Rhus tox. Restlessness (Ars. A. Aco.). Irresistible desire to move or change the position, every little while, followed by great relief for a short time, moves again and again to get relief; worse nights. Yawning and stretching of limbs. Un-quite sleep. Lying on back during sleep. Results of sudden and a thorough drenching by a shower of rain; of getting wet by any way. Back painful on swallowing. Worse after midnight (Ars.A.) cant bear cold water or cold air. Troubles in cold wet weather resulting from getting wet while perspiring. Patients want warm or hot things. Wants to move. Delirium with fear of being poisoned. Head heavy. Hot tears. Fever blisters around mouth and chin. Corners of mouth ulcerated. Bitter taste. Desire for milk. Great thirst with dry mouth and throat. Dreams of great exertion.

Ars. A.: Restlessness, thirst, anxiety, fear of death, midday or midnight aggravation. Profound weakness, atrophy of paralyzed limbs. Black stools. Fetid discharges. Heat relieves.

Lycop. Afternoon aggravation, one foot hot, the other cold; gastric symptoms. Throat and stomach better from worm drinks. Better by motion. Afraid to be alone.

Caust. Bruised pain when touched. Lower extremities numb. Slow pulse. Hands and feet cold. No sweat.

Silicea: Sweaty palms. Sweat of feet. Constipation, stool recedes when partly expelled.

Stann. Paralyzed parts perspire.

Nux vom. High fever, chilly when uncovered. Wants to pass stool but cannot. Wants to vomit but cannot. Wants to pass urine but cannot. Ineffectual desire for stool. First part of tongue is clean. Redness of face. Patient wants to lie quiet.

Arnica. After injury. Black and blue spots on body. Head hot with body cool. Bruised sensation in body. Insufficient stool. Great desire to scratch, will scratch wall, bed, head, etc. Hot spots on top of head. Sleepless before midnight. “During fever, head and upper part are hot and body is cool” Coldness of parts lain on, aversion to uncover. Other remedies may be required but they are to be selected according to their indications. This disease is to be treated liked all other diseases with proper attention to the rules of prescribing as given in the organon.

A physician who knows his Materia Medica and Organon well will find very little difficulty in handling cases of Infantile Paralysis, mild or severe. When cases are received late and the paralysis is complete we can undoubtedly cope with that situation with a large number of our chronic remedies fully capable of curing paralysis. Biochemic remedies are of no mean value in the treatment of this epidemic disease.

Kali phos alone can accomplish much when paralysis is fully established. Kali phos. meets the atrophic condition too. Sometimes Calc., phos. is to be used intercurrently with Kali phos. Natrum mur. can be used in cases with salivation, lachrymation or with watery stools. Kali phos. usually requires offensiveness of discharge. All cured cases of this disease should be published in Homoeopathic journals for records. N.C.DAS.

N C Das
N C Das