Lastly, in connection with the pasteurization of milk, I would like to give you one thought summarized by George Bernard Shaw: “To pasteurize clean milk is foolish; to pasteurize dirty milk is criminal”.

DR. W. GIER [La Jolla, California]: I commute between La Jolla and San diego, a distance of twenty miles, and every day I pass or meet tank trucks hauling milk. Those tanks are made of aluminum. They may pasteurize the milk after it is taken out of one of those tanks, but the aluminum contamination will not be driven our of the milk.

DR. JACKSON: I think those aluminum tanks are glass-lined. I understand they are.

DR. GIER: I dont know. I would like to know how they are sterilized inside, no matter what they are made of or how they are lined.

DR. GIER: I dont know. I would like to know how they are sterilized inside, no matter what they are made of or how they are lined.

DR. GUSTAV TUFO (Chicago, Illinois]: The very thought of pasteurizing milk is akin to the thought that all of us, homoeopaths and others alike, boil vegetables in slated water. The boiling water is akin to sterilization. It does not necessarily destroy the vitamins, but it denies certain things in the vegetables which the body can utilize, and which we throw away.

DR. A.H. GRIMMER [Chicago, Illinois]: This does have a most vital point for all of us to remember as homoeopaths. Those of us who are dealing with the treatment of cancer and degenerative diseases know that of course foods are fundamental in treatment. This is very, very important, and it does take courage to bring it up with so much opposition and prejudice against it.

Everything that a homoeopath does is more or less prejudiced, thats true. We all have to fight for these principles, and we might as well be consistent. It does not do us much good if we work out our lives trying to get a remedy, if fundamentally, we are feeding our patients incorrectly, or if we are permitting them to eat out of toxic material, such as aluminum and things of that kind. Those points have to be considered.

Furthermore, as homoeopaths and true followers of Hahnemann, we must not forget the mental side of the human being. He is not only physical but he is emotional and mental. All those things have to be considered as a whole.

DR. BRYANT (Closing): By way of conclusion, I would like to state something I might have mentioned before, that there is a simple method of getting good milk; it is so simple that it is strange it has not been adopted.

A simple method of getting really good milk is nothing but the mechanical method that is now in use in all standard dairies, more or less, where they have sterile mechanical milkers. The milk should be taken directly from the udder to a sterile bottle and capped right then and there. That will eliminate the danger of handling.

I am sure the great contamination of our milk is due to the handling of the milk, which is usually four or five days old by the time it reaches the customer.

I would like to add something else; this, by the way, I received from my daughter in London. when they gave 150,000 children in Paris toxoid, toxin antitoxin, out of those 150,000 children who received that “protection,” 150,000 died. There never was an epidemic of diphtheria that took quite that number of lives.

That report was made by Professor Tissot, of Paris, and is a well qualified report.

Thank you for your courtesy. I hope my will stimulate many f you to do as I have done-to study every vestige of this problem to see if these is some way to solve it other than the present way. At the present time we are framing a bill in the State of Washington calling for the abolishing of the pasteurization of milk. We dont expect to win this time, but it is the beginning of a move which eventually we know, as Germany has discovered, will be the way to dispense with this pasteurization of milk.

Chairman, Bureau of Surgery