal articulations. Suppuration of bones. Dental caries, caries of alveolar processes with loosening of teeth.

Magnesia phos [Mag-p]

      Spina ventosa alternately with Calcarea fluor.

Natrum sulph [Nat-s]

      Sycosis. Pain in bones, cracking of joints, knees stiff.

BONE DISEASES CASES [Bone Diseases Cases]

      NON-UNION OF A BROKEN RADIUS AND ULNA- Mr. D., aged 23 years, who was an anaemic and frail man, received the injury several months before I saw him, and when the splints were removed the soreness was gone, but no union of the bones. The parts were cut down upon, the ends freshened, brought together and supported, and Calcarea phos. given three or four times daily, with a very fine result. (O. A. Palmer, M.D.).

ENCHONDROMA INDICIS- A maiden lady of 60 had a shiny swelling on her left index finger, which had been there for eighteen months. The lump was hard and painful, and of about the size of a small split walnut, but rather flatter. Patient was very nervous and depressed. Calcarea fluor. 3x, six grains four times a day. After two weeks the cartilaginous nature had clearly left, and swelling became softer and smaller and disappeared entirely within three months. No change was made in diet or place of abode. (J.C. Burnett, M.D.).

Injury to the tibia of some years’ standing; a painful growth appeared on the seat of the injury. This was diagnosed as an osteo-sarcoma by a prominent surgeon, who advised an operation. Calcarea fluor., relieved the pain and reduced the growth. (L.A. Bell, M.D., Hahnemannian Monthly, April, 1887).

Dr. Hansen, of Copenhagen, reports in the Allg. Hom. Zeit., 1886, p. 44, a case of caries of the tibia of three years’ standing; fistulous openings led down to the bone, through which splinters of dead bone were being discharged constantly, the secretion therefrom being thick and yellow, accompanied by boring nightly pains. Calcarea fluor6. cured completely in five months.’

ENCHONDROMA CURED BY SILICEA- (From Grauvogl’s Text-book) Boy, aet. 14, metacarpal bones of ring and index and middle fingers and thumb of right hand were swollen to such a degree that oval, hard, knobby masses of uniform surface were formed; joints obliterated and immovable for the past six months. These parts were, at various points, divested of their skin by ulcerated surfaces, under which the bones gave a rough sound to the probe, and places were found here and there which could easily be penetrated, and others again which offered resistance. The boy had no appetite, and was kept at work by a potter, carrying clay. Great pain in the sufferings parts, drowsiness during the day, lassitude and depression. According to the doctrines of surgery, there was no other help but disarticulation at the wrist, with a loss of the right hand, since only the little finger and its metacarpal bone seemed free from the disease. Silicea6, five drops every two hours. In eight days the superficial ulcers began to cicatrize and the tuberous formations had manifestly decreased in extent. After fourteen days more the joints were already movable, though the mobility was very much restricted. After another fortnight all the concomitant symptoms which had been present disappeared, appetite returned, boy was lively and of good cheer, and discharged cured.

A child, aet. 3, had disease of the bone of the forefinger of the left hand, midway between the knuckle and next joint. There was a slight whitish discharge from a minute opening, and the flesh was much swollen and discolored at the place, causing the finger to present a very unpleasant appearance. A physician had, after treating it unsuccessfully, advised amputation of the finger, but the family, not desiring this result of the trouble, decided to try other remedies. Gave her Silicea 6, in solution, which produced improvement at once, and in a few weeks cured the disease in the bone, and the finger resumed its natural appearance, except a slight scar. (C.T.M.).

Dr. C.F. Nichols reports a number of cases of osseous growths cured and benefited by Calcarea fluor22. (Organon, 1880).

SLOW UNION OF FRACTURE- Man, aet. 60, had a fracture of the shaft of the femur. It remained movable, in spite of great care, after two months. Calcarea phos12. was given, at first every night; later every second night, At once the fracture grew firm and was soon well. This is certainly better than instrumental interference. Eighteen months later, the same femur sustained another fracture in its lower portion. The drug was given in like manner as before, but from the beginning. It was well in two months. (J.C. Morgan, M.D.)

In the case of a poor orphan girl, aet. 14, Silicea saved her from having her foot amputated. She had been under treatment a long time for bone disease. Her medical man saw no alternative, as the evil only grew worse, but to make arrangements with the infirmary surgeon to have it taken off. This was agreed on, six days before removing her. Her friends were greatly distressed and applied for new remedies. Silicea, a dose every hour, was steadily taken, and lotion on lint externally applied. On the fifth day the ankle-bone and surrounding tissues presented such a healthy appearance that all cause for amputation was removed. She continued the treatment for a short time longer, and her case was pronounced perfectly cured. (M.D.W., from Schussler).

William Boericke
William Boericke, M.D., was born in Austria, in 1849. He graduated from Hahnemann Medical College in 1880 and was later co-owner of the renowned homeopathic pharmaceutical firm of Boericke & Tafel, in Philadelphia. Dr. Boericke was one of the incorporators of the Hahnemann College of San Francisco, and served as professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. He was a member of the California State Homeopathic Society, and of the American Institute of Homeopathy. He was also the founder of the California Homeopath, which he established in 1882. Dr. Boericke was one of the board of trustees of Hahnemann Hospital College. He authored the well known Pocket Manual of Materia Medica.
W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.