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Respiratory symptoms of homeopathic remedy Bovista, described by Van Denburg in his book, Therapeutics of Respiratory system, cough & coryza, published in 1916….



Watery coryza, with dizziness.

Stoppage of nose with fluent coryza.

Dryness and soreness in throat; tongue feels like wood.

Longs for cold drink, but is better from hot food.



Dry, tickling cough, morning.

Worse coming in from cold air.

Scanty cough; very difficult, viscid sputa.


None; or, very difficult, tough viscid mucus, so adhesive it can hardly be expelled. (Belladonna).


Shortness of breath from every exertion with the hands.

Oppression of chest; desires to loosen the clothing.

Morning dry, evening loose cough.


Tongue dry; feels like wood.

Constriction and oppression of chest.

M.W. Van Denburg
M. W. (Marvin W.) VAN DENBURG, A.M., M.D.
Author of "A homoeopathic materia medica on a new and original plan ... A sample fascicle containing the arsenic group."
"Therapeutics of the respiratory system, cough and coryza, acute and chronic : repertory with index, materia medica with index"