Another long interval elapsed. Then Mrs. M. came to the office and told me she had passed at least a half a cup-full of gravel and had been free from all symptoms. The menses had ceased shortly after her visit in January without flushes or discomfort. She received one more dose of Sars. CM. on Jan.25, 1929. Unfortunately some of the urinary analyses have been lost.

Text books on homoeopathic therapeutics form a useful and necessary part of our literature, but the indications for remedies are usually meagre and unsatisfactory to the careful student of materia medica. Moreover, they are apt to lower the standard of prescribing with those who are lazy or lacking in the fundamentals of correct prescribing. Although at times it may be possible to remove calculi from the kidneys by administering one of the remedies recommended in treatises on renal diseases, it is by no means certain that the patients general health will be benefited at the same time.

The two cases herewith presented were prescribed for symptomatically and the cure established and confirmed by x-rays. I have treated many cases of renal colic and others where clinical symptoms and the passage of gravel indicated the presence of stones in the kidney and their disintegration, but these are the only ones in which the proof seems irrefutable.

Early in May, 1918, a man 45 years of age came to my office bringing with him an x-ray of the right kidney, confirming the diagnosis of renal calculus. The stone was fusiform in shape, lay near the spine or about where the entrance to the ureter should be and about half an inch in length. He gave a history of several attacks of renal colic, always attended with much flatulence and, previous to the attacks, considerable red sand in the urine. There were a dull pain in the back over the right kidney, rumbling of flatus, distress in the stomach from drinking cold water, much belching and sense of fullness after eating a small amount of food. He was apt to be worse from 3:30 or 4:00 until 8 or 9 p.m.

The prescription was easy. He received a dose of Lycopodium 10M. on May 15. Improvement was almost immediate. The flatulence subsided and in a week or so he was able to eat a normal amount of food without distress. On June 18 another picture was taken and the shadow of the stone, so clearly visible in the first one, was absent. The curious part of it was that during the time he was under the action of the remedy, he passed no crystals of any sort and the urine failed to throw down any sediment, even after standing for several hours.

On hearing of this, Mr. Ls employer immediately sent his wife to try and see what homoeopathy could do. She had spent months in trying to get rid of stones in the right kidney and was about to go to the hospital to have the kidney removed. She was a woman 40 years of age, with light brown hair and blue eyes and weighed 113 pounds. For four years she had suffered with severe attacks of pain in the right kidney which, her family physician told her, were of “malarial origin”. About two months before she came to me, she had consulted a Dr. Bass, somewhere in Texas, who was specializing in kidney diseases and claimed to have a secret remedy for the cure of calculi. She thought that she had received some benefit from this medicines.

A resume of her record follows:.

July 12, 1918. Mrs. G.N.M., age 40; brown hair, weight 118 lbs. Attacks of severe pain in the region of the right kidney with occasional passage of small calculi since February 1914; pain may extend toward the bladder; blood and pus in the urine off and on since Nov. 1916; x-ray shows three stones ranging from 3/8″ to 3/4″ in diameter; many smaller ones. Much flatulence in the bowels since typhoid fever when she was 15; some belching. These symptoms are always worse before or during an attack.

Menses regular, profuse, painful; accompanied by herpes about the mouth and irritability; ending occasionally in a headache; followed by marked weakness. A urinary analysis made by Dr. Clifford Mitchell of Chicago showed specific gravity, 1012; reaction slightly acid; urea, 0.008 grains per 24 hours; chlorides 0.095 percent; phosphates 0.093 percent; a plain trace of albumen; considerable pus; a whitish sediment containing a few crystals of triple phosphates. A note at the end stated, “Feeble acidity favoring deposit of phosphates”. Aching here and there, in joints of calves of the legs when the weather changes from hot to cold or becomes damp. Psorinum 10M.

July 17. Pains and bloating much worse after the remedy, then greatly improved; passed 3 or 4 small stones, with little pain. Sac. lac.

July 26. Has been feeling better than for many months; some flatus; slight distress in right kidney; passed three small stones. Sac. lac.

Sept. 6. Passing stones now and then without pain; the largest one yet, about 1/4″ square, 1/16″ thick, with rounded corners, causing sharp pains in the bladder until it was washed out. Fullness in region of ascending colon, sharp pains in the right kidney and more bloating would indicate that another one was on the way. Psor.42M.

Sept. 14. Not so well; flatulence greatly increased; much belching. Carbo veg. 1M.

Oct. 1. Had la grippe and symptoms worse; herpes about lips and nostrils. “Side” hurts; flatulence. Carbo veg. 1M.

Oct. 7. Much better; may have passed a few crystals. Sac lac.

