5. Morning

Heat in the:- Hepar, Mezer.

Itching in the:- Nat-S., Sulphur

Lachrymation:- Calc-C., Sulphur

Mucus on the:- Sulph.

In the canthi:- Chamomilla

In the inner canthi:- PULS.

Opening, difficult, of the eyelids:- Ambr., CAUST., Lycopodium, Nit- Ac., Petroleum, Acid phosphoricum., SEP.

Pain in the:- Ambr., Aurum, Graphites, Nat-Arsenicum, Nux vomica, SPIG.

Beginning in the morning, increasing until noon, ceasing at night:- KALM.

Shooting, in the:- Argentum nitricum, Nux vomica

Sticking:- Crotalus horridus, Silicea

Tearing:- Crotalus horridus

Photophobia:- Ant-C., Calc-C., Nat-S., NUX-V., Silicea

Pressure in the:- Nux vomica, Sepia, ZINC.

Pulsation in the:- Nux vomica

Redness of the:- Rhus toxicodendron, Sulphur

of the eyelids:- Sulph.

Sand, feeling of, in the:- NAT-M., Silicea

Swelling of:- CHAM., Crotalus horridus, SEP., SULPH.


Noises, in the:- Alumina

Bed in:- Aurum

Buzzing:- Alumina

Echoing:- Causticum

Rising, after:- Nux vomica

Pains, in the:- Mang.

Pressing:- Sepia, Verb.

Rising, when:- Form.

Sticking:- Ferrum, Nux vomica


Bleeding:- AMBR., Am-C., ARN., Arum-T., Bovista, BRY., Calc-C., CARB-AN., Carbo vegetabilis, Causticum, CHIN., FER., Graphites, Hamamelis, KALI-C., Lact-Ac., Lachesis, Natrum muriaticum, Acid nitricum, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, RHUS-T., Sepia, Stann., Sulphur

Awaking, on:- Aloe.

Bed., in:- Caps.

Rising, after:- BRY., CHIN., Ferrum

8 A.M.:- Bryonia

9 A.M.:- Carbo vegetabilis, Kali-M.

Periodic:- Kali-M.

Washing, when:- AM-C., Arnica, Kali-M.

Blood, blowing, from:- Causticum

Coryza:- Arum-T., Aster., Bar-C., NUX-V., Scilla. Fluent:- Aconite, Cyclamen, EUPHR., Nux vomica, Scilla., Sepia, Sulphur

Rising, after:- NUX-V.

Stuffed or Dry:- Apis.

Fluent in the evening:- Apis.

Discharge, Yellow:- Pulsatilla

Smell, changed:- Kreosotum, Pulsatilla

Sneezing;- All-C., Causticum, Cimx., GELS., Kali bichromicum, Kreosotum, Magnesia carb., Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Sepia, SULPH.

Bed, in:- Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Sepia

6 A.M.:- Sepia

Stoppage of Nose:- Calc-C., Carb-An., Hepar, Kali bichromicum, KALI-I., Lycopodium, Mag-M., Phosphorus, Silicea

Fluent during the day:- Silicea


Chill in the:- Chelidonium, Lycopodium, Mercurius

Pains in the:- Agaricus, China, Sarsaparilla, Sepia

Boring in the root of nose, every morning:- Sepia

Tearing:- Mezer.

Pale:- Secale

After rising:- Bovista

Heat, dry, on the:- Arnica, Lil-T.

Left cheek, hot, red and shining on awaking:- Lil-T.

Redness of:- Podophyllum

Swelling, puffed, turgid:- Acid nitricum, Spigelia


Burning in the:- Arum-T.

Dryness of the:- BAR-C., Chamomilla, Dioscorea, Ferrum, Graphites, LYC., Mag- C., Acid nitricum, Nux vomica, Paris., Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, Sabad., SEP., Sulphur

Tongue:- BAPT., Bar-C., Calc-C., Cist., Clem., Acid nitricum, OP., Paris., Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, RHUS-T., Sulphur

And while coating with great thirst:- Acid nitricum

Palate:- Pulsatilla, Sulphur

Foetor from the:- Argentum nitricum, ARN., Aurum, Camph., Gratiola, Nux vomica, PULS., Silicea, Thea.

Awaking, on:- Rheum.

Mucus, accumulation of:- Apis., BELL., Fluo-Ac., GRAPH., Iodium, Lept., Nux vomica, Podophyllum, PULS., Spigelia, Stront., Sulphur

Sleep, after, covered, with bad and smelling mucus:- Rheum.

Mucus expectoration:- Mag-M.

Salivation:- Sulph.

