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Best homeopathic remedies for Diarrhoea from the book Therapeutic Pointers to Some Common Diseases by E.A. Farrington…

Aconite [Acon]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea of inflammatory origin, which

appears in Summer, as the result of indulgence in cold drinks or from checked perspiration. The stool is watery, slimy and bloody.

It is also indicated in Diarrhoea from fright.

Aloe [Aloe]

Indicated in women with uterine congestion and prolapsus uteri; they frequently suffer from loose bowels, with uncertain control of the rectum. Without any warning they feel faint, with a sensation, as if, they were about to have Diarrhoea. When the bowels move, there is more wind than substance, and they become prostrated and covered with a clammy sweat. The stools contain jelly-like mucus, are apt to be worse in the morning, and there is a colic, relieved by bending double.

Alstonia Scholaris [Alst-s]

It is useful in Diarrhoea of malarial origin, here vying with China. (See China.).

Antimonium Crudum [Ant-c]

It is indicated when the stool is watery and contains little lumps of faecal matter. The Diarrhoea is made worse by vinegar and other acids, by cold bathing and by being over-heated.

It is also useful in Diarrhoea alternated with constipation, in the order persons-the stool in the latter consists of hard, dry lumps, that in the former, water mixed with faecal lumps.

Antimonium Tartaricum [Ant-t]

It is indicated when the following symptoms are present: Nausea with great anxiety, eructations tasting like rotten eggs, yawning and drowsiness. Vomiting and purging may take place, with every

symptom of collapse [Veratrum Alb.]. The vomited matters are green and watery, sometimes frothy, and contain food; the vomiting itself is associated with trembling of hands and is followed by drowsiness. The stools are profuse and watery [Verat Alb.]. Cutting colic. Thirstless or drinking little and often. Desire for acids, fruits, etc.

It is to be compared with Veratrum Alb.

Apis Mellifica [Apis]

It may be of value in Diarrhoea, which comes on during the course of Typhoid Fever of Scarlatina, or as the result of the debilitated influence of continued heat. Motion aggravates. In bad cases, the urine is scanty.

It is also useful in the Diarrhoea of the children, who are very much debilitated. The stools are thin, watery, yellow in color and usually worse in the morning: they may or may not be offensive. At very motion of the body the bowels move, as though the sphincter ani has no power. The child wakes up with a scream.

Apocynum [Apoc]

It may be called for, when the stools are copious, yellow, watery or brownish and sometimes contain undigested food; they are discharged with an expulsive force, like a cork from a bottle. The sphincter ani is so weak that stools escape unbidden or while the patient is passing flatus [Aloe]. After stool, he feels weak [Aloe] or has all-gone feeling in the abdomen and his face becomes pale and covered with cold sweat.

Aranea Diadema [Aran]

It cures Diarrhoea, in patients affected with disorders of the cerebro-spinal nervous system. The stools are watery, associated, with great rumbling of the bowels, as if considerable fermentation were going on within.

Argentum Nitricum [Arg-n]

It is indicated, when the stools are greenish and shreddy, and consist of blood, slime and epithelium, often with excessive flatulence, (<) at night, and is often provoked by the use of sugar. It seems as if the child had but one bowel and that extended from the mouth to the anus. The patient has difficulty in breathing, with long sighs.

It is esp. indicated when Diarrhoea follows any excitement; such as, fright, the anticipation of some ordeal or esp. when the imagination has been played upon. The bowels are apt to move as soon as the least food or drink is taken.

It is to be compared with Arsenicum

Arnica [Arn]

See the symptoms of this remedy in Cholera Infantum. The same symptoms also indicate it in Diarrhoea also.

Arsenicum [Ars]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea caused by sudden chilling of the stomach with ice-water or ice-cream-Alcoholic drinks in excess- certain poisons, as the ptomaine of sausage meat that has been spoiled-rancid fat-spoiled butter or fat that has, undergone decomposition-and lobster salads at certain season of the year. The stools are yellow or they are dark and offensive, sometimes involuntary; they are attended with very distressing heartburn, burning pain and sometimes burning in the stomach, like coals of fire and are followed by great weakness and coldness. The thirst is intense, but the patient drinks but little at a time. He is worse after midnight.

It is also indicated in profuse lienteric Diarrhoea coming on during or after eating [Ferrum], more after, than during eating [Cinchona] and more after midnight.

