It should be compared with Lachesis.

Colocynth [Coloc]

Indicated in Diarrhoea, with griping, cutting, colicky pains, (>) by bending double and firm pressure, and often by emission of flatus or passing stool. The pain more often precedes the stool and is relieved afterwards, although sometimes it continues after the stool. The evacuations are provoked by taking slightest food or drink, as also the pains. The stools may be fluid, copious, faecal, flatulent or papescent or slimy and bloody, preceded by violent tenesmus.

It is also indicated in Diarrhoea, from a fit or anger, with vomiting and colicky pains of the same modality as above.

It is to be compared with: Aconite, Bovista, Crot. Tig., Elat., mag. Carb., Mercurius and Veratrum Alb,. When from bad effects of anger, with: Chamomilla and Sulph.

Croton Tiglium [Croto-t]

It is indicated in profuse gushing watery Diarrhoea, with griping colicky pains and often associated with nausea and vomiting. The stools are yellowish, yellowish-green, brownish-green in colour and profuse-pouring cut with a rush or splatter, like water from a hydrant and provoked or aggravated by any attempt to eat [Argentum Nit., China] or drink or in the case of children nursing. The pain or colic is better from warm drinks. The nausea is great, and is attended by faintness and loss of sight.

Cuprum [Cupr]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea following obstinate constipation, the stools being bloody, greenish, watery. The vomiting is terrific and is spasmodic in character which seems to be relieved by a drink of cold water.

Dioscorea [Dios]

It is indicated in the morning Diarrhoea of the children, associated with griping, colicky pains making the child scream out [Bry, Nat., Pad., Sul], and bending backwards [Coloc-bending forward]. The pins are apt to fly off to other parts of the body.

Drosera [Dros]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea, with stools containing bloody mucus, associated with Whooping cough.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

It is esp. indicated in Diarrhoea from cold, associated with colic.

Elaps [Elaps]

It is particularly called for, when the stools consist of black frothy blood with twisting pains in the bowels.

Elaterium [Elat]

It is the remedy for Diarrhoea, with very profuse, gushing, watery stools of an olive-green colour.

Euphorbia Corollata [Euph-c]

It is indicated in a watery Diarrhoea associated with colic, tenesmus, flatulence, burning, nausea and vomiting [Euphorbium]. The patient wants to die.

Ferrum [Ferr]

It is indicated in profuse lienteric diarrhoea, unattended with pain, coming on as soon as the patient attempts to eat or during or after eating [Arsenicum].

Ferrum Phos [Ferr-p]

See the symptoms of this remedy in Cholera Infantum.

Gambogia [Gamb]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea when the stool is expelled all at once, after considerable urging and is preceded by excessive cutting about the navel and followed by a feeling of great relief.

It is followed by Nuphar.

Gelsemium [Gels]

It is useful in Diarrhoea after fright [Argentum Nit., Opium, Pulsatilla, Veratrum Alb.].

It is called for in suddenly-appearing Diarrhoea, coming on from excitement, as for instance, stage-fright or the anticipation of some trying ordeal [Argentum Nit.], when the stools are copious, yellow and papescent. The tongue is coated white or yellowish.

It is also useful for Diarrhoea occurring during the typhoid states, when the stools are watery and frequent, and escape involuntarily.

Geranium Maculation [Ger]

It is indicated when the following symptoms are present: Constant desire to go to stool, with inability for sometimes to pass any fecal matter, then the bowels move, without pain or effort. Dry mouth. The tip of tongue burning.

Glonoin [Glon]

The Diarrhoea associated with sunstroke calls for it.

Gnaphalium [Gnaph]

It is useful in morning Diarrhoea, which recurs frequently during the day. The stools are watery and offensive, with nausea and vomiting.

Graphites [Graph]

It is indicted in Diarrhoea, when the offensive movements from

the bowels are half-digested, dark and pappy.

It is also indicated in Diarrhoea of the scrofulous children when the stools are thin, offensive, and contain partially digested food.

Gratiola [Grat]

It is useful in a Diarrhoea which is very common in Summer and seems to have as its exciting cause excessive drinking of water, whether it be could or not. The stools are profuse, yellowish, watery and gushing-comparable to water rushing from a hydrant [Crot. Tig, Elat., Podophyllum].

Helleborus [Hell]

It is indicated in jelly-like mucous Diarrhoea which accompanies Dropsy.

Hepar [Hep]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea which is worse during the day and after eating. The stools are greenish or slimy, undigested, or white and sour [Calc, Carb, Mag. Carb., Rheum.]. The whole child smells sour.

