Other peculiar problems may crop up in like manner before the individual followers of Hahnemann. Hahnemann says, and Dr.Koppikar also quotes him properly, “The miasma of the other common Gonorrhoea seems not to penetrate the whole organism, but only to locally stimulate the urinary organs”. This may lead to the misconception that Hahnemann kept the “common Gonorrhoea” apart from the fig-wart Gonorrhoea, for being treated locally with medicinal douches and other external being treated l,locally with medicinal douches and other external appliances.

But this is obviated from the assertion of Hahnemann, “And very little reflection will suffice to convince us that no external malady (not occasioned by some important injury without) can arise persist, or even grow worse without some internal cause, without the co-operation of the whole organism, which must consequently be in a diseased state. . . .No eruption on the lips,no whitlow can occur without previous and simultaneous internal ill-health” (Organon, 6th ed., sec. 189).

And Hahnemann never advises us to treat the said acute “:common Gonorrhoea” locally,but suggests :parsley juice, Cannabis or Cantharides” in the “higher and highest dynamizations.” In differentiating the “common Gonorrhoea” from the more pervading,more deep-acting,and more frightful figwart gonorrhoea, which from the beginning is chronic and ineradicable by the vital principle along, producing newer and newer affections when in combination with Psora, Hahnemann probably had before him the acute cystitis or urethritis of modern Pathology.

Hahnemann probably had before him the acute cystitis or urethritis of modern Pathology. He rightly observed that this “common Gonorrhoea” is rather semi-chronic than chronic,and has not the other constitutional effects of sycotic gonorrhoea. But when suppressed this “common gonorrhoea,” l;Okla. all other miasms acute or chronic goes inwards and combines with Psora which-and which along-produces newer and newer ailments, according to the nature and degree of the provocation present, to the effect that a secondary gonorrhoea remains. what else than anti-psoric remedies can cure this dyscrasia named secondary gonorrhoea?.

But Dr.Koppikar tries to establish Psora as a synonym for suppressions. All suppressions-suppurations of Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis, of acute diseases, eruptive or not,of drug diseases like mercurial or lead poisoning-0are treated by him as Psora., But, as stated above,Psora has no reference to suppression: it is the original Itch-miasm, suppressed or not;l it is the chronic malady growing within the human organism and culminating in its fruition upon the skin; it is that which remained as such in the beginning and remains so in the end.

If not annihilated by homoeopathic treatment, or if treated allopathically, or recedes after some time and goes inwards, latent and slumbering or awake and pernicious, as the case may be; and when awake, internally invades newer and newer organs, produces newer and newer maladies,along or in combination with other suppressions, acute or chronic maladies (which again provoke it to rise from the slumbering state), So,according to Hahnemann, Psora has as much a primordial existence as human beings or wild animals or the green vegetation.

It is a seed,a disease miasma rather,as distinct from its mishandling in the human hand; it is the seed, out of which a mighty tree grows. But Dr.Koppikar not only treats the manifestations of suppressed Psora as Psora proper, not only treats the tree as the seed, but considers the other suppressed conditions also as one with psora. It is not only like treating a mango-tree as a mango-seed, but also like treating other trees also as a mango-seed,but also like treating other trees also as a mango-seed. so Dr.Koppikars arguments suffer from at two-fold fallacy.

It is a plausible theory that all miasms, natural or artificial, from the very inception of their dynamically infective life cause a plague spot on the organism whence emanate all the power and focus of disease against the vital principle.

A miasm remains there as if a seed,and breaks forth under favorable circumstances against the vital principle which, in its reaction of defense, causes the symptoms to come to light. The more does the seed break forth into newer and newer off-shoots and branches and foliage, and the stronger the resistance offered by the vital principle,the more manifest do the symptoms become. But all seeds are not alike, as all trees are not one. They differ exclusively from each other in character,nature, and manifestation. Similarly when suppressed they take back their manifestations and recede inward; but no two are alike in suppressions as also in manifestations.

Every disease has it own peculiar plague spot as its own peculiar manifestations. therefore it is not enough to say that the “clogging of the defense mechanism and the curative process” of the vital principle in every disease is to be regarded as Psora. Every disease natural or artificial, in its suppression or clogging of the vital principle differs from every other and requires for remedial aid a different medicine. One may require sulphur, another Syphilinum, a third Mercurius, and so forth, We can not generals0-much less in the way of Dr.Koppikar-on the data of all the 400 millions of Chinese nationals that all human beings are flat nosed. Homoeopathy is a science of discrimination and careful individualization, and not of sweeping generalizations, I repeat.

Any way,we must think and think a new to prove or disprove a theory, or discover a new, in our eternal search for Truth;else were are not human beings. I can not close this subject without sincere thanks to Dr.Koppikar, who is after all a brother physician and a brother country-man of mine,and who has striven hard to build a new theory of his own,be it building in the air or on a solid foundation.


S M Bhattacherjee