Pain as if the menses were to take place without occurring. Delayed, scarce menstruation with feeling of abdominal enlargement. Cystic ovaritis. Oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea due to anemia.

WORSE–Cold air, motion, damp weather.

BETTER–Dry weather and lying on belly.

Aletris farinosa–Chlorotic patients with hypochromic anemia. Mental and bodily weakness. Distended abdomen and marked lassitude. Oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea due to ovarian insufficiency.

Chlorotic, dyspeptic young women with vertigo and fainting. Delayed, scarce menstruation with labor-like intense pains, dark blood in coagula, sensation of weight in the uterine region spreading to right inguinal region. In Dr. Hale’s opinion, Aletris farinosa is the China off. of pelvic organs.

Helonias dioica–Languid, inactive, tired patients who wish to be left alone. Irritably tempered, these patients reject any suggestion opposing their own ideas. Macrocytic anemia. Patient is conscious of her uterus, that is, all of her troubles are located in the small pelvis.

Oligomenorrhea with atony and functional ovarian insufficiency. Amenorrhea due to general atony with dark, scarce, coagulated, offensive menstruation. Vulvar pruritus and pre- menstrual congestive mastitis with excessive pain in both nipples. The patient does not tolerate garment pressure at level of chest. Oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea of precancerous states. With this condition are frequently associated nephritis, diabetes mellitus et insipidus. Albuminuric nephritis and phosphaturia.

WORSE–By motion and touch.

BETTER–By occupying the mind with thoughts of something different from the disease and by amusing oneself.

Conium maculatum–Best adapted to unmarried women, who are always dejected, timid and inclined to weeping. The patient is indolent and nothing awakens her interest. Diminution of intellectual facilities, the slightest mental effort is exhausting. These patients shun society and are afraid of being alone. Vertigo, that becomes aggravated on turning the head to the left.

Oligomenorrhea with scarce, weak menstruation, which occurs in coagula, with terrible pain in both ovaries with hysterical paroxysms. During and after menstruation, a vesicular urticaria is often associated invading the face and the trunk. Sclerocystic ovaritis. Ovarian insufficiency with sensation of pain and hardness at the level of these organs. Vulvar pruritus.

Generalized lymphangitis. Scrofulism. Precancerous states. Premenstrual mastitis with flaccid, lax glands and contracted nipples.

WORSE–At night, before and after menstruation, in celibacy.

BETTER–By motion, pressure and heat.

Actea racemosa (Cimicifuga)–Irritable, nervous patients with incessant loquacity, variable temper, alternate cheerfulness and profound despair. Fear of death. Hallucinatory phenomena during menstrual stages.

Oligomenorrhea with scarce, dark menstruation in small coagula, offensive, always irregular with lumbar pain and nervousness, sharp pains of a neuralgic type in both ovaries. Menstruation suppressed due to violent emotions, cold weather or catarrhal states. Hysteriform phenomena and epileptic spasms. Hemichorea.

WORSE–During menses, in cold weather and at night.

BETTER–By heat and by taking food.

Viburnum opulus–Sensation of vertigo with headache and heaviness situated in the left supraorbital region if the menstruation does not appear. Irritability, depression. The patient is unable to do any mental work.

Oligomenorrhea with sensation of congestion of the small pelvis and improvement as menstruation appears. Oligomenorrhea with intense sharp spasmodic pains in both ovaries, colic before and during menstruation which presents itself scarce, thin, slightly colored, with cramping and neuralgic pains, and lasts a few hours after which it is discontinued and returns after several hours or days in great coagula and with offensive odor. Membranous dysmenorrhea. Congestive ovaritis. Pelvic pains of a cramping type.

WORSE–By heat, at night and lying on the sick side.

BETTER–In the open air and by rest.

Belladonna–The elective action of this remedy is on the central nervous system and the circulatory system. Great over- excitement. Hallucinations with violent delirium. The patients are always endeavoring to flee. Tendency to bite and tear objects to pieces. Great sensibility, light and noise intolerable. Congestive cephalalgia with pounding in the brain and carotids. Photophobia. Dejection, melancholy, despair. Hysteria that becomes aggravated by the absence of menstruation.

