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Respiratory symptoms of homeopathic remedy Antimonium Tartaricum, described by Van Denburg in his book, Therapeutics of Respiratory system, cough & coryza, published in 1916….




Sneezing and chilliness; watery discharges.

Loss of taste and smell; no thirst.

Hoarseness and weak voice.

Tickling, gagging cough; sometimes with retching and eructations, and vomiting of watery slime.

Nose-bleed preceding this.


Nose stopped, when dry.

Severe tension over the root of the nose, like a band.


Fluent, watery, acute.


Severe tension at root of nose, like a band.

Nose-bleed, followed by fluent coryza.

Sneezing, chilliness; loss of smell and taste (acute coryza)

Rapid movement (fanlike) of nostrils, with difficult breathing.

Sooty, brownish, or black inside (Bronchitis, pneumonia).



Day or night; it returns at short intervals.

Compels patient to sit up.

Caused by tickling in the larynx, which is more or less sore and painful.

Incessant dry cough, from Laryngeal irritation.

Constant irritation to cough, With scanty sero-albuminous sputa of brownish color.

Tickling, scanty cough, with Retching and violent eructations, or even vomiting of watery slime.

Attended by fluent coryza.

Hollow cough, which Excites great pain. (Pneumonia.)

Violent cough, which Excites vomiting.

After each meal, causing vomiting of all food.

Short, shrill cough.

Hissing hoarseness, cannot speak a loud word.

Child raises hand to painful larynx : or Springs up in great distress and grasps throat, or clings to those about him. (Allium cepa; Sambucus nig.) (Catarrhal (not membranous) croup.)

Frequent dry cough.

From tickling in the larynx, which is tender and painful.

Great hoarseness even with slight cough.

Coughing and crying as from pain (in larynx or bronchi), with fear of coughing.

Hollow cough, much mucus in throat.

With suffocation, and sweat on forehead, Vomiting of food; throat seems full of phlegm.

Worse at night.

Fatiguing cough, mostly at night.

Must sit up; Shakes the whole body, and causes headache, mostly in forehead, Distressing cough (scanty), with shortness of breath, and rattling the chest.

Present day and night.

Cough during whole proving (alternating), At times, dry.

At other times, abundant sputa.

Always while and frothy.

Constant cough, with frequent vomiting of all food, or of thin, frothy, bloody sputa (edema of lungs).


Easy, loose cough.

Copious, white, frothy sputa (following pneumonia).

Vomiting of all food before each coughing-spell (Whooping cough).

Easy, loose cough, with Bloody, slimy sputa (following hemorrhage of lungs).

Coughs and yawns consecutively.

Cries when coughing.

Drowsy, or comatose.

Twitching of muscles of face.

Very loose, rattling cough.

Chest seems full of phlegm, but nothing comes up.

Loose rattling in larynx, bronchi, and chest Sounds very loud, but nothing comes up from coughing, nor Even by vomiting: high fever.

Loose rattling in chest with every breath; but though chest seems to be filling up, there is But slight inclination to cough.

Nothing raised at any time, or at least, only a slight amount; Breathing labored.

Lips and nails blue.

Child drowsy or comatose; body covered with cold sweat.

Loose cough, abundant, purulent, thick sputa.

Copious sweating.

Shaking chills, or chilly at every more (ameliorates phthisis).

Loose cough, profuse mucus easily expelled : or Profuse, yellowish sputa, with feeble expulsive powers.

Gasps for air at the beginning of every coughing spell With feeling of suffocation (Whooping-cough).


Loose, difficult cough.

Asthmatic breathing.

Suffocative feeling in chest.

Better after raising mucus.

Must sit up to breathe or to cough.

Does not desire cold air.

Sudden attacks of asthma.

With vomiting of food, and great dyspnea.

Cough very difficult at fist; later it becomes loose, and relieves the breathing.

Wants everything away from the face.

Suffocative cough.

At 3 A.M.; violent asthma.

Chest feels constricted; cannot lie down.

Violent, asthmatic breathing at night, which lasts more or less next day.

Gasping inhalation.

Better after raising phlegm.


Heaviness and weight in chest, with difficult breathing.

Stitching and shooting pains in chest.

Burning under sternum, with fluent coryza, and frequent, dry cough.

Full of phlegm. (See Cough.)

Feels contracted.

Great rattling of phlegm in chest, but None is raised either by coughing or vomiting.


