Sarsaparilla: Despondent,sensitive,easily offended, ill humored and taciturn; urine scanty,sandy., containing mucus, bloody; severe pain at conclusion of urination; uric dribbles while sitting; child screams before and while passing urine; mostly right kidney calculi;tenesmus.

Berberis vulgaris; rapid change of symptoms; shifting pains; thirst alternates with thirstlessness;hunger alternates with loss of appetite; old gouty constitutions; pain in region of the kidneys is most marked. Useful in both gallstones and renal calculi; haematurial; burning on urination; sensation as if some urine remained after urinating,urine contains thick mucus and is bright red; mealy sediment; bubbling sore sensation in kidney regions; pain in thighs and loins on urinating and burning pains when not urinating.

Ocimum canum: pain from kidney into ureters with passage of red sand or red sand in urine. This remedy is one of greatest remedies for renal colic.

Polygonum; Coli and calculi (Polygonum persicaria).

Juncus eff.: Great solvent for renal or gallstones.

At this point I quote from S.Jermann, a Method of Dissolving Phosphate Concrements of the Urinary Passages, Munchen med. Webnschr, 82; 540,1935, as follows;.

Phosphatic concrements are for the most part dissolved by free gluconic acid in vitro after several,days, when slightly heated. Other Concrements, especially urate concrements, are not dissolved. Mixed Concrements,when the composition is favorable, and they contain phosphates and carbonates, may be loosened and their disintegration my be brought about…. Gluconic acid may be produced chemically as well in a microbiologic manner.

The sugar- containing syrup, Kombuchal Norgine,contains about 20 per cent free gluconic acid and may be employed instead of the chemically pure gluconic acid. A 2 or 3 per cent chemically pure gluconic acid or the corresponding quantity of Kombuchal maybe given distributed over a day, especially with meal;s up to one liter per day. More concentrated solutions of gluconic acid must be avoided.

Following the ingestion of a corresponding quantity of free gluconic acid or of Kombuchal, the alkaline urine becomes acid within a few hours. Turbidities and precipitations which manifest themselves in phosphaturia disappear, entirely, so that the urine becomes absolutely clear.

Again,I quote from Charles C.Higgins, Production and Solution of Urinary Calculi, Experimental and Clinical Studies, Journal of the American Medical Association, 104; 1926 (April 13) 1935, as follows:.

It was been the routine procedure at the Cleveland Clinic to administer to patients who have been operated on for urinary calculi a special acid ash diet high in vitamins, especially in vitamin A. Vitamin A is also added in the form of cod liver oil or halibut liver oil, a teaspoonful three times a day. The patient is instructed to test the urine morning and night with litmus paper, and on each visit to the clinic a urine analysis, including the pH. is made…In each of two n instances a small stone in the lower calix of the kidney too large to pass spontaneously has disappeared entirely within four months.

In two patients multiple large bilateral calculi have decreased definitely in size within thirteen months. Another patient had a large silent stone completely filling the left kidney; after the patient had taken the high vitamin diet for six months 323 small calculi were passed. The other two patients have been on the diet for only a short time. Several other physicians have used the acid ash diet and vitamin A in the treatment of their cases and the collected series in which calculi have disappeared now numbers eighteen.

The use of cod liver oil to supply the necessary Vitamin A is beneficial and wise since it not only supplies large quantities of Vitamin A but also supplies Vitamin D, whose function is concerned with the fixation of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Also carotene in oil is of like benefit.

It is well to bear in mind hyperparathyroidism. The presence or absence of this condition must be determined in all patients with calculi high in phosphates. This is accomplished by determining the calcium and inorganic phosphorus in the serum and the urinary calcium excretion. Stones present in this condition require correction of the hyperparathyroidism.

Many other remedies might be added. There is but one great essential necessary to cure calculi, namely,the careful recording of all symptoms followed by repertorial work and materia medica comparison. Remedies unknown as remedial agents in treatment of calculi may be found to bring about prompt cures.

Illustrating the foregoing paper I herewith present photographs of actual calculi passed from the urinary tract as a result of homoeopathic treatment. In none these patients has there ever been free from further evidence of stone formation over a period of our years. SEATTLE, WASH.

Chairman, Bureau of Surgery