Even if we cannot cure far advanced cases of the tumors and metastases, it often is possible to influence by homoeopathic remedies the physical conditions of these sufferers so favorably that they frequently live relatively comfortable and carefree without narcotics, and when the end comes they sleep away gently and peacefully without any agony.


Dr. Von Hennes, Cologne, says pointedly: The homoeopathic remedies lend themselves particularly for an actual Constitution Therapy. The altering of the total constitution in the aim of every real cure. The symptom totality serves for the choice of the indicated remedy. Organ relations are only to be considered secondarily. Often the superficial opinion is voiced, that, e.g., a depressed or irritable frame of mind is a result of the chronic suffering.

Yet one often sees at the second or third visit a happy change from the depression even though the local condition has not changed. If the view stated were correct, then the patient would have all reason to be still “more in the dumps” as long as the local condition had not changed. But one observes here that the slower reacting organs like the skin, liver, etc., lag behind the psychic symptom action of the remedy. This proved the deep operation of our remedies on the total constitution. The higher the potency, the deeper the penetration on the constitution.

CASE: 1.Child of two and a half years.

Diagnosis: Atonic constipation; sthenic constitution; takes cold easily; enuresis, but not very often. Has loved to ear coal. Dyspepsia from taking laxatives. Prescription; Alumina 30x. every second evening a few globules to be sucked. Later: twice daily a tablet of Calcarea phosphorica 6X. to be taken the same way. In four weeks a total change; relatives could hardly believe it was the same child. Appetite and stool normal, no more enuresis, tongue clean, better complexion, happy disposition.

CASES II and III. Two cases of angina tonsillaris.

Student of 23; for two days fever up to 103 degrees; pain in right side of the throat, stitching, burning; urticaria-like eruption simulating scarlatina, but disappeared in two days; pharynx oedematous and as if lacquered; no coating on tonsils; no thirst. Prescription: Apis 6X. two drops in water for gargle every fifteen minutes.

After an initial aggravation of the throat symptoms no more complaints. Patient has had at least a dozen previous attacks lasting six to seven days. Is now taking a prophylactic course of Apis 60X., seven globules every fourth day.

Mrs. J., 51, has had constriction pains in left tonsil, better from swallowing, but when she awakened this morning the pain was so fearful in spite of a normal temperature that I was sent for. Examination showed the left tonsil covered with a smeary, pussy, foul smelling exudate. Prescription: Lachesis 10X., seven globules in a glassful of boiled water, a swallow every half hour.

After two hours they telephoned that the patient was delirious with a temperature of 103 plus; palpitation. I gave her Lachesis 200X., and in less than thirty minutes there was much general improvement. The evening temperature was 98 degrees. Tonsillar coating practically disappeared. The next day the patient was only weak, but wanted to get out a bed. Lachesis 60X. and 200X. were continued from time to time, and patient claims she has not felt so well since the climacteric at thirty-eight. Neighbors confirmed spontaneously the change in her.

CASE IV. Mrs. J., 48 nurse.

Diagnosis: Prepatellar bursitis on both knees for half a year. Tincture of iodine, aluminum oxide, had been used without result. Aspiration had helped only temporarily. Prescription: Arnica 30 every evening, seven globules to be sucked. Nights knee-pack with dry arnica flowers. Course: after four weeks complete cure. Patient reports that her fear complex and cardiac weakness, which she had not mentioned previously, were very much improved, and her superintendent has remarked upon it too. It is to be regretted that she did not have the courage to report the homoeopathic cure to her chief physician.

CASE VI. Mrs. S., 49,

Suffers from left-sided intercostal neuralgia since yesterday, cause not known, no fever. Pleura not involved. The pain is stitching, worse from touch. Prescription: Ranunculus bulbosus 4X., seven drops in water every hour. The next day typical herpes zoster. Remedy continued; clay compresses. Eruption increased, but heals off in a few days under Mercurius solubilis 10X., seven drops daily. During the entire course the pain was easily tolerated even without narcotics, and there was no residual pain.


In a case of residual pain after herpes zoster which had lasted for more than a year, Mezereum 30X. cured in two weeks.

