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Best homeopathic remedies for Cholera from the book Therapeutic Pointers to Some Common Diseases by E.A. Farrington…

Antimonium Tartaricum [Ant-t]

      It is indicated when Diarrhoea advances to Cholera. See the symptoms of this remedy in `Diarrhoea’.

It is to be compared with Veratrum Alb.

Argentum Nitricum [Arg-n]

      Useful both in cholera Asiatica and Cholera Morbus. Slimy greenish stools, with flatulence, (<) at night. Terrible distress in the epigastrium and dyspnoea with long sighs.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Useful both in cholera Asiatica and Cholera Morbus. It is only the remedy when we have the following symptoms: Intense vomiting and purging, the stools being profuse, offensive and watery, not so much like rice-water as they are brownish-yellow and very exhausting; the vomited matters are green, yellow and bilious. Burning thirst, with intense agony. The surface of the body is as cold as ice, but internally the patient feels, as if no fire; he wants to be warmly wrapped. In Cholera Morbus it has not so copious a stool as that of Veratrum Alb.

It is complementary to Secale and both drugs follow each other well.

Camphor [Camph]

      Useful both in Cholera Asiatica and Cholera Morbus. Symptoms of coldness and collapse. Better suited when the discharges are scanty and the nausea well-marked.

Indicated rather in the beginning, particularly in Dry Cholera or Cholera Sicca, when without any vomiting or purging

the prostration is intense and the body becomes icy-cold and is dry or covered in cold sweat. The voice is squeaky or high- pitched or else husky, toneless.

It brings about reaction quickly. To be used in 0, a few drops in water and a dose given every 15 minutes, until reaction takes place, when some other remedy may be required.

Carbo Vegetabilis [Carb-v]

      Useful both in Cholera Asiatica and Cholera Morbus. Indicated later during the stage of collapse. The prostration (the result of heavy drain on the system by the alvine discharges) is so

great that the patient lies quiet, too weak to move. The body is icy-cold, esp. the nose cheeks and extremities-from feet to knees; the breath is cool and the breathing is very weak and superficial. The pulse is rapid, almost thread-like, scarcely perceptible and intermittent. The lips may be bluish and the patient conscious or unconscious. The discharges may be absent.

In such alarming cases, it comes on as the savior and rescues many patients, that would otherwise die.

Colchicum [Colch]

      Useful in Cholera Asiatica. It is indicated by the following symptoms: Well-marked tympany [China]. Nausea, seems to be provoked by smell of food and attended with a flow of saliva [Lachesis] and vomiting worse or provoked whenever the patient sits up or by least motion-the matters vomited are watery and bilious. The stools are watery and frequent. Coolness of breath and great prostration and debility [Arsenicum, Carbo Veg.].

Cuprum [Cupr]

      Useful in Cholera Asiatica and Cholera Morbus. It possesses considerable interest as a prophylactic in these diseases. Workers in Copper seldom contract Cholera. Here it resembles Sulphur.

It combines coldness with the convulsive phenomena.

It is indicated by the following symptoms: Icy-coldness of the whole body. Severe cramps of muscles, the muscles of calves and thighs drawn up into knots, with cold sweat and blue surface of the body. Gurgling in the oesophagus when drinking. Terrible distress in epigastrium with most intense dyspnoea [Argentum Nit.], which is so intense that the patient cannot bear his handkerchief approached to his face, for it takes away his breath. Urine suppressed.

It may also be used in Uraemia or Uraemia convulsions following Cholera.

Euphorbia Corollata [Euph-c]

      Useful in Cholera Asiatica. Vomiting and purging just like Jatropha, with cold sweat all over the body. The patient wants to die-characteristic.

Hydrocyanic Acid [Hydr-ac]

      Useful both in Cholera Asiatica and Cholera Morbus. It is indicated in marked collapse, with sudden cessation of all discharges, as vomiting and purging. Marble-like coldness of body. Pulse feeble or imperceptible. Long-lasting faints. Clutches at the heart as if in distress. Spasms, esp. of muscles of back and the jaws are stiff.

Iris Versicolor [Iris]

      It is one of the best remedies we have, in Cholera Morbus, coming preferably at 2 or 3 in the morning (here it is superior to Veratrum Alb) with burning, serous Diarrhoea-even rice-water discharges, cramps and vomiting of food and sour and bilious matters.

It has no coldness and symptoms of collapse like Veratrum Alb.

Jatropha Curcas [Jatr]

      Produce a perfect picture of Cholera Asiatica, with great prostration. Vomiting of ropy, albuminous matters looking like rice-water or the white of eggs, and purging like water from a hydrant, coldness of the body, nausea, gurgling in abdomen and also cramps of calves.

Lachesis [Lach]

      Useful both in Cholera Asiatica and Cholera Morbus. Vomiting renewed by least motion and nausea attended with a great flow of saliva [Colchicum].

Phosphorus [Phos]

      Indicated in Cholerine or Diarrhoea occurring at the time of Cholera epidemics.

Podophyllum [Podo]

      Useful in Cholera Morbus which generally comes on during hot days.

It is esp. indicated when the case is characterised by the absence of pain. The bowels are more apt to move after midnight towards morning. The stools are watery and too profuse and come out with a gush and splattering, like water from a hydrant, are extremely offensive and very liable to vary in color-now yellow, now green, now white, now brown, now clay-colored, etc. There is marked loathing of food.

Secale [Sec]

      Useful both in Cholera Asiatica and Cholera Morbus.

It is indicated when the patient is cold, but with intolerance of heat, cannot bear to be covered and finds relief from cold; he is almost pulseless, with spasmodic twitching of muscles of various parts of the body; the spreading asunder of finger are esp. noticeable. His eyes are sunken and features are pinched. The skin is blue, harsh, shriveled and dry. There is tingling or formication all over the body, esp. in hands and feet. Great deal of spasmodic retching, but not much vomiting. The stools are profuse, offensive and watery and come in spurts, are ejected with great violence and are very exhausting. The urine is suppressed.

The two drugs Arsenicum and Secale are complementary and they follow each other well.

Sulphur [Sulph]

      It suits both the incipient and subsequent symptoms of Cholera Asiatica.

The crude drug is a true prophylactic of Cholera-it may be used by placing a piece of Flower of Sulphur inside of the stockings as recommended by Dr. Hering.

Tabacum [Tab]

      Useful both in Cholera Asiatica and Cholera Morbus. It is indicated when the nausea and cold sweat still persist after Camph., Secale or Veratrum Alb. has stopped the Diarrhoea. The nausea is accompanied by burning heat about the abdomen, the rest of the body being cold. The patient persists in uncovering the abdomen.

Veratrum Album [Verat]

      Useful both in Cholera Asiatica and Cholera Morbus. It is indicated by the following symptoms: Vomiting and purging at the same time, colicky pains through the abdomen, with cramps, esp. in calves of the legs and profuse watery stools (rice-water stools); they are attended with great prostration and cold sweat on the forehead [Arsenicum-but less marked]. Coldness and blueness of the surface and symptoms of collapse. All the symptoms are worse at night. The emaciation is rapid and pronounced.

Useful also in the acute attacks of Arsenical-poisoning, simulating those of Cholera Morbus.

It is useless to give Veratrum in Choleraic affections, unless is pain.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.