Hpathy Needs Your Help!


MORE CASES. Last two years noticing increasingly that vision not so good, especially in right eye; now must tip what is reading side ways in order to make out the letters. Sparks and flashes before eyes. Worse twilight. Oculist made thorough exam and says “progressive macular degeneration involving the retina.” Must look forward to increasing blindness; hope for ability to get about as long as lives but not to read, etc. Two other oculists agree.

Case I: Jan. 22, 1953. Tall, rather stout, young looking, very vigorous female, widow, 61 years.

Fine health all her life long, able to do anything.

Fine clear mind and has worked with it hard.

Eyes : last two years noticing increasingly that vision not so good, especially in right eye; now must tip what is reading side ways in order to make out the letters. Sparks and flashes before eyes. Worse twilight. Oculist made thorough exam and says “progressive macular degeneration involving the retina.” Must look forward to increasing blindness; hope for ability to get about as long as lives but not to read, etc. Two other oculists agree.

Wants to know what Homoeopathy can do; brought up in New England under good Homoeopathy always.

Warm blooded, able to stand much hot weather in summer. Perspiration normal. No colds. Sleep good, gets up Vigorous. Better much exercise especially in fresh air. Phosphorus 20.

Feb. 17: Can see no changes but thinks may see a little better. No more colors before the eyes. Flashes and sparks gone. Burning shooting pain gone. Aggravation at twilight continues. Photophobia not bad.

Mar. 19: Decidedly better; not irritated about loss of vision any more. Holds look naturally now; reading a great deal. Does not mind the twilight consciously. Can see better on the street. No more colors before eyes or spots.

Very interesting example of localized symptoms in an otherwise healthy woman and only a few modulating symptoms to accompany. Much depended on the appearance and bearing of the patient plus her capacity for remarkable, valuable work.

Case 2: Tall, thin all life, weight 137; looks anaemic., Male married, 70 years of age.

Typhoid severe and very long recovering; sister died with it. This 38 years ago.

Stomach tender after this to touch, pressure, jar of riding, etc.

Times of almost blindness walking on the street; once so bad could hardly walk at all; other times lighter; no headache.

Hunger abnormal in spells; would eat heartily and in less than 1/2 hour rush to refrigerator and grab whatever could reach.

One doctor said prolapsed stomach.

Tendency to constipation and attacks stomach likely to come then.

After walking short distance must suddenly sit down wherever is, cannot wait; no faintness or pain, just weak; no staggering.

Lack vital heat.

Desire sweets always. Likes cheese, not meat.

No smoking or liquor.

45 years ago acute attacks indigestion. Tongue coated and foul breath in spells.

Here is a recital of symptoms indicating deep seated and menacing disorder without a consistent picture; disorder with only one guide-the very severe typhoid attack 38 years ago. However, this pulled health why down and no treatment given him had pulled it up again.

A dose of Typhlinum was given him April 22, 1949. May 3rd said feeling all right now, symptoms gone and regular daily stools.

Reports were jubilant up to August 9th when dose repeated. Then all well until May 29, 1952, when another dose sent him. To this date no more medicine needed; he has been made over like a new man.

Julia M. Green