Dec.2. Some pain in side; passed two large stones, but menses less painful than for several years; no weakness following. Sac lac.

The Carbo veg. was repeated on Dec. 31 and Feb. 11, 1919 in the 10M. potency with continued improvement, but occasional passage of the flat squarish stones which would fall to powder as soon as they dried out. Three doses of the DMM. of Swam were administered on March 18. They relieved flatulences and distress in the ascending colon but headaches became more frequent and severe. The record continues:.

March 25, 1919. Headaches relieved by hot applications. Psor. CM. and Sac lac.

April 23. Headaches have been much better; flatulence also Sac. lac.

May 16. Headaches worse; two or three severe ones during the past two weeks. Psor. CM.

May 27. A headache which lasted five days. Hiccough all day today and much flatulence. Now weighs 140 lbs. Carbo veg. 10M.

July 11. After a week of distress in side, passed large crystal; weak, sleepy and restless before it passed. Sac lac.

August 13. Still passing stones. Analysis shows that they are composed of urates and phosphates. Carbo veg. CM.

Oct. 25. Not so well; more crystals; one headache (took aspirin). Carbo veg. CM.

Dec. 5. Passed five stones. Sac lac.

Feb. 23, 1920. Carbo veg. CM.

March 1. Passed several stones, two of them large and followed by some blood; still the pain was not very severe. Sac lac.

March 19. Many stones, but little distress in side. Sac lac.

April 13. Perfect avalanche of stones for two weeks, all shapes and sizes. Sac lac.

May 5. Had spell of agonizing pain, passing two or three large and numerous small stones; they are harder, many white like chips of egg shell. Carbo veg. CM. Belladonna was given as the attacks continued. When this failed to relieve, a nearby physician was called and he administered morphine.

June 26. Headaches more frequent, worse left side of head; much flatulence. Examination of urine shows it to be alkaline, specific gravity 1008, urea 0.9 percent and some pus. Feet burn at night in bed. Generally feels worse in morning. Sulph. 10M. Remarkable improvement followed this dose of Sulphur. The patient went off on a 4000-mile motor trip, reporting on August 11 that she had been very well, had had but one headache and passed several stones with very little pain. The remedy was not repeated until January 25, 1921. Then a long interval elapsed in which I heard from the patient once or twice by telephone, but did not prescribe.

She came to the office on Feb. 27, 1925, saying that she found that she couldnt get along without the medicine. She received five doses of Bursa pastoris and a liberal supply of Sac. lac. This seemed to have been of some benefit for the next visit was June 12; hot feet, some suggestions of hot flushes and a few other symptoms showed that Sulphur was still her remedy. She was given the millionth potency. This was repeated Oct. 12, Dec.2, and Jan.20, 1926; with continued improvement until March. Then a new and peculiar symptom was noted. The record states:.

March 31. General health remains good. Has been passing a few stones, preceded by the usual fullness and discomfort. Flatus now comes from bladder after urinating. Sars. 10M.

May 16. Bubbling from bladder again. Sars. 10M.

Jan. 14, 1928. Air passing from bladder again; feet burn. Sars. 10M.

Another long interval elapsed. Then Mrs. M. came to the office and told me she had passed at least a half a cup-full of gravel and had been free from all symptoms. The menses had ceased shortly after her visit in January without flushes or discomfort. She received one more dose of Sars. CM. on Jan.25, 1929. Unfortunately some of the urinary analyses have been lost. The last one taken in June 1929 showed the urine practical normal.

During the past seven years I have prescribed for Mrs. M. two or three times for some trivial ailment but there has been no return of any of the old symptoms and she is apparently in perfect health.



DR. ALFRED PULFORD: About two years ago I reported a case here that had been for some time among different physician and complaining of a pain in each renal region; they couldnt make out just what the conditions were. No matter what you think of Kent, anything spasmodic will be relieved immediately by the appropriate remedy.

Harvey Farrington
FARRINGTON, HARVEY, Chicago, Illinois, was born June 12, 1872, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, son of Ernest Albert and Elizabeth Aitken Farrington. In 1881 he entered the Academy of the New Church, Philadelphia, and continued there until 1893, when he graduated with the degree of B. A. He then took up the study of medicine at the Hahnemann College of Philadelphia and graduated in 1896 with the M. D. degree. He took post-graduate studies at the Post-Graduate School of Homœopathics, Philadelphia, Pa., and received the degree of H. M. After one year of dispensary work he began practice in Philadelphia, but in 1900 removed to Chicago and has continued there since. He was professor of materia medica in the Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago, and was formerly the same at Dunham Medical College of Chicago. He was a member of the Illinois Homœopathic Association and of the alumni association of Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia.