Hpathy Needs Your Help!


SULPHUR. Sometimes Sulphur will rehabilitate bleary-eyed, dirty old drunkards, who have no, or hardly any, appetite; whose livers are going into cirrhosis; who have all good intentions to reform, but who do not seem to be able to resist the awful, gnawing, hollow, burning feeling inside and which is speedily relieved by a strong drink for a time.


EDITORIAL. Many are satisfied and successful using only the crude drug, the 3X, 6X and 12X. The Koch treatment with its occasional brilliant result in cancer uses only the 6X and 12X. They do not seem to have sensed the fact of grafting potentized remedies and for new supply go through the original processing for each new batch.


THROUGH THE MAGIC DOOR. The marble structure of mathematics is also yielding new knowledge: old postulates are either replaced or made to bear new meanings. What a wonder! Two and two do not always make four! Length, breadth and thickness have added to them a fourth dimension of “time.” Ours is a changing, flowing world of ideas.


COMMUNICATION. I read always with much pleasure the Recorder. In the discussion of a paper of Dr. Grimmer, Dr. Waffensmith asserts that Hahnemann tells us in the Organon “that it takes five years to overcome a drug suppression.” I am sorry to contradict my distinguished Confrere.


HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPY OF NEURASTHENIA. Its excessive irritability is shown in general haste, especially in hands which always must play with something. Yet there is aggravation from motion. The irritability also causes poor sleep, trembling and jerking in extremities. The numbness in legs may here also be connected with sexual irritation. There is a sensation of chilliness all through the body.


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE. There is nothing so essential as good case history taking. Once one has this accomplished, one has laid the foundation for an approach to that difficult case at hand. But one must give time and patience to the problem. It is not so bad, when one knows that it is going to make the case easier in the long run.