In discussing modern methods of living, I will not attempt to enter upon a detailed discussion of the refined foods which are take only the well-known fact that such foods are detrimental to the health of the nation, especially, of course our white flour lacking in minerals so essential to life, as well as in vitamins. Our vegetables, too, are rapidly becoming unfit for proper food, because of chemical fertilization which will destroy the earth worms of our soil, thus depriving the foods of the proper nitrogen, as well as allowing some of the chemical to be absorbed into the vegetable product itself.
Recently, I was much startled to find one of our largest truck gardens a large collection of copper sulfate which is used to prevent insects from attacking the celery. As copper sulfate is readily soluble in water, it is evident that very soon the copper sulfate is taken up by the celery, and as such, is far more deadly than the insect poison. In addition, tobacco, alcohol, and the demineralization of our food are rapidly shortening the tenure of the civilized nations.
A Committee of 400 Scientists Give Their Report.
on the Status of Present Day Medicine.
Alexis Carrel has made the statement that not one day has been added to the span of human life. Recently a most startling report had been made by Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, at the time chancellor of Stanford University, and former Dean of the School of Medicine, as chairman of a committee of 400 scientists appointed throughout the nation to study the status of present day medicine, which I quote:.
Medicine, based on pills and potion, is becoming obsolete. Physiology, with the help of physic, has taught us many ways to deal with the human body, that only was dreamed of a decade ago by us M.D. s, but successfully pursued by those of the drugless schools. These treatments make us of electricity and specific manipulations. They bring biological responses more potent than many drugs gathered through centuries by trial and error. The medical profession will profit be recognizing these concepts, and must insist that schools promptly revise their instruction to conform with the knowledge of body mechanics.
The Present Day Medical Attitude: Drugless Methods.
Constitute Quackery.
The following, taken from an article by Dr. George M. Piersol, University of Pennsylvania, appearing in the August, 1944 issue of ARchives of Physio-therapy, will explain the medical attitude, and its reason for calling such drugless methods quackery. Dr. Piersol states, page 455:.
if we examine the question openly and honestly we are forced to admit that many persons, and certainly the majority of physicians in this country, fail utterly to appreciate the possibilities of physical medicine, and are even loathe to accord it just recognition.
It is apparent that for the first time in the history of orthodox medicine there is some evidence of a receptive attitude toward physical medicine. It is in this category that I place Homoeopathy. It is becoming evident that professors in great teaching institutions are losing their faith in the crude drug treatment.
Dr. Julius Bauer Gives an Example of an Experiment.
With Modern Methods of Therapeutic Treatment.
In 1942, Julius Bauer, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine at the College of Medical Evangelists, Los Angeles, and formerly Professor of Medicine in the University of Vienna, published a book entitled Constitution and Disease. To show Professor Bauers attitude toward modern methods of treatment, I wish to quote from page 23, where it is stated:.
A large group of patients with angina pectoris were treated in cardiac clinics of both London and New York with the various drugs usually prescribed for this disease. Another group was treated only with placebos, and it was this group which showed the best therapeutic results.
A similar experiment was tried with persons suffering from arterial hypertension, and, recently, with a group of 32 cases of hay-fever due to rag-weed pollinosis. The latter were treated with a placebo and compared with a similar group treated by means of oral pollen therapy. The placebo consisted of capsules, identically colored, but containing no pollen extract, and was administered together with injections of physiological saline solution. In the first group, 7 of the cases were improved, and 2 markedly so-“an apparently better result than that obtained from any of the patients receiving oral pollen therapy”.
In Man, the Unknown (page 2247) by Dr. Alexis Carrel, he would seem to be quoting directly from Hahnemanns Organon:.
The physician must clearly distinguish the sick human being described in his books from the concrete patient whom he has to treat, who must not only be studied, but, above all, relieved, encouraged, and cured. HIS ROLE IS TO DISCOVER THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SICK MANS INDIVIDUALITY.
Man is an indivisible whole of extreme complexity. No simple representation of him can be obtained (p. 2, Alexis Carrel). He is the chemical substances constitution the tissues and humors of the body. In fact, the autonomous nervous system, by means of its sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers, dominates the entire world of the viscera, and unifies their action.
The autonomous apparatus is linked, as we know, to central nervous system, supreme co-ordinator of all organic activities. It is represented by a center situated at the base of the brain. This center determines the manifestation of emotions. Wounds or tumors in this region bring about certain disorders of the affective function. In fact,. it is by the agency of the endocrine glands that our emotions express themselves. Shame, fear, and anger modify the cutaneous circulation (pp. 101-102, Man, the Unknown).
Hereditary and Congenital Influences.
Tumors and other gross pathological changes are not essential and primary factors in disease, but are the resultant manifestations of the hereditary and congenital imbalance of the autonomic nervous system, which, in its turn, produces function perversions. These functional perversions, if continued long enough, will produce morphological changes. These we know as pathology.
Health in Relation to the Influence of the Nervous System.
The work of Speransky is quoted (The Nervous System in Pathology, Leningrad, 1930, in Russian), in which all sensory and motor nerves were removed from the left ears of two rabbits. To both ears of one of them Besredkas antivirus was then applied, followed in twenty-four hours by an injection of a culture of staphylococci. The control animal and the left denervated ear of the experimental animal showed a severe inflammation, while the right ear was left intact.
This proves conclusively that the defense mechanism is depressed by all crude medication, including serums and vaccines.
As an example, E. Rodney Fisk, M.D., in 1928 gave statistical evidence of the value of homoeopathic prescribing in lobar pneumonia when he showed that the mortality rate under pure homoeopathic treatment (11, 526 cases) was 2.8 percent.
In mixed homoeopathic treatment, plus vaccines and other medication (6, 143 cases), the death rate was 6.2 percent; while the mortality under serums and vaccines alone (609 cases) was 12.2 percent.
Pathology ONLY occurs when the autonomic nervous system fails to eliminate disease during the functional period.
J. Boerema (Med. Tydshrift voor Gneehunde, 19:9540, 1935) incised the breast muscle of pigeons and introduced the following antiseptics: iodoform, alcohol, iodine, phenol and rivanol, leaving one wound untreated with merely aseptic precautions. After 72 hours the birds were killed and the incised sites prepared for histological examination, which revealed that the untreated specimen showed the most advanced healing with inhibited effects in all of the other specimens in the order of the antiseptics listed.
The Detrimental Influence of Modern Processing of Food.
The modern processing of food has been a great detriment to childhood, and also to infancy; I have reference particularly to the pasteurization of milk. After 60 years, Germany, which introduced pasteurization, abandoned it, as the government found the claims made were false and that the peoples health was jeopardized. Sir Arnold T. Wilson, President of the Central Council of Milk Recording Societies in Great Britain, who had visited Germany, reported that pasteurization of milk is now illegal in that country, and a punishable offense.
There are many eminent authorities who condemn pasteurization. among these are such men as Surgeon-General Hugh T. Cumming, of the United States Army; Dr. Sandwich, in his report to the British Royal Commission of Tuberculosis; Dr. Chalmers Watson, Senior Surgeon of the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary; Dr. Frederick L. Hoffman, Director of the Bio-Chemical Research Foundation of the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia; Professor D.F. Fraser-Harris, formerly of St. Andrews at Glasgow University; Professor Erf and Professor Scott of Ohio State University, and a host of others who have proved that mortality rates do not fall but rise, when milk is pasteurized.