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Respiratory symptoms of homeopathic remedy Calcarea Arsenica, described by Van Denburg in his book, Therapeutics of Respiratory system, cough & coryza, published in 1916….




Begins at 3 A.M.

Wakeful, perspiring, restless, no sneezing until next morning.

With frequent, sneezing, especially in morning.

Dyspnea wakens him soon after midnight; returns after he falls asleep again.


None; throat painfully dry.

Thick mucus from posterior nares.

Crusts form in the chondri, and Cause shaking, severe cough.


Chest feels sore and bruised.

As of a thread from larynx drawing backwards, with head-ache.

Dryness in pit of throat; hoarse voice.

Of crust in throat, causing tickling cough shaking whole chest, which feels sore. (Bryonia.)

Feeling of suffocation, with palpitation.

M.W. Van Denburg
M. W. (Marvin W.) VAN DENBURG, A.M., M.D.
Author of "A homoeopathic materia medica on a new and original plan ... A sample fascicle containing the arsenic group."
"Therapeutics of the respiratory system, cough and coryza, acute and chronic : repertory with index, materia medica with index"