The plain statement impels me to submit this problem to a homoeopathic test. When the blood does not originally contain the antibodies empowered to resist the attacking disease, does this not mean clearly that the entire constitution of the child or of the adult lacks something in its elements? Why not then supply this want by devoting all our attention to the correction of this lack in the constitution?.

“The Weekly Bulletin of the Department of Health, City of New York,” in its issue of May 26th, No. 21, has an item headed, “Diphtheria in City and Country”.

Dr. C.W. Kidder, of the United States Public Health Service in New England after an investigation recently completed in the Eighth Sanitary District of Vermont, concludes as follows:.

“This if the person is immune to diphtheria, that is to say, if his blood contains substances that neutralize the toxin which is injected, nothing results. But if his blood does not contain such substances, a small rosy spot soon appears at the point of injection and persists for a few days, causing little or no discomfort. Such a person should be subjected to the Schick Test and then at once immunized wit toxin-antitoxin”.

The plain statement impels me to submit this problem to a homoeopathic test.

When the blood does not originally contain the antibodies empowered to resist the attacking disease, does this not mean clearly that the entire constitution of the child or of the adult lacks something in its elements? Why not then supply this want by devoting all our attention to the correction of this lack in the constitution?.

This, to the real scientific physicians observance, becomes imperative and truly feasible, even in pre-natal and post-natal states and in the earlier years. Treat, then, by well-directed means the child and the adolescent, and then, and only then, will adenoids, trachomas, hypertrophied tonsils, diphtheria, skin diseases, catarrhs, and many other ailments, cease to manifest themselves. For at the bottom of all these, scrofulosis, the taint of tuberculosis syphilis and gonorrhea are causative hereditary factors, otherwise known as constitutional diseases.

Correct the constitution, scientific doctor, and in order to do so, study “Hahnemanns Organon” and the homoeopathic materia medica; for there can be found the true scientific medicine of the present and of the ages to come. We base our challenge upon century old clinical verifications.

John Arschagouni