We have had one or two experiences in that line where little was derived from consistent knee-chest position in two postpartum patients, but with the fitting of a definitely supportive and comfortable pessary of the hard rubber type there was so much relief from the mechanical dragging effects that it seemed only well within reason to sense that, this relief would enable any medication, to round out the results in full measure and in a much shorter time.

DR. GARCIA-TREVINO: I feel very grateful to you all for the discussion of this paper. I knew I was going to learn something from this discussion.

In closing, I must say it is a fact that whatever my attitude toward my patients is, and whatever we are doing down in Monterrey, I owe to the six years I was associated with Dr. Grimmer. The least I can do is to pay him this public tribute. Dr. Cookinham told me yesterday that he was a schoolmate of Dr. Grimmer, and when I told him that I had associated with Dr. Grimmer for six years, his comment was, “You were lucky.”

I must say that whatever I do with my patients, and whatever we are doing down at home–this small group of homoeopaths I mentioned–is under the influence of Dr. Grimmers teachings.

I also want to say, in regard to the last doctor who spoke, I never recommended pessaries. I must confess I have had no experience in using them. I dont use them on general principles. I used a pessary only once, and it was not satisfactory. I always consider that we should avoid the use of any foreign body. A pessary will act as a foreign body and cause irritation. If the doctor will recall my paper, I did not advise the knee-chest position in the postpartum case. I advised that position in the fibroid case.

The retroversion of the uterus is a mechanical condition that has to be helped mechanically. Our remedies will not lift the retroverted uterus. We have to help the patient mechanically, and I have found that the least injurious treatment is the knee-chest position. I always advise patients to begin with five minutes in that position, and to increase that until they are able to stay in that position ten minutes twice a day and, if possible, introduce one or two fingers into the vagina, which is a pouch, to let the air in. By doing that, the air fills the vaginal pouch and throws the uterus forward. That really helps, with the aid of your homoeopathic remedies.

What is the etiology, the cause of the retroversion of the uterus? The ligaments have lost their elasticity, and exercising the limbs will help to restore the elasticity. You do exercise them by having the patient in that position for five or ten minutes, even if the uterus goes back to the abnormal position after the exercise. By repeating that and helping with the indicated remedy, those fibers and muscles regain their elasticity and the uterus will remain in that position. It will probably take a year or two, as effects from exercise do take a long time.

In regard to the narcotics, I just want to say that I practiced in San Antonio, Texas, for a year and a half, and when I left and sent the blanks back to the proper officers they were surprised to get them unused, both the narcotic and whisky prescription blanks. I practiced in Chicago for six years, and when I left there I sent the blanks back and they were surprised to get them unused. Down at home, I filled in only one prescription, and that was the one I mentioned.

Eliud Garcia-Trevino