Disease in the last analysis is a manifestation of vital unbalance. And we should understand it as such, because in life the dynamic and uninterrupted inter-relation of the living being to environment should be regarded as fundamental.

Gil Sanz, Professor of Medical Pathology at the Central University of Madrid, Spain, in his treatise Orientation to Pathology, 1953, accepts the definition of disease given by Bauer, that is, “Sickness is an abnormal course of the vital process, that perturbs the individual and diminishes his aptitudes and defenses.”

The renowned Founder of Homoeopathy, Dr. Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann, drew a sharp line of difference between the three elements of Man, namely, the soul, the vital force or energy, and the material body.

The soul is immaterial, immortal, indestructible, and is endowed with thought, conscience, and will. It is not subject to weakness or decrepitude, or accessible to any influence from time, and is perfected by the exercise of its faculties.

The vital force or energy is immaterial, instinctive; it acts automatically, never has consciousness of its acts, and is subject to the laws of biology. It manifests itself from the ovular state in the womb of the mother till death and is subject to variations that are transmitted through heredity from an individual to another.

This vital force is autocratic, dynamic, because it is in continuous activity both in sickness and in health, and manifests itself in every organ and tissue of the body. It rules by itself every act of economy and, when keeping a perfect balance, it represents health, that is, the normal psychosomatic condition of the individual.

The material body is subject to the inexorable laws of physics and chemistry and as the renowned Founder of Homoeopathy rightly points out at the end of paragraph 10 of his Organon: The dead individual is subject to the influence of the outer world, becomes disintegrated and resolves himself into his chemical elements.”

Hence the vitalism of the Hahnemannian School shows and proves that, although physiological and pathological phenomena are controlled by vitality, health and sickness do not depend exclusively on the soul, or the vital force, or the material organization of the individual, but on the whole of these three elements which form the trisubstantial unity of man.


1–The Sage of Meissen, Dr. Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann, sought the union of philosophy and medical science to find the integral trinitary knowledge of man.

2–Hahnemannian therapeutics, which is based on the axiom of Similia Similibus Curentur, with its corollary, the Natura Medicatrix of Hippocrates, has as its purpose to aid in the efforts of Nature towards the re-establishment and maintenance of health.

3.–The vital force is the immaterial, dynamic element that unites the soul with the material body and that, under normal conditions of health, sustains the psycho-physical functional harmony of the individual.

4–In every disease it is the vital force–active and self- manifest in all the parts of the body–that first suffers the noxious influence of the agent that is hostile to life, its disharmony being manifested with symptoms of defense, reaction, resistance, or regression, and. 5–The vital force, described by a great man of science, who possessed the spirit of the modern physician, Dr. Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann, in paragraphs 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, etc., of his Exposition of the Homoeopathic Medical Doctrine or Organon of the Art of Healing has remained and will continue to be unchangeable in face of the medical and philosophic theories of all times.

Hilario Luna Castro