Hpathy Needs Your Help!


THE EFFECT OF VACCINES AND REMEDIES ON BODY REFLEXES. The nerve fibers of the autonomic nervous system pass as nervous from a gray substance to a ganglion on which they encounter a break or “synapse” on the other side of which a post-ganglionic neuron proceeds to the organ controlled. The autonomic fibers regulate the action of certain of the ductless glands, viscera, blood vessels, and all organs containing involuntary muscle, and are for the most part beneath consciousness.

A number of years ago at the Post-Graduate School in Boston, Dr. Stearns told the class that the power f a diseased product used a medicine as well as drugs could be determined by observing the effect on some of the body reflexes. This remark was a challenge which one pupil at least acted upon with great benefit to his patients and satisfaction to himself.

This past year Streptococcins have proved to be especially helpful.

The nerve fibers of the autonomic nervous system pass as nervous from a gray substance to a ganglion on which they encounter a break or “synapse” on the other side of which a post-ganglionic neuron proceeds to the organ controlled. The autonomic fibers regulate the action of certain of the ductless glands, viscera, blood vessels, and all organs containing involuntary muscle, and are for the most part beneath consciousness.

A definite morbid process having a characteristic train of symptoms finds expression through the autonomic nervous systems.

Structural changes caused by disease indicate that the patients autonomic effort to recover has failed.

The tension of normal muscles which exists independently of voluntary innervation has been studied by Forbes and Adrian. Their work indicates that the economy of energy is effected through different groups of muscle fibres contracting in relays, only a proportion of the total number of fiber groups of the muscle being active at the moment.

Muscle tone is the steady reflex contraction which resides in the muscle concerned in maintaining the characteristics of a given animal species. When the muscles are relaxed completely, as in an unconscious person, the body collapses. Kleitman has published a number of papers the past few years on the subject of sleep. He observes that the loss of muscle tone is an invariable prelude to sleep.

If this steady reflex contraction of muscle tone can be influenced the determining vaccine or drug has been of great benefit to the patient.

This influence on muscle tone varies in different patients from closing of eyelids to dropping the arms or occasionally the patient falls asleep.

It is good routine practice to observe the dilation of the pupils and the character of the pulse with the bottles of placebo in your allergy case to rule out the effects of emotion on the test.

The vaccine or drug that influences the steady reflex of muscle tone will also cause a dilation of the pupils and for a short time a more normal pulse.


CASE I. Mr. Y., age about 60 years. Complained of asthma and hay fever which starts in July and lasts until frost.

Attacks of rhinitis, influenza, lumbago. He is < east wind, wood smoke, potatoes, eggs, oysters, fish, fresh vegetables, crisco, 1 to 4 p.m. feet wet, night, cool weather.

Can eat salmon, tuna fish veal, cooked vegetables.

Arthritic pain in back. Sensation of something loose in throat. Mouth dry. Greenish expectoration.

Mag. phos. 30 to 1M., much improved.

CASE II. Mrs. W., age about 42 years. Complains of pain in finger tips, later in joints, then from one hand to the other, later pain like needles in region of apex, recovered.

Two years later taken sick with fever. Back lame, legs, arms and fingers stiff and swollen. Extreme pain in right great toe joint extending to knee. Pain in the head. Pain in the right shoulder, < motion. Heart dullness fuses into liver dullness.

Could retain no food.

Temp. 103,pulse 120. Moans with pain. Hacking cough. Heart large, pericardial effusion. Cyanotic.

Ars. iod. 3x. Case recovered and remains in good health.

CASE III. Mrs. B., are about 55 years. Menopause, mental depression. Uterus retroverted. Tender over gall bladder. Attacks of influenza with trouble in left ear. Very nervous with pain in varicose veins. Says she wants to commit suicide with a butcher knife.

Six years ago Med. 10M. was selected with a rapid improvement.

Every six months or a year she gets nervous and upset, the first symptoms are that she wants to reduce her weight.

A repetition of the remedy in a higher potency improves her condition so that she can take an active part in community affairs.

CASE IV. Mrs. C., age about 55 years. Complaint: chorea, ulcers of stomach. Could ear only toast for many months. Choking in throat, flatulence. Congestion in ear. < 3 hours after meals. Cystitis. Stiff neck. Lost weight.

Attacks of colds and influenza over a period of years left the patient a semi-invalid, living on toast, not building up much between attacks.

A reflex test resulted in Tarentula 50M. which resulted in a good recovery with few colds which are easily controlled.



DR. MOORE: I would like to ask Dr. Neiswander if he has used many times Dr. Stearns method of approaching a patient with the remedy to get the reflex action of the pupil or what not.

DR. NEISWANDER : We use that when we cant find any other way.

DR. MOORE: Has it been useful to you?.

DR. NEISWANDER: Oh, yes; if I can see what my patient needs with much less effort, I use the easiest way to get it, but some of these cases are pretty hard for me to decipher.

DR. MOORE: And you can decipher between those two remedies with just that pupil reflex?.

DR. NEISWANDER: That is right.

DR. GRIMMER: The results that Dr. Neiswander obtains are certainly gratifying, and it open up a new field. It fits in with what we know of electronics. It is only part of the picture, however, of electronics, but it is useful as an aid, not as a last resort or as a constant routine idea of getting a remedy. There can be no question about its usefulness, in some of these cases that have no guiding therapeutic symptoms.

We have plenty of them nowadays. However, I think if only presents one side of the case many times, in that many of these cases will have to be followed by other remedies, that you will not always get the happy results by one remedy, as the doctor has in these cases he has brought to us. But it is undoubtedly of value, and it behooves us to investigate further and try to develop this science along with our homoeopathy.

If we keep our homoeopathic philosophy in mind in practice, we cannot lose anything by the application of what we can find our about electronics. They fit in together. Our remedies are only electrolytes that balance the central nervous centers and restore the electromagnetic currents of the body to a state of normality. When that is done, you have a change of chemistry immediately, and in a short time you have a change in fluids and tissue, and that is how our remedies act.

When the state of sickness is on, we have an unbalance of these electromagnetic forces or these vital forces, which are one and the same thing, in the body, and disease results. If the disease keeps up long enough, we have change of tissue.

DR. NEISWANDER: I do not know that I have anything to add. In selecting our remedies by means of the reflex method, as I said a while ago, I do not use it routinely because it takes too much time. If you are busy, it takes a lot of your time. I try to use it one cases where I have a lot of trouble finding the remedy that is indicated. It has helped me out a lot.

H A Neiswander