AFFINITY REMEDIES BY RADIONIC TEST. We congratulate Dr. Varma on his ultimate success in this case, though we should call the cure a lucky one, as the remedy was apparently based on a theory as to the reason for the resistance of the complaint to the other remedies tried, and was not arrived at by the consideration of the patients symptoms.

This test, we imagine, is something allied to the electronic reactions. ED.



Mr. E.B.S. Aged 55 years. March 6, 1929. Eructates food by mouthfuls. Much gas, which presses against heart. Heart action irregular, rapid, intermittent. Radial pulse full, hard, incompressible. Blood test remedy: Silicea 10m.

April 6, 1929. No stomach discomfort. Can eat food that formerly distressed him. Heart intermits, but annoys him less. He is working very hard. Sac. lac.

June 8, 1929. Had gained some weight, but now appears rather thin again. Pulse more regular, less rapid. Some eructations of food. Silicea 50m.

August 3, 1929. Some sour eructations, but very little food. Heart intermits infrequently. Silicea cm.

October 2, 1929. Has had a cold in chest. Coughs some. Used to be so weak he could not walk to house from barn with two pails of milk until he had rested for a while. Also had seminal losses during stool. No trouble of either character now. Has a warty lump behind left ear, covered with a thick, viscid crust. Silicea 50m.

November 9, 1929. Crust came off wart and latter appears somewhat smaller. Stomach comfortable. Heart distresses after exertion. Silicea 50m.

December 23, 1929. Fine. Gaining weight. Heart distressed only once, after great exertion. Wart has a thin crust over about half of its surface. Silicea cm.

January 27, 1930. Has had a cold, but is better. Wart covered with thin crust. Radionic test remedy: Alum. 10m.

February 22, 1930. Wart soon began to discharge a serous fluid, reducing as it did so. Considerable abdominal distension. Appetite wanting. Regurgitates food occasionally. Alum. 10m.

April 5, 1930. Abdominal distension, but no regurgitation or intermittent heart action. Wart less thick. Thin crust on it. Alum. 50m.

May 24, 1930. Fine in general. Wart discharging freely. Crust over small area. Alum. 50m.

June 28, 1930. Wart more thick. No discharge. Alum. cm.

August 26, 1930. Wart larger. Stomach fine. Pain in back came on while lifting. Cannot straighten up. Had such an attack five years ago. Alum. cm.

September 6, 1930. Pain in back continues. Wart same. Radionic test remedy: Silicea Atlantica 10m.

September 13, 1930. Much discharge from growth, which is smaller. Sac. lac.

September 20, 1930. Bloody discharge from wart. Ulcer in upper left eyelid, inflamed, with purple ridge leading to it from above. Subject to inflammation of that region. Stomach fine. Sac. lac.

October 4, 1930. Growth smaller, dry. Less thickening in eyelid. Sil. At. 10m.

October 11, 1930. Growth very small, dry. Only a trace is palpable. No thickening in eyelid. Sac. lac. December 6, 1930. Has been fine. Now rather hoarse. Was over-heated, then chilled. Growth can be felt as a small cartilaginous thickening, but is not visible. Sil. At. 10m.

Felt so well in every way that he discontinued treatment. Was advised to return if growth began to enlarge, as it was not yet cured.

May 19, 1931. Growth began to enlarge about two months ago, but he has now returned because he feels badly in general. Weak. Heart intermits. Cheeks too red. Radial artery feels like a quill beneath fingers. Wart is about the diameter of a medium sized pea. Radionic test remedy: Alum. sil. calc. sul. 1m.

May 23, 1931. Better in general, but heart still palpitates. Wart unchanged. Alum. 50m.

July 22, 1931. Wart has been discharging. No crust. Smaller, but still cartilaginous. Alum. 50m.

August 5, 1931. Looks very well. Colour of skin better. Wart same. Has two new ones, one on scalp, one on nose. Radionic test remedy: Thuja 10m.

September 12, 1931. “Wart almost ran away.” Discharging serum. Only a trace of it is perceptible. New one on scalp more dry. One on nose has disappeared. Gas causes distension, but there is no stomach distress. Thuja 10m.

Mr. W.A.K. Aged 52 years.

July 12, 1928. The grandfather of this patient was a doctor, and told him more than twenty-five years ago that a scaling spot on his face was cancerous. The spot is on left cheek, very dark brown, has about doubled in size during the nine years I have known him. Is about five-sixteenths of an inch in diameter.

Blood test indicated its slow malignancy. Remedy: Rad. iod. 10m.

September 7, 1928. No change. Rad. iod. 50m.

October 17, 1928. Brown scale curled at margins. Rad. iod. 50m.

March 26, 1929. Had teeth extracted, and had a cold, for which Merc. viv. had been given. Spot on cheek has changed its appearance. Now like numerous, small, brown, horny warts, with normal colour and texture of skin between them. Rad. iod. cm.

