Hpathy Needs Your Help!


PROVOCATIVE CASES. The scientist plays his part in the handling of classic cases; while the work of the artist manifests itself in the resolution of romantic cases. These latter are not numerous but they rouse up curiosity and a courage to meet Nature’s challenge. They are provocative cases. And the reputation of HOMOEOPATHY and of the Homoeopathy goes high, high up at the favorable; conclusion of such cases.


THE UNWANTED. Hahnemann, as you know, gave thought and study to the infinitesimal dosage of drugs accompanied by his always famous method of potentisation. His ability to reason stemmed from this boyhood experiences under the tutelage of his fathers who continuously emphasized the importance of thinking.


CANCER NOSODES. The homoeopathic preparation and potentizing of these diseased tissues makes them a similar remedy of use in treating cancer. Just as Tuberculinum is invaluable in the homoeopathic treatment of chronic and even of acute diseases, since it has been well-proven, doubtless Carcinosin would quickly have a large field of use if it were sufficiently proven.


COMMUNICATIONS. In the cradle of Homoeopathy, Germany, the Homoeopathic physicians designated a SIMILIMUM a medicine, drug, remedy, (1) the sick-making characteristics of which closely COINCIDE with (2) the characteristics of the feelings and behaviour of the sick person and his organs. It is this COINCIDE which MAY make a remedy, drug, medicine (Arzenimittel) a SIMILIMUM; nothing else can.


THE FIRST HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL AND CLINIC. Hahnemann’s loyal disciples and the ” half homoeopaths.” Moreover, when Hahnemann moved to Paris in June 1935, after writing the Directors that he had no further use of the hospital, his enemies started a caused against Schweikert and his conscientious assistant, Seidel. Stung by their false accusations and innuendoes, Schweikert resigned.


EDITORIAL. Hahnemann and Hayes played the entire keyboard from the crude drug up to the DMM potency. In fact we have it from the clear headed Fincke that Hahnemann in his late years allowed the patient but one sniff from the open bottle of a very high potency for starting a disordered constitution toward harmony and health.