Rhus toxicodendron 6X to 30X–Aside from its relation to the rheumatic diathesis, it is especially indicated in elderly patients with weak memory, aversion to mental exertion, vertigo, pressure in head (forehead), amelioration from nosebleed.

Sabadilla 4X–Nervous exhaustion with chills, unable to do mental work, hypochondriasis; vertigo when rising from stooping;

stupefied; pressure on eyes; chest oppression; spine sensitive with sensation in sacral region of having been beaten. Desire to lie down, yet then all symptoms are worse. Restless sleep, drops off to sleep late; awakens often with much dreaming. Bulimia; burning in stomach; meteorism. Perspires easily from exertion and at nights. Sexual desire much diminished, even refused; nocturnal pollutions without erection.

Salix nigra 4X–Depressed mood from general nervous weakness and especially weakness of sexual organs (spermatorrhoea; impotence from sexual abuse, especially masturbation).

Sarsaparilla 4X–Is an important constitutional remedy in sycosis. Headache principally in occiput extending forward; can not work, is distracted; insomnia. Unhealthy skin.

Selenium 10X– Great nervous exhaustion, hence patient is forgetful, unable to work, tires easily and needs much sleep, but gets only very little, insufficient sleep. Every exertion, also heat and alcohol, aggravate the nervous exhaustion and causes hot flushes and perspiration. The great irritability may also be the result of sexual weakness from spinal cord centers and aggravated by sexual events.

Sepia 6X to 30X–The great haste shows the degree of severe exhaustion, especially when patient rests (Sunday aggravation), hence sitting down does not satisfy, while fast motion (sport) relieves. The venous stasis leads to headache, congestion and oppression of heart. Obstipation usual.

Silicea 10X–Aside from disturbed metabolism (chronic rheumatic condition), but especially inclination to suppurative conditions, it is an important remedy on account of chronic weakness in the nervous system, manifested by depressed moods and lack of interest with pressure in occiput. Bruised feeling in sacral region often is related to constipation. Footsweat is an important indication. Warmth relieves, especially, the pressure in head, and is carved by the patient.

Spigelia 4X to 10X–Patient fears some misfortune and is generally full of fear; heart symptoms (much excited heart action with stitching pain) and headache (usually of neuralgic type).

Stannum 10X–The great nervous and physical weakness lead to depressed moods, and also to headache, vertigo, tremors, palpitation from every little exertion and excitement; insomnia. Face pale.

Staphisagria 4X to 30X–Anger and worry, as well as loss of body fluids, are causative factors of exhaustion signified by pale face, hypochondriac moods, desires to be alone. Increased sensation of hunger which, when satisfied, forces urination. Sleep poor; very tired mornings. Avoids the opposite sex; yet many sexual thoughts and voluptuous dreams.

Strophanthus 4X acts as a heart tonic.

Strychninum phosphoricum 6X–Aside from irritability and insomnia, which cause morning aggravation, the stomach is atonic; poor digestion. Mental over-exertion damages generally and especially the stomach activity.

Sulphur 10X–The constitutional relations are important; next most prominent are congestions and blood stasis (heart, hyperemia, haemorrhoids). Such patients are sullen, absent- minded, can not do mental work, and complain of forgetfulness; also sexual weakness.

Tabacum 6X–The autonomic nervous system in its relation to circulation; gastro-intestinal conditions are prominent in this remedy. It has pressing headache with sensation of heat, increasing to migraine with vertigo, nausea and vomiting; heart symptoms (sensation of strangling, fear of suffocation, weak and irregular pulse, pain radiating into left arm with paralytic sensation; constrictive feeling in throat; cold extremities; sticky perspiration). Diarrhea frequently. Very trembly.

Tarantula 6X to 30X–Its excessive irritability is shown in general haste, especially in hands which always must play with something. Yet there is aggravation from motion. The irritability also causes poor sleep, trembling and jerking in extremities. The numbness in legs may here also be connected with sexual irritation. There is a sensation of chilliness all through the body.

Theridion 4X–The head symptoms are most prominent. Throbbing, pressing headache from brow to occiput, worse at beginning of motion; vertigo spontaneous or when closing eyes; may increase to migraine with nausea and vomiting; flickering before eyes, or pressing and burning in eyes; tinnitus aurium. Aggravation after awakening.

Vertebrae are sensitive. Patient is very tired and sleepy. Aggravation from every noise and heat of sun; great irritability. Shivers and trembling are usually present. Sexuality weak.


Alexander Zweig
Zweig, Alexander 1881-1934
Alexander Zweig (born June 11, 1881 in Oels [1] , † July 1, 1934 Hirschberg ) was a German physician, homeopath and medical writer.
In 1906 Zweig settled as a practical doctor in the Silesian Hirschberg, where he finally became the owner of his own sanatorium. In addition to his work as a doctor, Zweig did well as a medical writer: Until the 1930s, he published a number of medical reference books and guides.
Author of :
Nervous Diseases: A homeopathic-clinical compendium of the most important nerve diseases. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Small Vademecum: Introduction to Homeopathy. Willmar Schwabe, Leipzig 1927.
Instructions for the study of practical homeopathy for physicians. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Local spasm forms (employment spasm, swallowing, calf cramp) and their treatment. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1929.
Soul disease. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1930.
Allergic diseases and their homeopathic treatment. O. Enslin, Berlin 1930.