Toothache:- Ant-T., Drosera, Ferrum, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, LACH., Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodendron

Morning, in bed:- Staphysagria


Bad:- Camph., Mercurius, Merc-I-F., Nat-S., NUX-V., Pulsatilla, Sepia

Bitter:- Am-C., Bar-C., CALC-P., Carb-An., Carbo vegetabilis, CHAM., Helonias, Kali-I., LYC., Magnesia carb., NUX-V., Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, SULPH.

Bloody:- Silicea

Insipid, flat:- Sulph.

Putrid:- Arsenicum, China, Merc-C., Rhus toxicodendron, SULPH.

Repulsive:- Bryonia, Pulsatilla

Sour:- Lycopodium, Nux vomica, PULS., Sepia, SULPH.


Burning in the:- Arum-T., Kali bichromicum

Contraction in the:- Agaricus

Dryness in the:- Ail., ALUM., Ambr., Cist., PULS.

Hawk, inclination to:- Ail., Calc-C., Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus

Mucus, accumulation of:- ARG-M., Bar-C., Calc-C., Graphites, Kali- B., Natrum carbonicum, Natrum muriaticum, PULS., Silicea

Pain in the: Lachesis, Rhus toxicodendron

Scratching in the:- Ail., Causticum

Sore, excoriated feeling:- Calcarea phos., Cist., Form.


Anxiety in the:- Aconite, ASAR.

In tipplers:- ASAR.

Appetite, increased:- Arg-M., Calc-C.

Wanting:- Abies-N., Causticum, Fer-M., SENEG.

But great at noon and in the evening:- Abies-N.

Burning and pinching after rising:- Nat-S.

Empty feeling:- Aesculus, Croc.

With distended feeling of the Stomach:- Croc.

Eructations:- Conium, Kali-M., Kalm., PETR., PULS., Sulphur

Breakfast, before:- Bovista, Ran-S.

Empty:- Platina, SULPH.

Frequent, tasteless:- Conium

Putrid:- Nux vomica

Sour:- Pulsatilla

Heart-burn:- Nux vomica

Breakfast, before:- Nux vomica

Heavy feeling:- Carb-A., Pulsatilla

Nausea:- Anacardium, ARN., Bovista, Cact., Calc-C., CARB-V., Chamomilla, Cicuta, Cur., Digitalis, Drosera, Graphites, Kalm., Lac-D., Mezer., NAT-M., Nux vomica, PETR., Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur

Bed, in:- NUX-V.

Pregnancy, during:- ANAC., Natrum muriaticum, NUX-V., Petroleum, Pulsatilla, sepia, Sulphur

With accumulation of water in the mouth and fainting:- Petroleum

Pains in the:- Causticum, China, DIOS., KALI-B., Kali carb., Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Sulphur

Pressing:- China, Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica, Sulphur

Ravenous Hunger:- Arg-M., Calc-C.

Retching (inclination to vomit):- Natrum carbonicum, NUX-V.

Sore, excoriated feeling in the:- PHOS.

Thirst:- Graphites, NIT-AC., Nux vomica, Stramonium, VERAT.

Chill, with:- VERAT.

Rising, after:- Verat-V.

Throbbing, pulsation in the:- Sepia

Vomiting:- Caps., Conium, Cyclamen, Digitalis, Drosera, FER., FER=P., Guai., Hepar, IGN., Lycopodium, NAT-M., NUX-V., Silicea, Sulphur-Ac., Tarent. VERAT.

Bilious:- Hepar, SEP.

Bitter Bryonia

Breakfast, before:- Kreos, NUX-V., Tabacum

Coffee, after:- CHAM.

Cough, with morning:- Scilla.

Food, of:- Plb., SEP., Sulphur

Sour:- Kali bichromicum, NUX-V.

Tipplers, of:- Arsenicum, Asarum europaeum, Caps.

Watery:- Sulph.

Water-brash, every second day:- Lycopodium


Distention of:- Chamomilla, Acid nitricum, Rhododendron, Sulphur

Flatulence:- ARG-N., Podophyllum, Zincum met.

Awaking, on:- ARG-N.

Flatus, discharge of:- Carbo vegetabilis, PULS.

Awaking, on:- CARB-V.

Fetid:- All-C., NAT-S.

Gurgling in the:- Nux vomica

Pains in the:- Calc-C., Causticum, Dioscorea, Hepar, Nat-S., Acid nitricum, PETR., Podophyllum, Ptelea trifoliata, PULS., SEP., LPH., Veratrum

Eating:- Plb.

