November 11, 1930. Menses now, scanty. Pain in left side of abdomen. Murex 10m.

February 26, 1931. Less pain in upper abdomen, but still has some in left pelvis. Murex 10m.

May 3, 1931. Menses began, then almost ceased. Had been normal for several previous periods. General health has been good. Murex 10m.

August 15, 1931. Some pain in left upper abdomen. Bitter taste. Tongue less red. Last menses scanty. Murex 50m.

September 10, 1931. Patient looks very well. Colour of skin is clear, whereas it used to be sallow. For years she was frequently sick in bed, subject to every devitalising influence of work and whether. She has now not been in bed for more than a year, and works very hard all the time.

In this case, I repeated her remedy in high potencies more frequently than in any other case in my hands. That was especially true during the long period when Cadm. sulph. was the simillimum. Her relapses and her brief reactions necessitated that frequency.

Mrs. A.W. Aged 69 years. July 14, 1929. Two years ago she had uterine haemorrhages, and the cervix was removed and radium applied. Four months after the operation there was a second application of radium. She now comes to me because she has been passing dark blood from the rectum. Examination disclosed the vaginal walls very pale, uterine body atrophied, cervix absent; rectal walls dark red, especially the anterior one, which was thickened and indurated, presenting a palpable mass about 2 1\2 by 1 inch in the recto-vaginal wall. Dark blood oozed constantly from the region. Blood test malignancy and radium burn; remedy: Cadm. fluor. 10m.

September 8, 1929. Recto-vaginal mass smaller in all dimensions, less indurated; mucosa light red, with one small bluish spot. No blood oozed on examination. Sac. lac.

September 23, 1929. Some bleeding again. Cadm. fluor. 10m.

October 21, 1929. For ten days she has had pain in upper abdomen and in back below left shoulder blade, for which Kali carb. 200 was given. Pain now intermittent. Cadm. fluor. 10m.

October 27, 1929. Rectal mass smaller, no bleeding during examination. Small thickened area above lower one, about four inches up in rectum, slightly tender to touch. Sac. lac.

December 1, 1929. More weight in pelvis again. Cadm. fluor. 50m.

December 21, 1929. Hard, dry cough. Caust. 200. This condition continued for a month, during which time she thought she had an attack of pneumonia. She reported to me by letter and by telephone, and I prescribed without seeing her except once, January 5, 1930. The remedy used was Caust., ascending to the 10m potency.

February 21, 1930. Cold cleared. Has some bloody discharge again. Cadm. fluor. 10m.

April 16, 1930. Cadm. fluor. 50m.

April 19, 1930. Has taken cold again. Caust. 1m.

April 23, 1930. Cough loosened, then became tight again. Coughs until she almost chokes. Ears and tonsils pain. Radionic test remedy: Ammon. caust. 200.

May 5, 1930. Cold cleared. Cadm. fluor. 10m.

May 27, 1930. About a teaspoonful of dark blood every day from rectum. Radionic test remedy: Cadm. mur. 10m.

July 6, 1930. Little blood from rectum. Some vertex pain. Cadm. mur. 10m.

August 18, 1930. More blood. Cadm. fluor. 10m.

August 23, 1930. Bloody discharge aggravated. Much weight in pelvis. Radionic test remedy: Carb. an. 200.

September 15, 1930. No bleeding for more than a week, until today. Carb. an. 1m.

October 31, 1930. Pain in stomach for three weeks. Much gas. Carb. an. 10m.

November 9, 1930. Much distressed by heart action. Heart labouring, dicrotic, rate 120. Radial pulse very weak. Rectum no indurations, on blood. Cadm. fluor. 10m. (Test indicated contest between Cadm. fl. and Carb. an.).

November 25, 1930. Some bloody discharge. Heart palpitates. Radionic test remedy: Carb. an. 30x.

December 14, 1930. Carb. an. 1m.

January 12, 1931. More blood. Carb. an. 10m.

January 30, 1931. Influenza. Caust. 200.

February 8, 1931. Heart less rapid, dicrotic action less marked. Little bleeding. Carb. an. 200.