June 5, 1929. About three weeks ago had attack of pain from calculus in left ureter. Spot on face is dark, brown, horny. Saliva test remedy: Alum. 10m.

July 10, 1929. Had ureteral colic June 6, 1929, none since. But today passed a small calculus from bladder. Growth on face is pale brown, smaller. Alum. 10m.

August 2, 1929. Growth darker. Alum. 50 m.

October 18, 1929. Entire discoloured area only about half as large as originally, growth itself like a small, brownish wart. Alum. 50m.

January 16, 1930. Growth warty, a trifle larger. Alum. cm.

March 4, 1930. Has a cold. Wart darker. Alum. 10m.

March 18, 1930. Growth larger, darker. Patient losing weight. Alum. 50m.

April 24, 1930. Does not sleep well. Much gas. Pain in left, lower chest. Brown, smooth spot on cheek. Alum. 50m.

June 14, 1930. Growth larger, like a small, light-brown wart. Few tiny wart-like specks surrounding. Alum. 50m.

August 26, 1930. Growth small, light brown, now visible only in centre of original area. Patient has slight pains across upper abdomen today. Alum. cm.

October 13, 1930. Growth is wart-like in centre, there is more brown area around it again. Alum. cm.

January 16, 1931. Spot is wart-like. Wife died recently and he suffers from grief and shock. Alum. cm.

February 5, 1931. Great pain in region of left ureter. Alum. 200.

February 7, 1931. Very severe attack of ureteral colic. Radionic test remedy: Sars. 200.

February 18, 1931. Some discomfort again in region of left ureter. Sars. 10m.

March 27, 1931. Looks better, but does not sleep well. Spot on face is like a small, pale wart. Had one light attack of ureteral pain. Passed a large, dark calculus from bladder since last prescription. Sars. 10m.

September 9, 1931. Came in to tell me there is not a trace of the growth on face.

Mrs. B.A. Aged 37 years.

July 18, 1928. In September, 1924 this patient had a rupture of the gall-bladder. Condition was undiagnosed by two doctors, and I was called thirty hours after the rupture took place, and found peritonitis beginning. Immediate operation saved her life. Since that time, however, her health has been very poor, with much pain in region of liver, and so much soreness around spleen that she has been unable to lie on her left side for several years. Menses scanty, dark, painful. Blood test malignancy of liver, spleen, gall-bladder, uterus. Remedy: Calc. mur. 10m.

August 21, 1928. Can lie on left side. Some pain in region of gall-bladder. Calc. mur. 10m.

September 22, 1928. Pain in gall-bladder, none in region of spleen. Saliva test remedy: Calc. mur. 50m.

October 27, 1928. Menstrual flow a little better. Does not feel badly during periods. Some pain in left side and in liver region. Calc. mur. 10m.

November 4, 1928. Sudden pain in gall-bladder region. Bitter taste. Calc. mur. 10m.

January 6, 1929. Has has a cold. Tenderness over gall-bladder. Calc. mur. 50m.

January 11, 1929. Severe pain in vertex. Nausea, with numbness. Vomited food, no bile. Mucous rales in lungs. Saliva test remedy: Cadm. sulph. 10m.

February 16, 1929. Menstrual flow continues longer, is good colour, painless. Has some pain in liver region. Cadm. sulph. 50m.

March 23, 1929. Menses scanty again. Pain in liver region. Cadm. sulph. 50m.

May 20, 1929. Last menstrual flow more free than usual. Cramping pain at end of flow. Cadm. sulph. 50m.

June 10, 1929. Menses scanty again. More pain in liver region. Tongue dry, deep red. Cadm. sulph. 50m.

July 31, 1929. Menses better. Pain in liver. Nausea. Cadm. sulph. 50m.

August 25, 1929. Much pain in region of liver. Cadm. sulph. 10m.

September 14, 1929. Headache. Cadm. sulph. 10m.

November 9, 1929. Tongue still too red. Menses better. Some pain in left abdomen. Cadm. sulph. 50m.

December 12, 1929. Fine until yesterday. Pain again in region of spleen and of liver. Last two periods have been comfortable, but flow rather scanty. Cadm. sulph. cm.

January 27, 1930. Has a cold. Menses now. Flow intermits. Radionic test remedy: Cadm. sulph. 10m.

March 15, 1930. Last menses about normal in amount. Some liver discomfort. Colour of skin is much better. Cadm. sulph. 10m.

April 17, 1930. Has a cold in nose and throat. Kali mur. 10m.

June 19, 1930. Last menses very good, but now delayed. Kali mur. 10m.

June 26, 1930. Menses came on, scanty. Patient feels badly. Cadm. sulph. 10m.

August 18, 1930. Some pain in both hypochondria. Last menses scanty. Cadm. sulph. 50m.

August 20, 1930. Menses began yesterday, very scanty. Patient very restless. Has pain in lumbar region. Radionic test remedy: Murex 200.

J H Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica