PSORA THE REAL CRUX IN HOMOEOPATHY. Not infrequently phthisis passes over into insanity, dried up; ulcer into dropsy or apoplexy; intermittent fever into asthma affections of the abdomen into pains in the joints or paralysis; pains in the limbs into haemorrhages etc.; and it was not difficult to discover that the latter diseases must also have their foundations in the original malady and can only be part of a far greater whole.

The real crux in Homoeopathy is Hahnemanns Psora theory. Considerable agitation on this taken place since despite their good percentage of right scoring in medicine,are inclined either to disbelieve or misunderstand the Psora theory senile day dream of an octogenarian, some others misunderstand in their own different ways. But the delectable ridicule comes from those that try to reorient Hahnemanns Psora theory, as if it is in would to be changed and shaped according to ones own mans reasoning and ex-explain the unchangeable, eternally fixed truth, with a new light added to it. You may call it dogmatism: call it or not, this is diamond truth that knows no trunk than distort his maxims or discard them completely.

A similar occasion arises in the clever discourse of Dr.Koppikar, published in the August 48 Number of The Homoeopathic Recorder. S.P. Koppikar, M.D., B.H.M.S: Psora, The Homoeopathic Recorder, LXIV; 2 aUG.1948), p.27. The board of editors have given first priority to this essay and rightly, too, in my opinion, as the subject is one of the basic ones in Homoeopathy and Dr.K.Koppikar has disavowed Hahnemann in an ingenious way, which though it looks brilliant on the first sight,m re-opens the old mater only.

Hahnemann says, “I spent twelve years in investigating the source of this incredibly large number of chronic affections, in ascertaining and collecting certain proofs of this great truth, which had remained unknown to all former or contemporary observers and in discovering at the same time the principal antipsoric remedies” (Organon, 6th ed., p. 1678, footnotes), which speaks of the tremendous task laboriously accomplished in the course of twelve years in discovering the4 real cause of so many chronic diseases. Can all these years of uphill efforts prove futile at last ? Dr.Koppikar also takes not of this phenomenon in his second paragraph.

It is not unfortunate that Hahnemann laid the sole emphasis on Itch in defining the nature and origin of Psora. Like a historian he traced the origin of Psora down to the age of Moses, about 3550 years ago,and quotes Calmed, saying “Leprosy is similar to an inveterate Itch with violent itching”, and himself remakes. “The ancients also mention the peculiar characteristic voluptuous itching which them as now, which after the scratching a painful burning follows; among others Plato, who calls the itch Glykypikron, while Cicero marks the Dulcedo of scabies” (Chronic Diseases, P. 36, footnote, C.Ringer & Co. ed.)

He traces the different transforming stages of the Itch-miasm through different centuries, which sometimes appeared as itch or scabies, sometimes as leprosy proper, some other times as erysipelas. The transformation made no difference, as the essential nature of the Itch-miasm was maintained in all the out breaks and like broad daylight, the Itch showed itself equivalent to Psora. Apart from his scholarly investigation, Hahnemann approached the subject as a scientist-bacteriologist, too. man approached the subject as scientist-bacteriologist, too. Dr.Koppikar rightly quotes Hahnemann. “These exceedingly small animals are a kind of mite.”

In the mode of propagation of the Asiatic cholera,m published in his lesser Writings, Hahnemann describes comma bacilli as “:excessively minute, invisible, living creatures,so inimical to human life” In the Chronic Diseases, p. 99, footnote, he observes, “Psora. . .which causes its germs to develop,” and the same work, p.,75,footnote, records, “chronic-miasmas are diseases parasites and infectious”,. and the parasitic nature of acute eruptive diseases also.

Though any suitable microscopic was not available in the days of Hahnemann, yet he has looked upon miasmas as bacterial contents. And whatever the bacterial nature different cutaneous eruptions may be, the peculiar nature of the said affections from “a few vesicles” on the skin to the most horrible leprosy is essentially the same. Homoeopaths of all climes and ages have noticed the peculiar transforming character of cutaneous eruptions., the one leading to the other, and we are thoroughly convinced when Hahnemann uses Itch: as a synonym for “Psora.”.

