Helleborus nig. 4X–Depressive moods; sensation of waves in heal and pulsation with vertigo. Back and lower extremities weak, with occasional jerkings.

Helonias dioica 4X–Irritable disposition or depressed, leading not only to sensation of weakness and tired feeling, but also to desire for solitude. Complaint of pressure in head with vertigo; weakness of back extending to legs with lumbar pain. Frequent urging to urinate; sexual irritability. Characteristic is that complaints are worse at beginning of work, but better as work continues.

Hypericum 4X to 30X–Acts especially on head; complaints often follow mental over-exertion or traumatism. Patients complain of congestive vertigo with pressure on vertex, tired brain and general hyperesthesia. Temporary lapse of memory.

Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus) 4X–Is especially characterized by great vasomotor lability, has congestions and perspiration, the expression of irritation in the autonomic system.

Iberis 4X–Tonic action on cardiac nerves, perhaps also on cardiac muscles, and is indicated in palpitation with fast pulse, stitches in region of heart with oppression.

Ignatia 6X to 30X–Characteristic is great irritability and quickly changing moods with predominant depression. Causative is often a scare, or also acute worry; the patients are usually taciturn. Sleep is disturbed (as also the appetite, which is lacking): meteorism. Sensation of contraction around heart with stitching pain and palpitation.

Globus hystericus. Asthenopia. Sexual excitation, at times with weak erection. Often complaints of pressure on vertex.

Kali bromatum 4X–General restlessness, especially of hands which always are busily employed. Nervous exhaustion.

Kali carbonicum 10X–Symptoms of anemic weakness are most prominent in the head (difficult recollection, vertigo, insomnia) and as to heart where stitches and weakness predominate; back feels bruised, extending into extremities, and causes fatigue. Due to disturbed circulation, there is “flying heat” and inclination to swellings. General condition worse in early morning.

Kali phosphoricum 6X–Here also nervous exhaustion predominates, caused by overwork or weakening sickness. Pressing headache, also at night causing insomnia. This, as also poor memory and vertigo with weak vision, all due to brain anemia with general exhaustion. Weakness of extremities, bladder and sexual organs. The sensation of hunger, returning soon after eating, is to be similarly evaluated, as also inclination to easy perspiration.

Lachesis 10X–Its symptoms are due to venous stasis: choking sensation around throat and heart with Dyspnoea and oppression, not tolerating anything tight. Though always very tired, there is aggravation from sleeping and sun.

Lycopodium 10X–Irritability with pronounced weakness and disturbed metabolism (uric acid). Weak stomach and gastric acid (patient, in spite of being hungry, is easily satiated); obstipation with bloating, better from eructation. Sexual impotence with severe sexual irritability and pollutions or premature ejaculation; also erection weakness in young and old men.

Magnesia phosphorica 6X–Brain exhaustion with mental depression, headache with ocular symptoms (diplopia, sees double and sparks, strabismus from weak innervation, lachrymation, photophobia) in children and adults. Hot compresses relieve.

Medorrhinum 10X to 30X–Mental depression, easily exhausted, leading to pressure in head and palpitation. The uropoietic organs afflicted, not only as to lumbar pain from sex centers, but also much strangury and strong nocturnal erections. Usually symptoms are related to incompletely cured gonorrhea.

Mephitis putoreum 6X–Hyperirritation is predominant, hence patient is easily excited and sleep is disturbed by lively dreams. Also the great desire for motion and the inability to do mental work are thus explained and the hypersensitivity of the eyes when letters are blurred from long reading. The cause may be over-exertion or slow recovery from sickness.

Moschus 6X–It causes palpitation and accelerated pulse, congestions, anxious restlessness, distraction and weak memory with “heavy” head and restless, dreamful sleep.

Natrum carbonicum 10X–Following mental over-exertion: Desire for solitude; depressed mood, apathy, distraction, weakened memory. Slight mental work causes congestive head pressure as if head would burst, worst from stooping and after eating. Eyes feel heavy and burn, not permitting lengthy reading, when letters flow together. Lumbar region weak and feels heavy, extending into legs with formication. Every exertion causes palpitation. Sexual excitement but indulgence is followed by exhaustion and pressing headache. Aggravation from heat (especially sun) and thunderstorms.