In oligomenorrhea, Belladonna is greatly useful when the menstruation appears with congestive or neuralgic pain of the ovaries, the right ovary being more affected. Delayed menses with lancinating pains invading the hip and thighs. The menstruation has a bright red or a very dark color. It comes in coagula and has a marked offensive odor.

Pain in the small pelvis, uterus and ovaries occurs with such sensitivity that the patient suffers terrible pains at each step. The slightest pressure is intolerable and pains are of heaviness and fullness at ovary level, especially on the right. Sensation as if the full contents of the abdomen were to come out through the vulva. Acute premenstrual mastitis.

WORSE–By motion, touch, noises, air drafts, light and by lying down.

BETTER–With rest, by sitting down, heat and darkness.

Ignatia amara–Extremely sensitive, nervous, melancholic patients of a changeable, inconstant, irresolute character. Mental variability from anger or indifference to laughter or tears, anxiety and hastiness in action. Imaginary fear as to one’s health. The patient needs being alone. Concentrated anguish with sighs and tears.

In oligomenorrhea, pains are of a spasmodic type, with black blood in coagula and with offensive odor when the menstruation presents itself. The pain in the uterus is of a spastic or a cramping type, with anguish, laxity which may result in fainting.

Oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea with heaviness in the head, frontal pain with stomach emptiness, photophobia, ear buzzing, tachycardia and nervousness during menstruation. Menses suppressed by emotions, with sighs and sobbing, precordial anguish.

WORSE–In the morning, in the open air, by drinking coffee and after some trouble or emotion.

BETTER–Heat and change in position of body.

Hyoscyamus niger–It acts deeply on the cerebrospinal nervous system, causing illusions and hallucinatory phenomena. Mania with agitation, high loquacity, delirium and lasciviousness.

Weak, melancholic patients with great difficulty in expressing their own thoughts. Jealousy, fear of being alone, fury with desire for striking and killing, delirium with agitation. The patient is inclined to undress and show her genitals.

Hyoscyamus niger is indicated in oligomenorrhea when the nervous system is more affected. Hysterical spasms and pains precede the menses. Oligomenorrhea with suppressed menstruation with convulsive phenomena of the hands and feet. Profuse transpiration with headache and rigidity of the jaws. Enuresis and spasms of an epileptic form type. Mydriasis, amaurosis and amblyopia of short duration with stupor. Sometimes the menstruation presents itself with abundant flow with vesical paralysis.

WORSE–At night, during menses, after eating and on going to bed.

BETTER–By standing up and in the day.

Valeriana officinalis–Hysterical, very sensitive patients presenting phenomena of a spastic type in general, marked restlessness, excitability and insomnia. Hysterical globus. Mydriasis with visual scotomae. Dyspepsia with aerophagia and constant choliphagia.

Oligomenorrhea with scarce menstruation and large coagula, with which are associated neurasthenic phenomena, cephalalgias with sensation of intense cold in the head and back. Ovarian in-

sufficiency of unmarried young women.

Oophorinum (ovarian extract)–Menses appearing every 40 or 65 days, with congestive premenstrual and postmenstrual mastitis. The menstruation is painful, in coagula, and has a short duration. Adiposogenital syndrome. Vulvar pruritus. Acne rosacea, which becomes aggravated during the premenstrual stage. (Drs. Alexander L. Blackwood, John H. Clark and William Boericke.).


1st–In order to secure a healing effect in oligomenorrhea, a frequent syndrome in feminine genital life, it is essential, before prescribing a homoeopathic medication, to establish a differential diagnosis in connection with disturbances akin to this ailment.

2nd–Oligomenorrhea, which has been considered by gynaecologists as a manifestation of second degree ovarian insufficiency, IS SUSCEPTIBLE TO COMPLETE CURE THROUGH HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICATION, and





Hilario Luna Castro