What is the characterizing indication for Aconite in this affection?
Stools looking like chopped spinach. Febrile conditions.
When is Argentum nitr. indicated?
Green, slimy stools with noisy flatus, worse at night, in thin, dried up children, who look like mummies.
Give indications for Arsenicum.
Stools undigested, worse after eating or drinking and after midnight, with rapid emaciation and weakness.
When is Belladonna suitable?
In yellowish-green stools, containing lumps looking like caseine. Erethism and tendency to cerebral trouble.
Give indications for Bismuth.
Watery, offensive and painless tool with much rumbling in bowels during stool. After stool child is exhausted. Much gagging, but child only vomits when stomach is full.
What is the Summer Complaint of the Calcarea child?
Craving for eggs; milk disagrees it is vomited in cakes and curds; milk is sometimes passed in this condition also. Diarrhoea worse towards morning, of green, undigested, d watery, sour stools.
How does Calcarea phos. compare?
Here there is craving for bacon and ham; there is great emaciation; he stools are green, slimy and accompanied with much flatus.
Give briefly the chief indications of Croton tig.
Yellow, watery stools; a little pain, then forcible expulsion and aggravation from eating or drinking.
Give indications for Ferrum phos.
Frequent, watery stools; child becomes rapidly reduced and falls into a stupor.
What drug has watery, olive green stools coming out with a gush?
When is Ipecac indicated?
In the commencement; nausea and vomiting of everything eaten or drunk;stools green or yellow and liquid, and covered with mucus and blood.
What is the characteristic of Podophyllum in Cholera?
Absence of pain; stools are watery profuse, come out with a gush loathing of good; worse in morning.
How does Aethusa compare?
Aethusa stools are without odor, and vomiting does not prevent the child from nursing or feeding, which is opposite to Podophyllum.
Give in brief symptoms of Psorinum in cholera Infantum.
Nervous and restlessness at night; awake frightened or cry brown, been, even black; very offensive; almost putrid;worse at night.
When is Sulphur indicated?
Diarrhoea worse towards morning; ravenous hunger; greenish, watery, offensive stools; flabby abdomen.
Give briefly the indications for Veratrum.
Profuse, watery stools, preceded by abdominal pain and followed by great prostration.
Give indications for Chamomilla.
Child cross and fretful, wants to e carried; greenish yellow stool; colic, child draws up its knees; moaning in sleep.
When should china be thought of?
Watery, undigested stool, which is profuse and painless; rapid emaciation; worse after eating.
Give symptoms calling for Mercurius.
Green, frothy or yellow stools, or bloody with straining and desire to sit after stool.