Awakens every morning with pinching, colicky pains, doubling up:- Petroleum

Awaking, on:- Calc-C., Lycopodium, Pulsatilla

Breakfast, before:- Nat-S.

Frequent, with vomiting:- Hepar

Load, with feeling as of a: SEP.

Pinching, spasmodic:- Dioscorea, Lycopodium, NUX-V.

Rising, on:- Nat-S., Sepia

Sticking:- Ran-B.

Stool, during:- SULPH., Veratrum

Sunrise, at:- Chamomilla

Umbilicus, about:- Dioscorea

5 A.M. colic:- Kobalt.

Pressure in the:- Sepia

9 A.M.:- Sepia

Rumbling in the:- Nux vomica


Burning in the rectum:- Mur-Ac., NIT-AC., Sulphur

Haemorrhoids:- Dioscorea

Itching at the:- SULPH.

Pain in the rectum:- Podophyllum

During stool:- Podophyllum

Cutting:- Graphites

In bed:- Graphites

Pressing:- Kali bichromicum

After stool:- Kali bichromicum

Pressure in the rectum:- Kali bichromicum

After stool:- Kali bichromicum

Tenesmus in the rectum:- Aethusa


Diarrhoea:- Agaricus, Aloe., ANT-C., Apis., ARG-N., Arsenicum, Borax, BOV., Bryonia, CHIN., Cist., Copaiva, DIOS., Dulcamara, Form., GRAT., Iodium, Kali bichromicum, Kali carb., Lil-T., Lithium carb., Lycopodium, Magnesia carb., Mur-Ac., NAT-M., Nat-S., Nuph., Nux vomica, PETR., Phosphorus, Podophyllum, PSOR., Pulsatilla, Rhus- T., RUMX., Sulphur, Tabacum, THUJ.

Awaking, on:- Rumx., SULPH.

Early, driving him out of bed:- Aloe., KALI-B., Phosphorus, PSOR., Rumx., Sulphur, Tuberculinum

Especially toward morning and night only, frequently involuntary, liquid, painful:- Psorinum

Lienteric:- CHIN., Podophyllum, Sulphur

Rising, before:- Aloe., Borax, China, Cicuta, Nuph., PSOR., Rhus- t., RUMX., Sulphur, Tuberculinum

And fore-noon:- Rhus-t.

After:- Aethusa, Agaricus, Nat-S., Nux vomica, Phosphorus, PSOR., Tuberculinum

And going about:- Bryonia, Lept., Nat-S., Sepia

Until afternoon:- Natrum muriaticum

3 A.M. to 4 A.M.:- Am-M., NUX-V., TUB.

3 A.M. to 5 A.M.:- Am-M., Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Tuberculinum

5 A.M.:- Aloe., Sulphur

5 A.M. to 10 A.M.:- Aloe., Am-M., TUB.

Urinary Organs.

Burning in the urethra:- Fluo-Ac., NAT-M.

In the neck of the bladder:- NUX-V.

Dysuria:- SEP.

In the old men:- BENZ-AC.

Pressure in the bladder:- Sepia

Spasmodic, cramp-like pain in the bladder:- Copaiva Tenesmus of the bladder:- Senec.

Urging to urinate:- Sarsaparilla, Sepia

Awaking, on:- Sarsaparilla

Rising, when:- Sulph.

Going about, when:- Alumina, SEP.

Urinary stream weak on awaking:- ALUM., Sepia


Dark:- CHEL.

Increased:- Mezer., Sulph-Ac.

Male Sexual Organs.

Coldness of genitals:- DIOS., Sulphur

Erections:- Ambr., Bar-C., Cimic., Lachesis, Mag-M., NUX-V., PULS., Thuja

Painful:- NUX-V.

Without libido:- Natrum muriaticum

Pains in the testicles:- CLEM.

Sweat on the genitals:- Aurum, PETR.

C.M. Boger
Cyrus Maxwell Boger 5/ 13/ 1861 "“ 9/ 2/ 1935
Born in Western Pennsylvania, he graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and subsequently Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia. He moved to Parkersburg, W. Va., in 1888, practicing there, but also consulting worldwide. He gave lectures at the Pulte Medical College in Cincinnati and taught philosophy, materia medica, and repertory at the American Foundation for Homoeopathy Postgraduate School. Boger brought BÅ“nninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory into the English Language in 1905. His publications include :
Boenninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory
Boenninghausen's Antipsorics
Boger's Diphtheria, (The Homoeopathic Therapeutics of)
A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica, 1915
General Analysis with Card Index, 1931
Samarskite-A Proving
The Times Which Characterize the Appearance and Aggravation of the Symptoms and their Remedies