Whether diabetes is caused by the suppression of gonorrhoea, it is not infrequently associated with it; and Med. has cured a number of cases of polyuria, urine containing sugar. Possibly this remedy might have helped the girl.

It has a marvelous pathogenesis, showing how hydra-headed sycosis is. Allen (Materia Medica of the Nosodes-which, by the way he never lived to edit or it would have been more useful) devotes about fifty pages to this remedy. There is no need to prescribe it empirically; in my experience it has almost too many indications. Allens text contains many quotations from that brilliant and indefatigable observer, Samuel Swan. I have inserted or rather added a number of notes from Swans ms. They are illuminating. (For instance: Leaves off initial letter when writing, e.g., ere for here.).

Aversion to salt.

All symptoms > eating.

Tumor in left labium cured by Thuja many years ago, reappeared after a dose of Med. 10M.

Enormous dilation of heart and dropsy (cured).

Constant desire to wash hands (reminds one of Syph.).

Prostrated in morning; always brighter in evening.

Euthanasia and bringing back to consciousness (many cases).

Nail biting I think must be clinical; it fits the nervous fidgetiness characteristic of Med.

How long after suppression can the discharge be reinstated by the similimum? In a man 50 suffering from rheumatism of plantar muscles and other symptoms for seven years after suppression, Kali i, CM. brought back the flux and rheumatism vanished.

DR. D. T. PULFORD: These cases are highly instructive and interesting, cases are most interesting and well managed. I have always his reports, and only wish I could do as well.

DR. D. T. PULFORD: These case are highly instructive and interesting. They show in the first instances how the right kind of homoeopathy can handle g. c. before the trusty argyrol pumpers get to pumping. The last is a splendid example of the pernicious effects of an allopathic-chiropractico-hypermodestico combination. From some slight acquaintance with the human race I think the doctors suspicions in the last case were well grounded Surely something is yet mighty wrong with our sex education.

Perhaps it is not so much our morals that need changing as it is our ways of looking at them. The idea of suppressing gonorrhoea both mentally and physically is no way to deal with the animal. We will have to drive both it and its twin, syphilis, out into the light if we are going to help the race generally. After some browsing about in psychology I have come very much to the conclusion that mental suppression is even worse than physical suppression.

A veritable diarrhoea of thoughts and emotions is no more desirable than a wide spread of eruption or a copious fountain of an ear discharge is it would be the other extreme, but I would rather be below the dam after the water had gone by than be below it as it was bursting. Whether Med. would have helped this unfortunate victim of pseudo-pseudo-science and pseudo-morality we cannot say. Medicine offers no answer of what might have happened had other things been done, but the thought of what it might have accomplished is most enticing.

X-ray in potency is claimed to have brought back discharge and cleared cases of suppressed gonorrhoea.

Adrian A Pompe