March 11, 1931. Carb. an. 10m.

March 19, 1931. Caust. 200 for cold.

April 1, 1931. Ammon. caust. 200 for pain in ear, tight cough.

April 5, 1931. Right kidney prolapsed, lies in region of appendix. Replaced. Carb. an. cm.

May 29, 1931. Slight rectal bleeding every day. Carb. an. cm.

August 23, 1931. Now and then has some blood pass from rectum, may be one tablespoonful. Now has some cold in throat, and general aching. Heart is less dicrotic. Caust. 30x.

September 15, 1931. Was on an automobile trip for a few days, stood it very well, except that heart is more rapid again. She does not expect to be cured, as she is now 71 years old, but she is satisfied to be able to care for a home for her son and grandson, and to be free of pain and haemorrhages.


By R. P. VARMA, M.D., Dinapur, India.

I HAD a case of chronic leucorrhoea two months ago and the treatment affords a good deal of interesting material both for the new and the old practitioners in the science. It would help them considerably in pursuing without dejection at the failure of a case, the selection of a proper remedy for a case, which in this particular instance had been baffling not only my mind but that of many renowned practitioners of over fifteen years standing, who were gladly consulted by me and their treatment followed according to their directions for over a month on my seeming failure to cure the case. But while their directions were being followed, I was not content with their advice which I took as inadequate, and went on studying the case in its varying stages till a proper remedy presented itself to my perception to bring the case to a successful close.

The lady who came of a respectable family was over twenty. She had a case of abnormal labour which resulted in the laceration of the cervix and inflammation of the left adnexa (i.e. fallopian tube and left ovary). One expert lady doctor of British qualifications diagnosed that she had also sub-involution of uterus.

Lilium tig., Helonias dioica and certain other medicines removed the complaint but then she began to have constant foul discharges, milky, thick and tenacious in nature almost four or five times a day.

No medicines that can be prescribed for leucorrhoea and be confidently prescribed were left out from the treatment by my colleagues. Some of them are:






Calc. carb.


Vesicaria com.

None of these succeeded. One of my fellow practitioners who is a highly reputed practitioner at Patna advised me to give her first Hepar sulphur 200 in two pills of twenty in half an ounce of distilled water. But this also did no good. She subsequently got menses also and this leucorrhoea continued almost every day before and also after the menses.

After much consideration I decided to continue Sepia in higher potencies, owing to the troubles of the uterus, and with a view also to stop these foul discharges I prescribed her Sepia 200 twice a week. This prescription was supported by more than half- a-dozen reputed homoeopaths, but had not a grain of success.

With a view to experiment if in the end Acid nitric would be successfully administered in such a case of foul leucorrhoea, I prescribed it in 200 potency although the patient has no infection either by tubercles, syphilis or gonorrhoea at any time nor was ever over dosed with Mercury. This lessened the frequency of the foul discharges and stopped it also for a few days. The patient and the practitioner both became hopeful, but when the medicine was administered in 1000th potency the discharge again continued as before and no good ensued, either in reverting to 200 again or lowering the potency.

This led me to suspect that Nitric Acid alone was not sufficient to cure the case, as some quantity of Phosphorus was no less wanting to aid it. I, therefore, prescribed her Acid phosphoricum 200 and lo ! This case of chronic leucorrhoea has been cured by this single remedy, of which scarcely a mention has been made by any Repertory under the treatment of leucorrhoea.

It is my firm conviction that Acid phosphoricum is as good a remedy for females in chronic leucorrhoea as for spermatorrhoea in males.

[We congratulate Dr. Varma on his ultimate success in this case, though we should call the cure a lucky one, as the remedy was apparently based on a theory as to the reason for the resistance of the complaint to the other remedies tried, and was not arrived at by the consideration of the patients symptoms. However the patient was cured, and we have occasionally known other patients cured as a result of the prescribers “intuition,” when careful working out of the case was not successful. But unless one is a superman, it does not often do to depart from the well-tried methods of working].

J H Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica