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In accord with his symptoms I gave him Nux Vomica and Condurango 4th, to be taken in alternation every two hours. Even after two days he noticed an improvement and when soon thereafter I added Graphites to his remedies, he felt exceedingly well. Graphites was intended to dissolve the scar tissue; at present he is obliged to assist his bowels somewhat by taking senna leaves, but continued treatment will make this unnecessary also.

“Leipziger Populare Zeitschrift fur Homoopathie”.

Some years ago Dr. Max Kemmerich, of Munich, published a book entitled “Curiosities of Culture”. In this work he illustrated the follies, of which even to this day mankind has been guilty; but one very important folly he overlooked, namely, that so excellent a thing as homoeopathy is, even in this age, and in the land of its birth, of so little consequence and especially so, in the face of the thoroughness and intelligence of the German people. That it is in reality a great folly on the part of human culture to despise homoeopathy and that in fact this is a curiosity of our present-day culture the following clinical cases will prove.

1. Some time ago a merchant of W. came to me in great fear and distraction of mind, for two well-known Hamburg gastro- enterologists as well as another general practitioner had told him frankly that he must at once submit himself to an operation upon his stomach, as his symptoms pointed to the presence of scar-tissue at the pylorus. He therefore came to me and begged me, if possible, to make an operation unnecessary through the use of my homoeopathic remedies, stating that he had heard much good of homoeopathy.

In accord with his symptoms I gave him Nux Vomica and Condurango 4th, to be taken in alternation every two hours. Even after two days he noticed an improvement and when soon thereafter I added Graphites to his remedies, he felt exceedingly well. Graphites was intended to dissolve the scar tissue; at present he is obliged to assist his bowels somewhat by taking senna leaves, but continued treatment will make this unnecessary also. He is, aside from his joy over his recovery without operation, quite exercised in mind to think that each day, all over the world, so many operations are performed which, with the aid of homoeopathic remedies, could easily be avoided.

In this mans case truly has the dictum been proven that homoeopathy cures cito, tuto, jucunde, i.e., quickly, safely and pleasantly. She cured him in a short time, quickly, safely and pleasantly, and he, to be sure, was put to the great inconvenience of taking every two hours a few drops of medicine upon a broken lump of sugar — I permitted him to take his medicine on sugar, because in his place of business he had no water.

But this was far more agreeable tan to be compelled to have his abdomen opened. We must also add that for him homoeopathic treatment had still another advantage, viz., he got off far more cheaply, for the operation would have cost him 4500 marks, as was told him by one of the other physicians; added to this would have been several thousands marks for hospital expenses as well as the money he would not have been able to earn, but which, in this manner, homoeopathy really saved or earned for him since he was not obliged to miss even a single day.

Of such cases there are scores each day in Germany, in which operation is undertaken where homoeopathy could easily make this unnecessary. The immense amount of damage to the economic welfare of the people which this contemptuous neglect of homoeopathy entails is scarcely to be computed.

That one can always avoid operations or can forego the use of modern methods of diagnosis, such as the X-ray, is by no means my contention.

2. Several months ago a patient came to me complaining that his gonorrhoea, in spite of energetic O. S. and Naturopath treatment, persisted in returning. Naturally I at once thought of Tuberculin and established the fact that the man was really tuberculosis; his uncle had died of tuberculosis. I prescribed Thuja and Sepia 30th potency and in alternation, the one to be taken in the morning, the other in the evening, and weekly three pellets of Tuberculin 200th were to be allowed to dissolve upon his tongue.

His gonorrhoea was soon cured and has not, up to the present moment, returned. The patient marvels at the result. All gonorrhoeal patients who have been under my treatment found it very agreeable that I spared them the inconvenience of the troublesome injections and the everlasting and time-consuming water irrigations and ablutions and that they nevertheless were cured.

3. Some time ago a woman came to me who for several months had been treated for severe headaches by an allopathic physician, without any benefit. I, too, at first, groped about in the dark; ophthalmoscopic examination, urine analysis and other various methods of examination did not lead me any further. At first I believed, inasmuch as the woman so told me, that her headaches were aggravated by lying on her back; and on one occasion that a darkened room ameliorated. But further examination showed these symptoms to be wrong. Finally, after some ten days, I came to the conclusion that the headaches of which the woman complained tallied with those spoken of by Farrington in his “Clinical Materia Medica,” where he says:.

“Occasionally you will find Zinc indicated in obstinate pain in the head, obstinate in its persistence, yet intermittent in its quality, now very severe, and now fading away, but continually returning”.

And so I prescribed Zincum 6x, a drop every two hours. After the third dose the head pains improved lastingly, though after several days they again returned because the patient had not observed my strict caution to refrain from work. But compelled by this relapse, she now followed my directions more closely and this she had no cause to regret, because she continued to improve and soon thereafter was once more capable of doing her work.

And thus does many a one drag himself along throughout the years with constant headache; all electrical treatment, all the aspirin and antipyrin, all giving up to the complaint, is of no avail, he becomes tired of life; with his abilities he could accomplish much more, if only he were free from the burdensome headaches; he were more happy and lively. Why must so many people be tortured so long ? Because homoeopathy is still a little violet which blooms unseen.

Is it really so difficult to believe in the curative power of homoeopathic dilutions, even of the high potencies, when there is such a thing as wireless telegraphy which indeed borders upon the realm of fairy tales? The reason Hahnemanns great and wonderful teaching since the time of its birth in 1796 has not found universal acceptance is because of the boundless materialism of mankind which has become obsessed with the belief that only “much, much can help.” But the time will yet come when everyone will acknowledge that “a little helps greatly”.

Med. Robert Kaufmann