Tuberculinum: In tuberculous patients after well chosen remedies fail to act.

Calcarea-easily relapses-does not continue to convalesce.

Lycopodium: An occasional dose sometimes aids Berberis in curing.

Lachesis: In malignant pustules in administration should be accompanied by that of brandy.

Apis is characterized by slowness of action; sometimes have to wait three or four three days before any effects from its administration is noticed. The favorable effect of the remedy is first shown by increased flow of urine.

Calcarea: When the remedy does not act put it in the childs. bottle.

Squilla, Colchicum and Sanguinaria act better when prepared with Acetic acid than alcohol.

Phosphorus acts better when the patient has been previously mesmerized.

Lycopodium acts better when preceded by some other antipsoric.

Belladonna: the unpleasant effects are much intensified if vinegar is taken after it.

Camphor acts palliatively by producing the symptoms. Better while thinking of pain.

Chelidonium: Acids, wine and coffee restrict its action.

Aconite must be given preceding Dolichos pruriens in cases of dentition to prevent convulsions.

Fluoric acid acts beneficially when ulcers become worse from too large or too frequently repeated doses of Silica.

Ignatia acts better if given in the morning.

Apis acts unfavorable if given in low potencies to women who are disposed to miscarry.

Lac caninum acts best in single doses; if repeated it should be given at exact intervals.

Kali carbonicum is a very dangerous remedy in old gouty cases but Kali iod. is often beneficial.

Arsenic is a dangerous remedy in irritable heat; dangerous remedy in dysentery if not the exact similimum.

Syphilinum: Do not forger it in old syphilitics and their children.

Iodine must not be exposed to the direct rays of the sun as it is decomposed by its chemical effects and become inactive, especially in low potencies.

Bromium (low): If preparation is not fresh it will not act satisfactorily.

Camphor should never be kept in the same case with other remedies as it antidotes their active properties.

Lachesis, if left alone, will very often be followed by Sulphur symptoms.

Apis is antidoted by Plantago and Lachesis and is complementary to Natrum mur.

H C Morrow