Artemisia Abrotanum [ ]

It is indicated when Diarrhoea and Piles alternate with Rheumatism.

Belladonna [Bell]

It is particularly suited to a dysenteric Diarrhoea, i.e., a Diarrhoea from cold with Enteritis, the discharges being slimy and bloody, associated with considerable tenesmus.

It is complementary to Chamomilla in the Diarrhoea of the infants.

Borax [Bor]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea of the infants and children, when the stools are watery and green or soft and yellow, always containing mucus. The Diarrhoea is preceded by colic.

Bovista [Bov]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea associated with Urticaria, the stools being followed by tenesmus and burning.

Bryonia [Bry]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea, when the attacks are provoked by indulgence in vegetable food or stewed fruits and also by getting overheated in the Summer time. The stools are offensive and watery and smell like old cheese; sometimes the stools are dark-green; at other times the patient is seized with sudden griping pains, doubling him up, accompanied by copious pasty stools; the movements are esp. worse in the morning, after rising and beginning to move around [Nat. Sulph.] and also in hot weather.

It is also useful for early morning Diarrhoea, which comes on as soon as the patient moves about [Nat. Sulph.].

Calcarea Acetica [Calc-acet]

It is indicated in the Diarrhoea of the infants associated with vomiting of curdled milk and sour smelling stools [CalcareaCarb.].

Calcarea Carb [Calc]

It is indicated in the Diarrhoea during the course of Phthisis, which is (<) in morning.

In Diarrhoea of the infants it is useful when there are sour stools, rejection of milk, vomiting of curdled milk [Calcarea Ac., Mag. Carb.] and imperfect nourishment of body [Mag. Carb.] Sweat on the head, face and scalp and enlarged abdomen are its characteristics.

It also eradicates the chronic tendency to Diarrhoea in patients at puberty (more with girls, than with boys), who are threatened with Tuberculosis of the lungs, which it also checks.

Calcarea Phos [Calc-p]

Useful for Diarrhoea, in debilitated children, with green, slimy and lienteric stools, accompanied by the passage of a great deal of foetid flatus. Sometimes, the stools is very profuse, watery and hot.

Carbo Veg [Carb-v]

It comes in when Nux Vomica has ceased to act, in Diarrhoea from the bad effects of over-eating and high living. Morning Diarrhoea of the dyspeptic patients (see Dyspepsia).

Also indicated in thin, involuntary, putrid, bloody, purulent Diarrhoea of the typhoid states.

Castoreum [Cast]

Indicated when the stools consist of bloody mucus or of whitish water, with burning in anus; green mucous stools which burn. Distension of abdomen with flatus and cutting colic before stool, (>) by pressure or bending double.

It has cured Diarrhoea with watery or green mucous stools, in delicate, nervous children, who weaken under Summer heat, or during dentition, and who will not rally under the usual remedies.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Diarrhoea of infants and children, with hot, yellowish green stools, looking like chopped eggs, and often mixed with bile, causing soreness at anus, and having an odor of sulphuretted Hydrogen [Sul.]; it is esp.(>) towards evening and (>) by moving about [Mag. carb.]. Griping pains, before stool. The flatus is hot and smells like rotten eggs [Staphysagria]. Anxiety and restlessness are prominent. Esp. useful during dentition.

Belladonna is complementary to Chamomilla in Diarrhoea and colic of the infants.

Chelidonium [Chel]

Indicated in Diarrhoea when the stools are characteristically profuse, bright-yellow, or they may be clayey.

China or Cinchona [Chin]

Indicated when the stools are lienteric in character, and in appearance yellow, watery and brown, and very offensive; they are (<) at night and after a meal, and are followed by rapid exhaustion and emaciation. The stools may escape involuntarily after a meal. The flatus is also very offensive.

It is also useful in profuse lienteric Diarrhoea occurring during or after a meal [Arsenicum, Ferrum], more after than during [Arsenicum].

It is one of the best remedies in Diarrhoea occurring in hot weather after eating fruits.

Coffea [Coff]

Useful in Diarrhoea of the house-wives.

Colchicum [Colch]

Indicated when the following symptoms are present: urging to stool. Nausea, (<)from the smell of food. Offensive flatus. Vomiting and purging; offensive stools. Sensitive to the least touch. Too much exhaustion. Slow breathing. Feeble pulse.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.