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Best homeopathic remedies for Cholera Infantum from the book Therapeutic Pointers to Some Common Diseases by E.A. Farrington…

Aconite [Acon]

      It is called for when the stools look like chopped spinach and the inflammatory symptoms and restlessness are present.

Aethusa Cynapium [Aeth]

      It is suited to severe cases prostrated by the long course of the disease. The indicating symptom is-the child vomits everything it eats or drinks, esp. the milk, which is ejected with a rush, in white, yellowish or greenish curd; the vomiting exhausts the child so much, that it at once falls into a sleep, from which it awakes hungry; it then eats [Ant. Crud.-refuses], and again vomits.

It is our mainstay for vomiting of curdled milk in infants and children.

Antimonium Crudum [Ant c]

      See the symptoms of this remedy in “DIARRHOEA”.

Apis [Apis]

      A good remedy in children with wide open anus and involuntary escape of faeces.

Argentum Nitricum [Arg-n]

      Indicated in children, who are thin and dried up, looking almost like mummies. The stools are green and slimy, with noisy flatus and are worse at night. In some cases, yellow stools turn green on standing [Rheum].

Arnica [Arn]

      It is called for when the stools have a foul odor and are slimy, bloody, and even purulent, with great urging and straining to stool. There are sharp stitching pains through the abdominal walls. The patient is thirsty, but he does not know, what he wants to drink.

Arsenicum [Ars]

      It is useful when the bowel symptoms are: Undigested stools, diarrhoea is provoked as soon as the child begins to eat or drink, agg. after midnight, particularly the restlessness and

diarrhoea. Rapid emaciation; the skin is apt to be harsh and dry, and often yellowish and tawny. The little patient is restless, evidently in constant distress. Many symptoms of cholera (see P. 13) are present.

In the above cases we give it quite early. Usually it follows Ipecac. and is complementary to that remedy.

Belladonna [Bell]

      It may be used successfully in very young infants, who cry scream, hour after hour, without any assign able cause. The stools are yellowish or green, and contain lumps looking like chalk, consisting of fat and casein.

Calcarea Carb [Calc]

      It is esp. suited to children who are scrofulous-who are fleshy, yet not well-developed as to bones, brain or muscles, with

unusual craving for eggs. The abdomen is distended. The stools are greenish or white and may contain undigested food, generally mixed with curds, and more or less watery and sour,(<) towards evening. Milk disagrees, as soon as as they take it, they vomit it [AEth., Ant. Cr.], in sour cakes or curds (a strong symptom) or it may pass by the bowels in white curdled lumps,. Ravenous appetite and thirst, (<) towards evening.

Calcarea Phos [Calc-p]

      Esp, suited to children with sunken and flabby abdomen, having a craving for salted or smoked meat. The stools are green, slimy, hot and watery and are accompanied by foetid flatus. Symptoms of Hydrocephaloid.

Camphor [Camph]

      Symptoms of Hydrocephaloid.

Carbo Veg [Carb-v]

      Symptoms of Hydrocephaloid.

Castoreum [Cast]

      It has cured watery or green mucous stools in delicate, nervous children, who weaken under summer heat and who will not rally under the usual remedies.

China [Chin]

      It is the remedy when after violent or long-lasting cases, the patient becomes drowsy; the pupils may be dilated and the breathing is very rapid and superficial; the surface of the body is rather cool, esp. the prominent features of the face (ears, nose and chin.). Incipient Hydrocephaloid.

In just such cases as these, it will, if there is any vitality remaining, restore the patient to health.

Colocynth [Coloc]

      The stools are fluid, profuse, fecal flatulent and papescent, provoked by the slightest food or drink and always associated with griping pains or colic, which more often precedes the stool (sometimes continuing after) and which force the patient to bend double or to press firmly against the abdomen, and often (>) by passing flatus or stool.

Croton Tig [Croto-t]

      Profuse watery yellowish or brownish or green stools, provoked everytime the patient eats or drink, gushing like water from hydrant.

Elaterium [Elat]

      Watery stools of an olive-green color, profuse and gushing, with cutting pains in abdomen.