CASE VIII. Mrs. G., 51,

Has suffered for five years from a dry eruption of fissured finger ends. Six specialists could neither agree on diagnosis nor cause. Salves, irradiation and injections had given temporary relief, but left the skin hard like parchment without any sensation. The general symptoms: worry, depression, congestions with palpitation, constipation without desire to stool, remained unrelieved. Prescription: vegetarian diet; Graphites 6X., three times daily before meals. After two weeks much improved and under Graphites 15X., 30X., 60X. and finally 200X. ended in a complete cure of the entire condition. There has been no return during two years. Patient states she feels much younger.

CASE IX. Rosemary S., two years,

Typical pertussis for two weeks, has been treated homoeopathically with Cuprum arsenicosum and Magnesia phosphorica, but no result was had. Since the attacks are worse after midnight with retching and vomiting of touch mucus, patient was given Drosera 3X. three drops hourly; after four days there was no improvement. Since the Calcarea typus was prominent, and the mother stated that the patient had difficulty in dentition and learning to walk, I prescribed Calcarea carbonica 30X. three times daily, seven globules. After this the pertussis was soon cured under Drosera 12X. and 30X.

CASE X. Mr. S., 26,

Has suffered from anal fistulae for six years; cause unknown. Suppuration often for two weeks, yet feeling well. When suppuration ceases yellow expectoration takes place with diffuse bronchitic auscultatory sounds and dyspnoea. On account of the reciprocal symptoms between and fistulae and bronchial symptoms patient was given Calcarea phosphorica 3X., three times daily, which increased both the fistulous and bronchial condition, hence the same remedy was prescribed in the 6X. potency, three times daily as much as a pea of the trituration, and later only twice daily.

In seven weeks the fistulae were almost entirely closed, no pain upon pressure, and very little discharge; free of bronchial symptoms in spite of moist cold weather. The patient’s general condition was much improved, as also the accompanying anaemia. After Calcarea phosphorica 60X., seven globules every other evening, the rest of the symptoms disappeared in a few weeks. Patient feels that he has undergone a complete physical change.

CASE XI. Mr. M., 34.

Diagnosis: Influenza, temperature 104 degrees, beginning somnolence, rales, rapid heart action, but strong and regular. Has been treated for liver trouble during last three or four years. Prescription: Natrum sulphuricum 6X., as much as a pea of the trituration every half hour to be dissolved in the mouth. Course: Remarkable improvement in seven to eight hours, followed by quick recovery, also as to liver condition later under Natrum sulphuricum 30X., seven globules every other evening. According to my observations this remedy is one of the best liver canalisators, and should be remembered in any disease in which there are symptoms of liver dysfunction.

CASE XII. Miss D., 29.

Diagnosis: Obstipation especially upon mental depression; intestines dry, stool crumbly, at times bloody from anal fissures, with difficult expulsion. Emaciation in spite of good appetite; sleepy after meals. Nasal catarrh with obstruction and loss of the sense of smell. Patient is depressed, irritated by being consoled. Prescription: Natrum muriaticum 6X., a tablet sucked three times daily. After two weeks no improvement. When the same remedy was prescribed from another drugstore improvement was evident as to stool and generally. After four weeks the 15X. potency was given and later the 30th. To quote the mother: she changed in a few weeks from a hypochondriac old maid to a happy young woman.

CASE XIII. Mrs. T. was deeply depressed for two years,

And she could not do any housework; headache on vertex, lack of appetite; much yawning; grinding of teeth in sleep till gums were bleeding. Cause: suppressed anger, jealousy. Prescription: Ignatia 30X., seven globules every other evening. On the fourth day a severe icterus developed with sensation of being very sick, and with increased depression; six days’ bed rest were ordered, and instead of the 30th potency the 200 was given, a dose every evening. Immediate improvement followed and a complete cure in less than five weeks.

CASE XIV. Mr. G., 23,

Has frequently suffered since childhood from pain and swelling of left foot; since his twelfth year tuberculosis of the bones of the foot; is now hospitalized awaiting amputation because all conservative treatments have failed.

Bernard Aschner
Bernhard Aschner (born January 27, 1883 in Vienna , † March 9, 1960 in New York City ) was an Austrian gynecologist and obstetrician, endocrinologist and medical historian.
After the German invasion and the annexation of Austria , he lost the teaching authority because of his Jewish origin and emigrated to the United States of America. He opened a practice in New York and ran an arthritis outpatient clinic at Stuyvesant Policlinc , later at Lebanon Hospital . Scientifically Aschner first distinguished himself in the field of internal secretion (endocrinology), then as a medical historian.