Hpathy Needs Your Help!


THE ANIMALS PAGES. In view of my failure, I proceeded to examine the dog. I heard that he had not lost his appetite, but I was amazed at the violence of the cough which had a peculiar and striking characteristic. In breathing out, the dog emptied his lungs of air very thoroughly and his breath produced within his chest a very loud noise resembling that of a saw used for sawing up tough wood.

We ought to be fair to our dumb friends and helpers. Hints on their treatment will be a standing feature of “THE HOMOEOPATHIC WORLD”.


A MONGREL sheep dog, about 17 years old, who had been in good health all his life, developed a most terrible and continuous cough, which went on day and night and which disturbed the neighbours in their sleep. He looked anxious and ill, and I wished to help him. The cough seemed incurable, for it had lasted for a couple of months. As his owner told me that he was under the impression that the dog tried to vomit between bouts of coughing, I thought that the animal suffered from emphysema of the lungs and prescribed Ipecacuanha which was given during six days, but which produced no improvement whatever.

In view of my failure, I proceeded to examine the dog. I heard that he had not lost his appetite, but I was amazed at the violence of the cough which had a peculiar and striking characteristic. In breathing out, the dog emptied his lungs of air very thoroughly and his breath produced within his chest a very loud noise resembling that of a saw used for sawing up tough wood.

Paroxysm followed paroxysm and between the attacks the animal was scarcely free from pain during more than a few seconds. I examined his lungs carefully and thoroughly with the stethoscope, but could hear no murmur. Percussion by the finger also revealed no abnormality of the lungs, and the heart action was regular and vigorous, although it was, of course, affected by coughing bouts.

In pressing my fingers lightly on the dogs throat, a terrible attack of coughing was produced, and the hind legs of the animal were stiff. Spongia, roasted sea sponge, is characterised by these symptoms, and it has produced these symptoms in provers who have taken the drug experimentally. I prescribed for the animal Spongia 3 and within four days the dog was cured and the cure has held good. From L’Homoeopathie Francaise, May, 1932.


I WAS much interested in an article in the August “HOMOEOPATHIC WORLD,” about the little mother cat bringing her little family into the world so easily as the result of pre-natal treatment with homoeopathic remedies. This case confirms my own experience in canine practice. It is a well-known fact that many valuable bitches are lost through difficult parturition. In 1926 a well- known breeder of French Bull Dogs was much distressed at losing a dam at this critical time. So I was asked if homoeopathy could be of any service in such cases.

I immediately thought of that great North American remedy, Squaw Wort Caulophyllum as used by the Indian for their women folk in uterine affections. I sent this lady twenty-eight doses of Caulophyllum mother tincture, five- drop doses to be given morning and evening, commencing fourteen days before the next helping was expected. The owner reported that the mother dog had had a wonderfully easy time and strong and healthy puppies. I have recently received a letter of thankfulness from the lady breeder, as she has not lost a single bitch through difficult helping since using Caulophyllum. Surely this is sufficient evidence of its value as a preventive.

The value of Caulophyllum in uterine troubles can be judged by the following wonderful case reported by a homoeopath at Worcester. A ewe in the lambing season was found to be carrying a dead lamb which had to be removed by operation and the poor animal was badly mauled and was left in a very serious condition. The farmer called in a homoeopathic practitioner who found the ewe in great pain, lying on her side. He administered a dose of Caulophyllum 1x every hour for four doses. The next morning he called and, instead of finding the animal dead, she was frolicking about the field like a young lamb and so lively that they could not catch her. F.J. BENNETT.



DEAR SIR, I would like to thank you and Mr. F.J. Bennett for the excellent book Speedy Dog Cures by Homoeopathy which I bought after having read a very favourable review of the volume in your pages. It has been an invaluable recommendation to me. As it happened, I had some trouble in my four-footed family and a few homoeopathic doses cured my little friends in record time. I also would say that I think your animals pages are an excellent feature. I and my children find this the most valuable portion of your magazine. Happily we ourselves require little medication, if any. Hitherto I have tried to treat animals in the orthodox way and results have been rather disappointing.

I am,

Very truly yours,


“Perhaps the most common complaint that we are called upon to treat in children is enlarged tonsils. I believe 95 per cent. of these cases (probably more) are curable with medicine, and in the great majority the successful remedy will be Tuberculinum. Tuberculinum, let me say, is my king of childrens remedies, and I certainly think that nearly all children need it at some time or other, just as most adults need Sulphur at some time of their lives.” DR. H. FERGIE WOODS.

J. Ellis Barker
James Ellis Barker 1870 – 1948 was a Jewish German lay homeopath, born in Cologne in Germany. He settled in Britain to become the editor of The Homeopathic World in 1931 (which he later renamed as Heal Thyself) for sixteen years, and he wrote a great deal about homeopathy during this time.

James Ellis Barker wrote a very large number of books, both under the name James Ellis Barker and under his real German name Otto Julius Eltzbacher, The Truth about Homœopathy; Rough Notes on Remedies with William Murray; Chronic Constipation; The Story of My Eyes; Miracles Of Healing and How They are Done; Good Health and Happiness; New Lives for Old: How to Cure the Incurable; My Testament of Healing; Cancer, the Surgeon and the Researcher; Cancer, how it is Caused, how it Can be Prevented with a foreward by William Arbuthnot Lane; Cancer and the Black Man etc.