Ferrum [Ferr]

      The stools contain undigested food and come as soon as the patient attempts to eat, esp. just after midnight, when it may be accompanied by vomiting.

Ferrum Phos [Ferr-p]

      The stools are watery and contain mucus and blood; there may be little urging but no tenesmus.

It is called for when the discharges from the bowels are frequent and within 24 hours the child is greatly emaciated and falls into a stupor, with red face, dilated pupils, rolling of the head and soft, full flowing pulse. Incipient Hydrocephaloid.

In one of my cases, with the above symptoms, Belladonna and Sul. were given in turn, but failed. I then gave Ferrum phos. and in 12 hours the child returned to consciousness.

Helleborus [Hell]

      The nervous symptoms of the case may demand it and in addition we may have sore-mouth, salivation, rubbing of the nose, etc.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

      It is frequently indicated at the beginning and particularly as a remedy in cases preceding the exhibition of Arsenicum

There is pallor of the face, with blue rings around the eyes; the fontanelles are open. The child is drowsy, with starting, and jerking of the muscles during sleep. Frequent attacks of nose-bleed with pale face. The nausea and vomiting are already present and the child eats or drinks and vomits what it has taken, immediately afterwards.

Arsenicum as already stated is complementary to Ipecac. in this affection.

Iris Versicolor [Iris]

      It is I think, better-suited to the summer Complaint of children than is Veratrum Alb.

Marked inflammatory symptoms, with excoriated raw feeling at the anus. The patient is worse at 2 or 3 o` clock in the morning. There are nausea and sour, sometimes bilious vomiting. The stools are either watery or are yellowish-green, and mixed with bile or oily particles.

Nux Moschata [Nux-m]

      The mental and bodily atony of this drug have led to excellent cures in this malady.

Oleander [Olnd]

      Useful when the stools are thin, and contain undigested food. The characteristic symptom being that the patient passes undigested the food he had eaten the day before. Every time the patients pass wind, they soil their diapers.


Indicated when the disease seems when the disease seems to begin by involving the brain or such a mishap threatens during its course; as yet there is neither diarrhoea, not vomiting-the child appears, as if it has been drugged. The face is red or pale, and is associated with fatally advancing stupor; the pupils react to the stimulus of light, either not at all, or else very sluggishly.

Opium administered in such cases restores the patient to consciousness, the diarrhoea sets in and the disease proceeds naturally to recovery.

Podophyllum [Podo]

      Changeable stools, with morning agg. See also Diarrhoea.

Psorinum [Psor]

      There is no remedy that can replace it, in its range of symptoms in this disease. As precursory symptoms of the disease. the children are apt to be nervous and restless; they awake at night as if frightened, or they cry out during sleep. Then, 2 or 3 nights afterwards, they begin with diarrhoea; the stools are profuse and watery, dark-brown, or even black, very offensive, almost putrid in odor, (<) at night, and drives the patient out of bed, early in the morning.

Rheum [Rheum]

      Yellow stools turn green on standing [Argentum Nit.].

Secale [Sec]

      Indicated more particularly in this disease, by profuse undigested stools, which are watery and very offensive and are discharged by fits and starts, and are followed by intense prostration.

Sulphur [Sulph]

      I have tested it fully and known it to be invaluable, in Hydrocephaloid coming on during the course of the disease- the patient lies almost in a stupor.

Sulphur acts here like a charm, whether diarrhoea continues or not, and there is no remedy, which can take its place.

Veratrum Alb [Verat]

      See the symptoms of this remedy in Cholera (P. 16). Symptoms of Hydrocephaloid.

Zincum [Zinc]

      A good remedy is infants, when the brain becomes affected during the course of the disease. Symptoms of Hydrocephaloid, particularly with jerking of the muscles during sleep and there is constant fidgety motion of the feet.

Besides the above remedies, Geranium Maculatum, Gnaphalium, Kali Bromatum, Nuphar Luteum, Oenothera Biennis, Opuntia, and Paullinia Sorbilis may also be needed infrequently. For their indicating symptoms see the chapter on “REMARKS ON SEVERAL SUMMER REMEDIES INFREQUENTLY USED”.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.