Occasional pinching, picking feeling about the vagina on the outside (30). Proving brought on menses nine days ahead of time (30). During the menstrual flow has sharp pains (30). Proving increased the length of the menses (30). Menses a week ahead of time. It starts too slow and skimpily. Terrible frontal headache with it, dull and constant (30). The menstrual flow made very scanty and very, very pale. Normally, it is very free and very dark (30). Leucorrhoea white and thicker than water (6).

Sexual Sphere:.

Awakened dormant sexual desire somewhat, in a luetic prover (30). Causes erections in proving (30). Erections at night (?) (30). Modalities:.

Amelioration in the open air (headache)(2c). Amelioration in the open air (flightiness) (30). Weakness noted in morning and better by working about (30). Worse after bowel motion (pain) (30). Worse after urination (2c). When lying on back at night, ….

sharp pains across the upper belly are steady. Better lying on the left side, worse on the right side (30). Worse after drinking (swelled in the stomach) (30). Worse after eating (30). After eating, very shooting pain stomach (sharp) (30). Better from belching and from bowel motion (heart pain) (30). Worse stretching out left leg (?) (6). Much worse on pressure is the red nose (5M). An arc of scintillating spots develop before the left eye only, and only when the eyes were open (personal proving) (5M).



Donald Macfarlan