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Nocturnal aggravation is characteristic, as also perspiration, and patient is sensitive to change in temperature for which symptom Mercurius solubilis is valuable. External cleanliness must not be neglected, and for this diluted tincture of Calendula is recommended. Tellurium is highly recommended by Houghton in acute inflammation of the external auricle, external auditory canal and external surface of tympanum.


Frostbite: In the very beginning Aconitum, or better Belladonna; later, when vesicles form: Rhus toxicodendron. Inclination to ulceration with dryness and burning; Arsenicum album. When the dry and inflamed skin shows fissures with bleeding: Acidum nitricum. Chronic conditions with itching and burning: Agaricus. Erysipelas of auricle: Apis, Belladonna, Rhus toxicodendron. Othematoma: belladonna, Hamamelis, Arnica. Externally Hamamelis cerate. Eczema: In first place: Graphites; in chronic forms with fissures: Petroleum. – Extensive and moist, especially behind auricle and in auditory canal: Oleander when moist, fetid, behind auricle. Mercurius iodatus ruber has eczema behind ear. Scrophularia, Calcarea carbonica; Hepar sulphur; Antimonium crudum; Sepia.


Circumscribed inflammation: To limit spreading: Belladonna internally and 4 drops of tincture on gauze externally with dry heat. If this could not be done early enough, then give Hepar sulphur every 2-3 hours, which will sped pus-formation, and is to be continued until the furuncle has emptied. Inclination to receive is met by Sulphur. Some physicians recommend Picric acid. In rare cases a dry itching followed for months for which Bellows found Calcium picricum helpful.

Profuse inflammation of external auditory canal: In the beginning Belladonna (as above). Later Hepar sulphur, and Pulsatilla, but the latter especially for subacute cases. Cartier considers Pulsatilla here useless. Bellows saw better results form Mercurius solubilis and Mercurius vivus. It is especially indicated when there is extensive inflammation of the external auditory canal with swelling, pain, sensitiveness and fetid pus-discharge with occasional bloody color and corroding. Adjacent lymph glands are involved.

Nocturnal aggravation is characteristic, as also perspiration, and patient is sensitive to change in temperature for which symptom Mercurius solubilis is valuable. External cleanliness must not be neglected, and for this diluted tincture of Calendula is recommended. Tellurium is highly recommended by Houghton in acute inflammation of the external auricle, external auditory canal and external surface of tympanum.

In chronic conditions: Hepar sulphuris, Sulphur, Calcarea carbonica, Tellurium and others are often indicated.


Fritz Donner