Fullness of thyroid, dyspnoea, fullness of head remained with frightening episodes of paroxysmal tachycardia, and horrible dreams of snakes, and catastrophies. Nevertheless the patient can now eat an omelette and an egg without evidence of liver disturbance; the buttock lesions can no longer be traced, there are few headaches and none of the original variety. A last dose of Rhus tox. overcame all the remaining symptoms.

If this were the end of the story, it would be gratifying, for a considerable degree of order had indeed been brought into this economy. but unfortunately, after a six weeks period of really good health and enjoyment of life, she received the news that her son and daughter-in-law were simultaneously stricken with poliomyelitis and her husband was operated on four days later. She stood up to the strain until the acute emergency was past and then the dyspnoea and tachycardia again emerged, and she fell again into the hands of allopathy.


It is increasingly appreciated that when an organ is removed from the body, other structures modify their function to restore a state of chemical balance, e.g. the adrenals increase their production of oestrogens following oophorectomy, the pituitary hypertrophies after thyroidectomy the remaining kidney enlarges when called upon to do the work of two.

The administration of substitution substances tends to reduce this readjustment of manufacture within the body. Homoeopathic remedies, on the other hand, stimulate this natural bodily response. Similarly, they encourage the functionally inadequate organs in cases such as mongoloid infants, growth problems of adolescence, imbalances following pregnancy, the numerous disturbances of the menopause, to mention only those that are recent vivid clinical examples.

This case was complicated by (1) long standing chronic infection, (2) voluminous, continuous allopathic medication for 21 year, and (3) X-rays therapy. According to some authorities the latter is the most undesirable relative to subsequent Homoeopathy.

Your comments, criticisms and constructive ideas upon this case would be deeply appreciated and I regret my absence from this meeting.

My purpose in presenting this case is threefold:

1.-To arouse comments, criticisms and constructive ideas.

2.-To emphasize the ability of the homoeopathic remedies to organize the bodily economy even after radical excision of important secreting organs.

3.-To demonstrate a sequence not infrequently found in meeting similar cases. First, a deep-seated toxic state either of disease and drug origin, either recent,long standing or even hereditary must first be tackled and eliminated from the organism. This cleansing process is aided by a rigid cleansing diet, enemas, etc. Second, the adjustment of the economy relative to the most deeply damaged area, in this instance the reproductive system. The emerging symptomatology is the sole guide, of course, but this is usually the route followed. Finally the patient’s true constitutional picture emerges, and frequently the curative remedy may be found to restore the equilibrium within the organism.


This will be regarded as a bold statement. but it may be proved by any able homoeopath. A co-operative patient, and an earnest, patient homoeopath can combine to overcome the majority of sickness to which the flesh is heir, even after drastic surgery and prolonged allopathic treatment. The dynamic vital force within continually strives to create harmony and health. Let our ministrations aid this eternal endeavor of the sick to create health. LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA.

Viola M. Frymann