Hahnemanns chronic miasmas have nothing to do with suppurations for their chronicity. All the cutaneous eruptions,save and except the acute eruptive diseases like small- pox, measles etc., are chronic from the very commencement if there infective life and the vital principle can not extricate itself from their evil influences be it in latent or active form, in a patients life time without the aid of anti-psoric remedies furnished by the most humane art of Homoeopathy. Similarly,Sycosis and Syphilis are chronic miasms from the beginning of their infection and never depend upon suppressions for their chronicity, as they last a patients whole life time in their original seat if unattended to.

Only suppression drives them inwards to fall upon newer and newer organs and create newer and newer troubles in the human organism to the detriment of the patients health. Further, when suppressed they affect newer and newer organs only because they are chronic in nature from the beginning. A disease is the vital principle not being able to extricate itself from it with out the aid of human art (Org., 6th ed., secs. 78, 79).

So Dr.Koppikars remark, “Gonorrhoea and Syphilis become chronic only if their early manifestations are . . . suppressed (para 17)., is going against the findings of more than a century of homoeopathic investigations and is like placing the carriage before the horse. Hahnemann laid as much emphasis on the chronic nature of the three miasms as on their suppressions. We may subdue an emphasis to suit out own purpose; but Hahnemann must be studied in his own real context.

Hahnemann was fully aware of all forms of suppressions and artificial diseases. Of drug disease created by the antipathic treatment he speaks at length in the organon. In the Chronic Diseases, P.30, footnote, he says.

Not infrequently phthisis passes over into insanity, dried up; ulcer into dropsy or apoplexy; intermittent fever into asthma affections of the abdomen into pains in the joints or paralysis; pains in the limbs into haemorrhages etc.; and it was not difficult to discover that the latter diseases must also have their foundations in the original malady and can only be part of a far greater whole.

Further, to Hahnemann absence of seminal discharges of youths, accompanying subdue sexual pleasure, was a dangerous as excessive pollutions. In the chronic diseases, P.121, footnote 2,we find,”With healthy chaste young men, palliations naturally only take place every twelve or fourteen days,without any attending troubles, and they are followed by cheerfulness and a feeling of strength and serenity.”

About diseases following mental onslaughts like “anxiety, worry,vexation,wrong and then he frequent occurrences of great fear and fright”: which naturally lead to suspension of moral and emotional alone in the human mind, and in many instances oppressed and suppressed feelings, about such conditions Hahnemann has dealt at length insect. 210-23o of his monumental; work, Organon of Medicine. Many similar instances may be cited. That he did not lay emphasis on the “other suppressions”, as alleged by Dr.Koppikar, is not real.,

But he looked at the subject from a different angle of vision from Dr.Koppikars as is evident from the above. He was fortunate enough to stroke at the root of the evil. Psora,the hydraheaded monster,the mother of the limitless woes of making, which when awake is the real cause of newer and newer affections of the human organism (save, of course,the typical nonvenereal ones). therefore the other (non-venereal) suppressions were not of any special import to Hahnemann.

They were only the off springs of Psora,since much a suppression to be transformed into newer and newer maladies must have Psora in he background. when the most prolific mother has been caught hold of, what use of bothering about the miniature babies? Hahnemann did not deem it logical to place the “other suppressions”. as Dr.Koppikar pouts it, on an equal footing with the hydra-headed monster.

To a careful mind that goes through how two masterly theoretical works on medicine, Organon of Medicine and The Chronic Diseases,the following clinical Doctors SHINE IN bold OUTLINES:.


(a) Acute-if left alone developing and passing off after a short while or taking away the patient, but leaving no after- effect.

(b)Chronic-(1) Psora, (2a) Syphilis (3) Sycosis,the three. principal chronic diseases,and the causes of all others, to which innumerable names are given,and which are newer self- curable by the vital principle alone.

B.Drug diseases by antipathic treatment causing manifold harms to mankind,but never transforming into never and newer diseases as in the cases of psora.

These three major divisions are divided and sub-divided again in their various aspects, with Hahnemannian s unparalleled elucidations upon them. Their classify in process is evidently based upon the scientific recognition of the distinct geniuses of the existing groups of diseases. Hahnemann never made them one but kept them quite apart from each other, as they themselves are because of their characteristic affections and manifestations. But Dr.koppikar bungles and mismanages the whole affair. He puts all the divisions under one head,mixes them up and treats all suppressions on an equal footing.

S M Bhattacherjee