Hpathy Needs Your Help!


A RARE CHRONIC CASE OF CHOREA. Nature records in the eye, acute and inflammatory changes. It is possible even to foretell from the eye the advent of an acute critical illness. Catarrhal conditions are clearly manifested in the blue iris by white lines or cloudings, and in the brown iris by a “whitening” of the original brown of the iris. Chronic destructive conditions such as exist in cancer are clearly shown in the iris by dark spots or marks.

In a male married Chinese of 43, with many healthy children. Duration over ten years. Constitution fair, in spite of the chronicity of the very slowly increasing paralysis. Memory good. Sight Can recognise persons well, but cant read ordinary print, can read large print. Speech clear and distinct, but somewhat slow, Motions of hands and fingers, delayed, but he can grip anothers hand quite firmly. Almost unable to move legs or wave them, when sitting, or to slip the feet in slippers, but can move the feet up and down, and the toes as well with hesitation.

Can only walk with another persons help with legs somewhat dragging, but when very angry over his children, he can walk by himself to chase them. After sitting quiet for some time he needs a good shake by the arm to arouse movements. Unable to stand by himself for five minutes. Twitchings of the muscles of the mouth, especially those of the lower lip and jaw, the latter somewhat fallen or gaping, fingers, several rendered crooked with the forefinger of the left hand constantly moving, more when excited or on seeing a stranger.

All symptoms disappear during sleep, which is good. Right hand started first, and spread to right leg, and the left hand and leg, actions and movements became very gradually slower, and now he is unable to move by himself after sitting for some time, unless given a good shake up, which seems to loosen the stiffness of the limbs, no numbness. Pupils react. Appetite good. Pulse 98 per minute. Tongue fairly clean (whitish). Respiration 18. Bowels constipated and hard balls, which recede (being just treated with Silica 30). Not anaemic, but limbs and fingers somewhat atrophied. Urine normal. Writing can only sign his name very very slowly like one just beginning to learn to write. Causes no apparent causes.

Not a drunk. No fright or grief, Had a fall while playing football when a boy of seventeen years, and sprained right ankle. No venereal history. Wassermanns test negative on two examinations. Has had various treatments. Allopathy, electropathy, chiropractic therapy, Indian, Chinese and Japanese and Malay treatments and massaging, all did no good, but homoeopathy which I started three weeks ago, giving first a bottle of sixteen doses of Nux vomica 30 thrice daily with Magnesia phosphorica 6x, twice at night, three tablets each time. no result. Second bottle of sixteen doses Agaricus 3, thrice daily with Magnesia phosphorica at night, no result. Third bottle sixteen doses of Veratrum viride 3, as I had no higher potencies. No discomforts or pain or swelling anywhere.


DEAR MR. BARKER, I was greatly interested to learn that you had brought the interesting and valuable science of eye-diagnosis before your readers. Homoeopathic practitioners would do well to follow the lead thus given.

One of the reasons why iridology does not find favour with allopathic practitioners is that eye-diagnosis shows unmistakably the fatal and disastrous results that follow the dosing of patients with the heavy, crude, unassimilable drugs usually given.

With the aid of iris science it is possible to tell a patient which kind of drugs he has taken and the various parts or organs where they have been stored up and have caused injury. Here is proof positive of the claims made by homoeopaths and naturopaths that the crude heavy doses of allopathy remain in the tissues as foreign matter. The infinitesimals of homoeopathy are considered by iridologists as being too minute to cause tissue-storage of the drugs.

The eye-diagnostician can, with the aid of this science, detect in the iris the signs of inherited disease-taints such as scrofula, psora and sycosis.

Nature records in the eye, acute and inflammatory changes. It is possible even to foretell from the eye the advent of an acute critical illness. Catarrhal conditions are clearly manifested in the blue iris by white lines or cloudings, and in the brown iris by a “whitening” of the original brown of the iris. Chronic destructive conditions such as exist in cancer are clearly shown in the iris by dark spots or marks.

The slow subtle degradation of the blood and tissues resulting from vaccines and sera, and from vaccination against small-pox, is unmistakably shown by the darkening or muddying of the iris colour generally. The changes in structure and in tissues caused by accidental injury are clearly denoted in the eye. On the other hand, changes in the iris indicate plainly the slow purification of the system, the elimination of morbid matter and poisons, and the improvement in health resulting from the adoption of healthy habits of living.

The nature cure practitioner does not, of course, use this method to the exclusion of other methods of diagnosis. Iris diagnosis should be combined with these. It therefore helps to supplement, extend, correct or verify laboratory findings and the results of the ordinary physical examination.

The study of iridology is particularly to be recommended to homoeopaths. One of its greatest exponents Dr. Henry Lindlahr was also an enthusiastic practitioner of homoeopathy. His Iridiagnosis (Vol. VI of the Natural Therapeutics Library) remains one of the soundest and completest expositions.

Yours faithfully,

Milton Powell,

Principal, London School of Natural Therapeutics, 60 Warwick

Gardens, Kensington,.

J. Ellis Barker
James Ellis Barker 1870 – 1948 was a Jewish German lay homeopath, born in Cologne in Germany. He settled in Britain to become the editor of The Homeopathic World in 1931 (which he later renamed as Heal Thyself) for sixteen years, and he wrote a great deal about homeopathy during this time.

James Ellis Barker wrote a very large number of books, both under the name James Ellis Barker and under his real German name Otto Julius Eltzbacher, The Truth about Homœopathy; Rough Notes on Remedies with William Murray; Chronic Constipation; The Story of My Eyes; Miracles Of Healing and How They are Done; Good Health and Happiness; New Lives for Old: How to Cure the Incurable; My Testament of Healing; Cancer, the Surgeon and the Researcher; Cancer, how it is Caused, how it Can be Prevented with a foreward by William Arbuthnot Lane; Cancer and the Black Man etc.