Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Without wishing to boast in any way or to blow my own trumpet, I think that I can say of myself that I have been fairly successful at my profession, at any rate, as judged by the ordinary standard of success, viz., professional reputation and financial competence.


DEAR SIR, I am an “allopathic” physician of twenty-five years standing, and I have just finished your book, Miracles of Healing, which I read and re-read with the greatest interest. I must candidly confess that this book has made a deep and forcible impression upon me, and that it has entirely changed my ideas of, and my outlook towards, homoeopathy.

Without wishing to boast in any way or to blow my own trumpet, I think that I can say of myself that I have been fairly successful at my profession, at any rate, as judged by the ordinary standard of success, viz., professional reputation and financial competence. It will therefore not surprise you when I say that I have hesitated a long while whether or not to write this letter, not only on account of a natural reluctance to trouble and bother you with my requests, but also because my letter must be a candid admission of the failure of allopathic medicine to be of any help to me in relieving my own particular ailments.

I am just forty-eight years of age and I am affected with a high blood-pressure of the so-called “essential” variety, from which I have suffered for a good many years now and which is steadily increasing to such an extent as to threaten to render it impossible for me to continue the exercise of my profession; I need hardly add that every possible remedy and drug which has been recommended to me, or which has been landed in the medical press, has failed to produce the slightest benefit.

I would be deeply indebted to you, therefore, if you would be so kind as to favour me with the name and address of a reliable homoeopathic practitioner whom I could consult with regard to my health. I would also be very much obliged for the information which books mentioned in the bibliographical index at the end of your book would, in your opinion, be suitable for me to start learning the homoeopathic system of treatment, and the names of the publishers as well as the price of any book recommended would also be much appreciated.

In conclusion, please accept my apologies and my best thanks in anticipation for the trouble which, I fear, I am causing you with my requests, but which, I venture to hope, you will not refuse through your obvious desire to further the cause of homoeopathy.


[TO THE EDITOR OF The Morning Post].

SIR, Aluminium is a danger only to a minority of persons. The majority can excrete the amount they receive. Eggs absorb aluminium readily. Reports based on animal or human experiments are useless unless performed on persons or animals who are sensitive to aluminium.

I have had over twenty cases of aluminium poisoning this year. There are, therefore, a considerable number of the public who are sensitive.

Three of these cases, either because they went on visits, or because they forgot the warning, again were subjected to aluminium. They all got a recurrence of symptoms, which vanished under treatment and removal of the aluminium pots.

The general use of aluminium is a great hardship to those who are sensitive to the metal, as I myself and some members of my family are. Anyone suffering from bowel trouble should avoid the use of aluminium.


DEAR SIR, All power to your pen and wise guidance of the “H.W.” I feel stung into writing you on receipt of the July number, to bring my case before the public, if you approve, in order to help on the good work.

Three years after the War, I developed an aggravating cough, which gradually got worse during the six months I was treated by an allopath, who persisted that it was merely deep seated catarrh, although I repeatedly asked if the fact of my having been badly gassed was at all responsible. At the special request of my employers, this doctor once more thoroughly overhauled me and said there was nothing radically wrong.

However, I was sent on a sea voyage and within ten days of the examination, I was given up as “finished by T.B.” To spite the doctors, I recovered and, on my return, I was sent to one of the most reputed sanitariums in the country and in addition I was overhauled and advised by some of the most eminent T.B. specialists in London. After my discharge from the sanitarium, with strict injunctions not to do this, that and the other, I went to the seaside and despite all my care I broke down again within a few years.

The Country T.B. doctor told me I must go back to a sanitarium. Realising that this would be a waste of time and money, I came up to London to see what a homoeopath had to say. He surprised me by not first of all asking what every allopath had done, and what the last doctor had said. Instead he went carefully and completely into my past medical history and got to root causes, instead of merely treating symptoms, as the orthodox doctors had done.

I followed his advice, and within six weeks I was again seen by the County T.B. doctor and he admitted that he was amazed at my transformation. Since then I have steadily gone ahead. Even four hours gardening at a stretch has no ill effect. The T.B. doctor still finds noises through his stethoscope, but as I have not been in bed one day through illness since I came to my homoeopath such things do not worry me.

My faith in doctors was completely shaken before I ever met my homoeopaths who really do try to treat root causes and not ask merely for symptoms and then turn to the prescription book for a drug.

May the allopaths see the error of their ways and mend them before this becomes a C3 nation.

For certain reasons, please do not print my name and address, but I shall be happy to confirm my story through the post to anyone who doubts the genuineness of this letter, you forwarding to me the enquiries of correspondents.

I am, yours faithfully, A WAR RELIC.

J. Ellis Barker
James Ellis Barker 1870 – 1948 was a Jewish German lay homeopath, born in Cologne in Germany. He settled in Britain to become the editor of The Homeopathic World in 1931 (which he later renamed as Heal Thyself) for sixteen years, and he wrote a great deal about homeopathy during this time.

James Ellis Barker wrote a very large number of books, both under the name James Ellis Barker and under his real German name Otto Julius Eltzbacher, The Truth about Homœopathy; Rough Notes on Remedies with William Murray; Chronic Constipation; The Story of My Eyes; Miracles Of Healing and How They are Done; Good Health and Happiness; New Lives for Old: How to Cure the Incurable; My Testament of Healing; Cancer, the Surgeon and the Researcher; Cancer, how it is Caused, how it Can be Prevented with a foreward by William Arbuthnot Lane; Cancer and the Black Man etc.