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INTRODUCTION TO THE HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPY OF HEADACHE. Headaches during pregnancy, after confinement and during the climacteric demand other remedies, especially Cimicifuga, Lachesis, Sepia, Glonoinum, Sanguinaria, etc. Migraine forms in younger year react well to Iris. Other important remedies indicated here are Nux vomica, Cimicifuga, Sanguinaria, Lachesis, Gelsemium or Onosmodium and Selenium, especially after sexual excesses.

If a headache is only a few days old, it is often based on intoxication or infection; the first by poisons like alcohol or nicotine, or it is endogenous, intestinal toxins. Here Nux vomica is one of our most important remedies, but it must be remembered that Nux vomica is only indicated in certain forms of constipation, for which see our materia medica. In head symptoms with gastric disturbances following “an evening out” Nux vomica often gives quick results. Of course, aside from Nux vomica, other remedies may also be indicated.

In headache during infection diseases, especially where there is a high fever as in angina and grip, Belladonna may be indicated, especially when the temperature rises suddenly with flaming redness of the dry throat, restlessness, thirsty, dry mouth, red face, brilliant eyes, throbbing in head, relieved by cold compresses, aggravated by stooping or lying with head this “belladonna type” headache, but rather Gelsemium indications, which remedy, given every hour, relieves here. Such headache is dull, and the patient is apathetic, no thirst, bruised pains. Similar remedies are Eupatorium perfoliatum, Baptisia and Cimicifuga, while the Belladonna type of fever headache is also found in Ferrum phosphoricum, Veratrum viride and others.

Among the headaches we must also count the liver-headaches for which Chionanthus virg. is often indicated (but not to be confounded with Ceanothus, a spleen remedy), which has icterus with pressure in liver region, crampy abdominal pains, obstipation and frontal headache. Other remedies for this condition are Juglans cinerea, Yucca filamentosa, Ptelea trifoliata and China, as also Chelidonium, Bryonia, etc.

Headache in juveniles, especially after heavy school-work-if there are no accommodation disturbances (eye strain, etc.)-call for Calcarea phosphorica (school-headache). It is most often found in thin, nervous, fast-growing children. In the more plump, fat type with adenoids, who are backward Baryta carbonica has given me fine results, as also where tonsillitis was frequent.

However, Baryta carbonica is here not a specific, the symptom- complex may demand, e.g., Baryta iodata, Calcarea carbonica, Calcarea iodata, Sulphur iodatum, Mercurius iodatus ruber, etc. Headaches from eyestrain demand Ruta and Onosmodium.

For headaches of girls in the puberty period, starting of menstruations which are often delayed, irregular or at times intermittent, are indicated Pulsatilla, Bryonia, Belladonna and Cimicifuga. On the other hand headaches following puberty- menorrhagia demand remedies like Calcarea carbonica, China, Cyclamen, Crocus, Sabina and Hydrastis.

Headaches during pregnancy, after confinement and during the climacteric demand other remedies, especially Cimicifuga, Lachesis, Sepia, Glonoinum, Sanguinaria, etc. Migraine forms in younger year react well to Iris. Other important remedies indicated here are Nux vomica, Cimicifuga, Sanguinaria, Lachesis, Gelsemium or Onosmodium and Selenium, especially after sexual excesses.

Neurasthenic headaches, felt as dull pressure in head or tight band around head, demand Anacardium, Acidum phosphoricum, Picric acid, Zincum phosphoricum and Zincum picratum, Strychninum phosphoricum, Nux vomica, Ignatia, etc.

Head congestion calls for Belladonna, Glonoinum, Sanguinaria, Melilotus and Lachesis; The last mentioned four remedies are especially valuable in such conditions during the climacteric.

Luetic headaches, especially the nocturnal, react well to Aurum, and above all to Aurum iodatum.

Headaches of the aged with arteriosclerosis we treat with barium-salts, especially Baryta carbonica, Baryta iodata, Baryta muriatica, also Arnica, Secale, etc. Headaches with essential hypertonia demand Aurum metallicum or Aurum iodatum; in frontal headache with contracted kidney we use Plumbum, Cuprum arsenicosum, especially when we find symptoms of beginning anemia.

Headache associated with hard swelling in muscles of neck, rheumatic pains in the scalp-muscles and occiput demand especially Cimicifuga, Bryonia, Lachnanthes,etc. BERLIN, GERMANY.

Fritz Donner