Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The child was under medical treatment( allopathic) and the doctor had tried medicines and changes in diet, but with no result. The vomiting continued. I asked the father what cooking utensils they used and he said; “Aluminium– all aluminium.

DEAR MR. ELLIS BARKER, I am sending you the following as I think it may be of interest to readers.

A few weeks ago I met an acquaintance of mine, and he was very worried over the health of his little boy, aged six, the only child he has. For some time past the little boy had been ill and seemed to be suffering from a serious digestive disorder, as vomiting occurred after almost every meal.

Immediately on eating his food he fell ill, then after vomiting he would seem much better until the next meal and the same thing would happen again and so on.

The child was under medical treatment( allopathic) and the doctor had tried medicines and changes in diet, but with no result. The vomiting continued. I asked the father what cooking utensils they used and he said; “Aluminium– all aluminium. We have not used anything else since we were married.”.

I told him that I thought the child was suffering from Aluminium poisoning. I posted on to him Dr. Le Hunte Coopers pamphlet The Danger of Food Contamination by Aluminium, and also I wrote a letter telling him of a great number of cases of illness in which I had proved the cause to be the use of Aluminium.

To-day I have seen the man. He is full of joy and gratitude. He and his wife read Dr. Coopers book and decided to scrap all Aluminium and to replace them by the best enamel.

When the Aluminium saucepans, etc., were no longer used the result was like a miracle! The vomiting ceased and in a week the child was well.

The father said “Unless it had been my own personal experience I should never have believed it.”.

Yours sincerely,


5 Bideford Mansions,

Roseberry Avenue, E. C. I.

[I am glad that Miss Sarti has drawn attention to Aluminium poisoning, which is very frequent, and which produces symptoms of every kind, not only with regard to digestion and excretion. I myself have handled a large number of cases of Aluminium poisoning. Curiously enough Aluminium produces in some patients violent vomiting and diarrhoea, in others it produces complete atony of the bowel and the most intractable constipation.

In others again Aluminium leads to great difficulties in swallowing, to symptoms in legs and arms which cause doctors to diagnose rheumatism or rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The danger of Aluminium absorption can scarcely be overstated. There are people who are extraordinary sensitive to Aluminium poisoning, and there are others who can with impunity swallow any quantity of Aluminium with their food. EDITOR, ” HEAL THYSELF.”].


DEAR SIR, In a recent number of the local Co-operative Magazine, the Womans page had an article dealing, with various domestic subjects and among other things, praising aluminium and assuring us that it had now been proved to be harmless.

As I myself have suffered from aluminium poisoning and as also we know several other people who have given up using it as it was doing them harm, I got my husband to write to the C. W. S. people to tell them the other side of the case.

He did so and had an answer to the effect that they had made careful enquiries, etc., before inserting the remark in question, but they would consult their own expert analysis, etc., etc. A few days ago we received the enclosed letter. What can one say to such one-sided arguments? Is it of any use for someone more expert than myself to take the matter up ?.

At any rate I thought you might like to see the letter. It seems a wicked shame that people are misled like this. The people who ought to know better are too credulous, are they not ?.

I may say that Ive been reading “HEAD THYSELF” for the last twelve months, hence my interest in this subject.

Yours faithfully,.



Forde Park, Newton Abbott.

Adrienne Sarti