Natrum muriaticum 10X–Well-characterized in patients of irritable, depressed mood, disinclined to talk. Pressing headache and lameness along spine with trembling legs, especially after intercourse. Palpitation worse from motion; the vasomotor debility is expressed by cold extremities and general chilliness, both are partly due to anemia. Also the digestive apparatus is affected: loss of appetite and constipation. This remedy also acts constitutionally in disturbed metabolism and anemia. Its aggravation is in forenoon and lasting till afternoon.

Niccolum 10X–Very irritable mood with pressing in head and vertigo, especially after mental effort; unrefreshing sleep; backache, weakness and trembling of extremities, especially of legs. Patient feels best in open air, worse mornings and in closed rooms.

Nuphar luteum 4X–Preponderance of sexual symptoms: very weak sexual desire with flabby sexual organs, while erections are lacking, there occurs seminal emission and prostatorrhoea during urination and stool.

Nux moschata 4X–Nervous exhaustion; poor memory and weak power to think; drowsiness and vertigo with pressure in head. Characteristic is sensation of dry mouth without thirst.

Nux vomica 4X to 30X–The constitutional symptoms are important in relation to abdominal plethora an gastro-intestinal diseases. It is important for patients of sedentary habit, meat-eaters given to abuse of alcohol, coffee or nicotine, but also indicated in patients whose mind works overtime and who have much excitement; sexual over-indulgence. Patients of irritable moods with inclination to hypochondriasis; head dull; vertigo. Sleep disturbed by exciting dreams and early awakening, when symptoms are better.

If then the patient goes to sleep again the symptoms reappear in aggravated form with aversion to mental and physical occupation; back feels as if broken. The latter symptoms may be

due to gastro-intestinal involvement (especially obstipation and haemorrhoids), or also stem from the sexual organs which may incline to frequent, usually early morning, pollutions with aggravation of all complaints. Increased libido minus power may be present.

Oleander 4X–Mental weakness predominates in the form of difficult perception, inability to concentrate, weakened memory; drilling headache and pressure with vertigo; lower extremities weak and stiff. It has also relation to psora and uric acid metabolism (diarrhea, skin diseases).

Origanum 4X–Excessive sexual irritability.

Paris quadrifolia 4X–Pressure in head (pulsating congestion in brain, aggravated from mental exertion, with sensation of pressure and heaviness in occiput with vertigo) are the important symptoms aside from poor vision with aggravation from extended reading. Formication in extremities.

Petroleum 4X–Aside from its action on the uric acid diathesis and psora, local and general weakness are characteristic. Such patients complain of low spirit, are irresolute, heavy heavy especially mornings. Vertigo when stooping; gastro-intestinal disturbances in form of bulimia and inclination to diarrhea; backache. Pronounced aggravation from riding in cars.

Phosphorus 6X to 30X–Such patients are characterized by tall, spare build, slender stature and pale face (habitus phthisis). The weakness is also manifested in internal organs, not only in the sense of mental irritability, exhaustion, insomnia, but also as to organs to circulation: congestion to head with vertigo; nervous weakness of heart with palpitation and hot flushes. The back is weak with burning pain and sensitive spinal processes. The latter may also be due to feeble sexual irritability. General aggravation from over- exertion and seminal losses, as well as from exhausting sickness.

Piper methysticum 4X–Pressure in head with vertigo, the latter worse when closing eyes, all as a result of mental over- exertion.

Plantago major 4X–It is limited here in its action on the uropoietic system (nocturnal difficult micturition or tenesmus of bladder, diminished sexual desire with nocturnal emissions).

Platina 10X–Mental irritation from sexual organs (abstinence, masturbation) leading, aside from psychic irritation, to circulatory injury (oppression of chest with palpitation, heat and pallor alternate) and to paresthesia in back and lower extremities.

Alexander Zweig
Zweig, Alexander 1881-1934
Alexander Zweig (born June 11, 1881 in Oels [1] , † July 1, 1934 Hirschberg ) was a German physician, homeopath and medical writer.
In 1906 Zweig settled as a practical doctor in the Silesian Hirschberg, where he finally became the owner of his own sanatorium. In addition to his work as a doctor, Zweig did well as a medical writer: Until the 1930s, he published a number of medical reference books and guides.
Author of :
Nervous Diseases: A homeopathic-clinical compendium of the most important nerve diseases. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Small Vademecum: Introduction to Homeopathy. Willmar Schwabe, Leipzig 1927.
Instructions for the study of practical homeopathy for physicians. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Local spasm forms (employment spasm, swallowing, calf cramp) and their treatment. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1929.
Soul disease. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1930.
Allergic diseases and their homeopathic treatment. O. Enslin, Berlin 1930.