Hippomane Mancinella [ ]

The symptoms same as under Euphorbia.

Iodine [Iod]

It is indicated when the stools are whitish: sometimes they are whey-like.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea associated with colic, of a griping character. The pain is situated either about the umbilicus, as if a hand is tightly clutching the umbilicus or cutting pains in abdomen, which shoot across from left to right. The stools are either green or they are yellow and liquid, and covered with mucus and blood; sometimes they look just like molasses, when it i frothy; at other times the stools are black. Sometimes they may be associated with tenesmus.

Iris Versicolor [Iris]

See the symptoms of this remedy is Cholera Infantum.

Jatropha Curcas [Jatr]

It is indicated in watery Diarrhoea associated with colic, tenesmus, flatulence, burning, nausea and vomiting. Great prostration.

Kali Bichromicum [Kali-bi]

It is indicated in early morning Diarrhoea [Aloes, Bryonia, Nat. Sulph., Rumex, Sul.] when the stool is watery and is followed by tenesmus.

Lachesis [Lach]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea, with watery, horribly offensive stools, in drunkards or during climaxis or typhoid states, or in Dyspepsia, caused by acids. The Diarrhoea is worse in the evening and before 12 P.M.

It is esp. indicated in Chronic Diarrhoea with great debility, with agg. in Spring weather.

Leptandra [Lept]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea with horribly offensive yellowish- green or pitch-like black stools [Mercurius] and drowsiness and despondency. The stools are accompanied by burning, distressing, colicky pains at the umbilicus. The patient has urging to stool and griping continuing after stool, but no tenesmus.

Lilium Tigrinum [Lil-t]

It is indicted in morning Diarrhoea, hurrying the patient out of

the bed [Sul.], the stool being yellow, papescent and causing an excoriating feeling at the anus. The symptoms are worse in the afternoon.

Lithium Carb [Lith-c]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea caused by drinking cocoa or chocolate.

Magnesia Carb [Mag-c]

It is the most prominent remedy for Diarrhoea with sour-smelling stools in children. The stools are characteristically sour [Calcarea Carb., Hepar, Rheum], green and slimy like scum on a frog- pond, and are preceded by grip by bending double [Coloc.], and moving about [Cham;]. Anxiety and restlessness are prominent [Chamomilla].

Mercurius [Merc]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea characterized by slimy, bloody stools, accompanied by great tenesmus, which continues even after stool.

It is the remedy in Diarrhoea, if there is much tenesmus with stools, indicating Chamomilla

Mercurius Sulph [Merc-s]

It is esp. useful when a profuse watery Diarrhoea, with great relief to the patient, is associated with chest Dropsy occurring from heart or liver disease.

Muriatic Acid [Mur-ac]

It is indicated in a watery Diarrhoea with prolapsus of the rectum, occurring during the course of Typhoid Fever. The stool is involuntary when straining to urinate.

Natrum Carb [Nat-c]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea, with violent urging. The stool is watery or papescent.

Natrum Mur [Nat-m]

It is indicated in chronic watery Diarrhoea, with a dry mouth.

Natrum Sulph [Nat-s]

It is indicated in Diarrhoea in the morning (more in the forenoon) after rising and moving about, and returns quite regularly each day. The stool is watery or papescent, with violent urging [Nat. Carb.] and is associated with a great deal of flatus. The Diarrhoea is worse in damp weather. It is often required in scrofulous cases.

Nitric Acid [Nit-ac]

It is esp. indicated when the stools are putrid; they are offensive and green in color, and in children contain lumps of casein; they are also slimy, associated with much straining [Mercurius]: at other times, particularly in scrofulous children, the stools are pale, pasty and sour, as well as offensive.

In Typhoid Fever the stools are green, slimy and offensive, and sometimes purulent- the characteristic indications for this remedy.

Nuphar Luteum [Nuph]

It is useful in a yellow Diarrhoea, either painless or with colic and worse in the morning.

It has been employed for Diarrhoea during Typhoid with success.

You should look to it when chel., Gamb, etc. fail, and when exhaustion is a prominent symptom.

Nux Vomica [Nux-v]

It may be used in Diarrhoea, coming on after a debauch. The stools are papescent or watery, and are scanty, accompanied by urging. The patient retches in the morning, vomiting perhaps a little froth or sour fluid; he craves liquor which is vomited as soon as taken. He seems to be intolerant of milk. He is usually worse in the morning.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.