None, dry cough; acute laryngitis; either of two stages follow.

(I). Abundant, white frothy (proving, etc.).

(2.) Very thick, adhesive, gluey and exceedingly difficult; if loosened is swallowed.

Very loose-sounding, rattling cough.

No sputa is raised; great dyspnea (Acute).

Profuse, yellowish, with feeble expulsive powers (Sub-acute).

Profuse, easily expelled : or Profuse, purulent, easy, or difficult.

Blood-streaked, rust colored, thick, gluey, difficult.

Tough, foamy, mixed with blood; or bloody, slimy (following hemorrhage of lungs).

Copious, white, frothy (following pneumonia).

Loose, suffocating, abundant (with asthma).

Sero-albuminous, of brownish color (influenza).

Loud rattling of loose sputa in throat and chest, seems very abundant, but little or none is expelled.

This arises.

From the tough, gluey character of sputa.

From feeble coughing, the patient seems unable to cough vigorously and energetically.


From sitting; worse from lying.

Must sit up with cough : must sit up to get breath.

Child must be carried upright to relieve breathing.

Better (respiration) after raising rattling mucus, which is difficult.

Cough grows loose after a time.


Lying, down, much worse.

At night; but present by day.

Getting warm in bed; cough and asthmatic breathing.

After eating, vomiting of all food with cough.

Coughing, larynx painful.

Sour food brings on asthma.

Getting angry brings on cough and dyspnea.

Before beginning to cough, vomits all food (Whooping-cough).

During efforts to vomit severe pain in forehead; head hot and sweaty.


Throat covered with eruption of pustules, or vesicles; or transparent or grayish false membrane.

Sore feeling in throat and larynx; sometimes very sore and painful, with copious catarrhal exudate.

Child raises hand to throat.

With severe hissing, dry or scanty cough.

Voice lost, or very weak.

Hoarseness with even slight cough.

Tickling, creeping in larynx causes frequent or incessant cough, sometimes gagging and even vomiting, Throat full of phlegm, which is not raised.

Well-marked, metallic taste in mouth.

Thirst, very little (acute catarrh).


Rapid and very labored; With loud rattling of mucus in throat an chest.

Short, unequal, and trembling, with cessation of cough and loud rattling.

Not much pain, but great dyspnea.


Chilliness, sneezing, irritable.

Fluent coryza, dry tickling cough.

Heat, or more or less burning in chest, especially under sternum (bronchial cough).

Surface becomes cold and blue.

Cold sweat on face, or General cold sweat; great dyspnea.

Blood carbonized.

Sleepy, dull, comatose; collapse (Paralysis of lungs; catarrhal broncho-pneumonia).

Chilly with every motion : profuse chronic catarrh.

Shaking chills, purulent sputa; great depression of vital force. (Chronic cough).


Not much pain : very trifling pain in proportion to other symptoms No pain, nor much active distress, though on condition bordering on collapse.

Slight burning, or heat in chest.

Soreness of throat, especially of larynx, which is occasionally very painful Great and persistent dyspnea, but Does not care for cold air, nor fresh air : wants everything away from face.

Drowsy, sleepy, or comatose : yawns after coughing.


Irritable, cross, crying when disturbed; spiteful.

Blue, drowsy, stupid, not much pain; with the following conditions.

Very loud rattling of abundant mucus in throat, or chest, with feeble cough and no expulsion of sputa.


Asthma at 3 A.M.

Asthma at night.

Cough night and day.

Cough at night.


Acute coryza : fluent, or alternating fluent and dry.

Acute catarrhal inflammation of nose and throat; larynx; bronchi.

Much mucus, now to be expelled, resisting all efforts to dislodge; in first stage, fluent.

Acute catarrhal croup of larynx.

Whooping cough; vomits before coughing-spells.

Chronic catarrh of bronchi and throat; abundant difficult mucus; abundant, easy, purulent mucus.

Edema of lungs.

Threatened paralysis of lungs.

Acute or chronic bronchitis.

Catarrhal pneumonia.

M.W. Van Denburg
M. W. (Marvin W.) VAN DENBURG, A.M., M.D.
Author of "A homoeopathic materia medica on a new and original plan ... A sample fascicle containing the arsenic group."
"Therapeutics of the respiratory system, cough and coryza, acute and chronic : repertory with index, materia medica with index"